incuna / django-pgcrypto-fields

Transparent field level encryption for Django using the pgcrypto postgresql extension.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Pin django to latest version 4.2.3 #573

Open pyup-bot opened 1 year ago

pyup-bot commented 1 year ago

This PR pins django to the latest release 4.2.3.

Changelog ### 4.2.3 ``` ========================== *July 3, 2023* Django 4.2.3 fixes a security issue with severity "moderate" and several bugs in 4.2.2. CVE-2023-36053: Potential regular expression denial of service vulnerability in ``EmailValidator``/``URLValidator`` =================================================================================================================== ``EmailValidator`` and ``URLValidator`` were subject to potential regular expression denial of service attack via a very large number of domain name labels of emails and URLs. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused incorrect alignment of timezone warnings for ``DateField`` and ``TimeField`` in the admin (:ticket:`34645`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused incorrect highlighting of rows in the admin changelist view when ``ModelAdmin.list_editable`` contained a ``BooleanField`` (:ticket:`34638`). ========================== ``` ### 4.2.2 ``` ========================== *June 5, 2023* Django 4.2.2 fixes several bugs in 4.2.1. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused an unnecessary ``DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR()`` wrapping in the ``__isnull`` and ``__exact=None`` lookups for ``TextField()``/``BinaryField()`` on Oracle (:ticket:`34544`). * Restored, following a regression in Django 4.2, ``get_prep_value()`` call in ``JSONField`` subclasses (:ticket:`34539`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused a crash of ``QuerySet.defer()`` when passing a ``ManyToManyField`` or ``GenericForeignKey`` reference. While doing so is a no-op, it was allowed in older version (:ticket:`34570`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused a crash of ``QuerySet.only()`` when passing a reverse ``OneToOneField`` reference (:ticket:`34612`). * Fixed a bug in Django 4.2 where :option:`makemigrations --update` didn't respect the ``--name`` option (:ticket:`34568`). * Fixed a performance regression in Django 4.2 when compiling queries without ordering (:ticket:`34580`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 where nonexistent stylesheet was linked on a “Congratulations!” page (:ticket:`34588`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused a crash of ``QuerySet.aggregate()`` with expressions referencing other aggregates (:ticket:`34551`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused a crash of ``QuerySet.aggregate()`` with aggregates referencing subqueries (:ticket:`34551`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused a crash of querysets on SQLite when filtering on ``DecimalField`` against values outside of the defined range (:ticket:`34590`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused a serialization crash on a ``ManyToManyField`` without a natural key when its ``Manager``’s base ``QuerySet`` used ``select_related()`` (:ticket:`34620`). ========================== ``` ### 4.2.1 ``` ========================== *May 3, 2023* Django 4.2.1 fixes a security issue with severity "low" and several bugs in 4.2. CVE-2023-31047: Potential bypass of validation when uploading multiple files using one form field ================================================================================================= Uploading multiple files using one form field has never been supported by :class:`.forms.FileField` or :class:`.forms.ImageField` as only the last uploaded file was validated. Unfortunately, :ref:`uploading_multiple_files` topic suggested otherwise. In order to avoid the vulnerability, :class:`~django.forms.ClearableFileInput` and :class:`~django.forms.FileInput` form widgets now raise ``ValueError`` when the ``multiple`` HTML attribute is set on them. To prevent the exception and keep the old behavior, set ``allow_multiple_selected`` to ``True``. For more details on using the new attribute and handling of multiple files through a single field, see :ref:`uploading_multiple_files`. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused a crash of ``QuerySet.defer()`` when deferring fields by attribute names (:ticket:`34458`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused a crash of :class:`` function with ``%`` characters (:ticket:`34459`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused aggregation over query that uses explicit grouping to group against the wrong columns (:ticket:`34464`). * Reallowed, following a regression in Django 4.2, setting the ``"cursor_factory"`` option in :setting:`OPTIONS` on PostgreSQL (:ticket:`34466`). * Enforced UTF-8 client encoding on PostgreSQL, following a regression in Django 4.2 (:ticket:`34470`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 where ``i18n_patterns()`` didn't respect the ``prefix_default_language`` argument when a fallback language of the default language was used (:ticket:`34455`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 where translated URLs of the default language from ``i18n_patterns()`` with ``prefix_default_language`` set to ``False`` raised 404 errors for a request with a different language (:ticket:`34515`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 where creating copies and deep copies of ``HttpRequest``, ``HttpResponse``, and their subclasses didn't always work correctly (:ticket:`34482`, :ticket:`34484`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 where ``timesince`` and ``timeuntil`` template filters returned incorrect results for a datetime with a non-UTC timezone when a time difference is less than 1 day (:ticket:`34483`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused a crash of :class:`` function with ``psycopg`` 3 (:ticket:`34486`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 that caused incorrect ``ClearableFileInput`` margins in the admin (:ticket:`34506`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.2 where breadcrumbs didn't appear on admin site app index views (:ticket:`34512`). * Made squashing migrations reduce ``AddIndex``, ``RemoveIndex``, ``RenameIndex``, and ``CreateModel`` operations which allows removing a deprecated ``Meta.index_together`` option from historical migrations and use ``Meta.indexes`` instead (:ticket:`34525`). ======================== ``` ### 4.2 ``` ======================== *April 3, 2023* Welcome to Django 4.2! These release notes cover the :ref:`new features <whats-new-4.2>`, as well as some :ref:`backwards incompatible changes <backwards-incompatible-4.2>` you'll want to be aware of when upgrading from Django 4.1 or earlier. We've :ref:`begun the deprecation process for some features <deprecated-features-4.2>`. See the :doc:`/howto/upgrade-version` guide if you're updating an existing project. Django 4.2 is designated as a :term:`long-term support release <Long-term support release>`. It will receive security updates for at least three years after its release. Support for the previous LTS, Django 3.2, will end in April 2024. Python compatibility ==================== Django 4.2 supports Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11. We **highly recommend** and only officially support the latest release of each series. .. _whats-new-4.2: What's new in Django 4.2 ======================== Psycopg 3 support ----------------- Django now supports `psycopg`_ version 3.1.8 or higher. To update your code, install the :pypi:`psycopg library <psycopg>`, you don't need to change the :setting:`ENGINE <DATABASE-ENGINE>` as ``django.db.backends.postgresql`` supports both libraries. Support for ``psycopg2`` is likely to be deprecated and removed at some point in the future. Be aware that ``psycopg`` 3 introduces some breaking changes over ``psycopg2``. As a consequence, you may need to make some changes to account for `differences from psycopg2`_. .. _psycopg: .. _differences from psycopg2: Comments on columns and tables ------------------------------ The new :attr:`Field.db_comment <django.db.models.Field.db_comment>` and :attr:`Meta.db_table_comment <django.db.models.Options.db_table_comment>` options allow creating comments on columns and tables, respectively. For example:: from django.db import models class Question(models.Model): text = models.TextField(db_comment="Poll question") pub_date = models.DateTimeField( db_comment="Date and time when the question was published", ) class Meta: db_table_comment = "Poll questions" class Answer(models.Model): question = models.ForeignKey( Question, on_delete=models.CASCADE, db_comment="Reference to a question", ) answer = models.TextField(db_comment="Question answer") class Meta: db_table_comment = "Question answers" Also, the new :class:`~django.db.migrations.operations.AlterModelTableComment` operation allows changing table comments defined in the :attr:`Meta.db_table_comment <django.db.models.Options.db_table_comment>`. Mitigation for the BREACH attack -------------------------------- :class:`~django.middleware.gzip.GZipMiddleware` now includes a mitigation for the BREACH attack. It will add up to 100 random bytes to gzip responses to make BREACH attacks harder. Read more about the mitigation technique in the `Heal The Breach (HTB) paper`_. .. _Heal The Breach (HTB) paper: In-memory file storage ---------------------- The new :class:`` class provides a non-persistent storage useful for speeding up tests by avoiding disk access. Custom file storages -------------------- The new :setting:`STORAGES` setting allows configuring multiple custom file storage backends. It also controls storage engines for managing :doc:`files </topics/files>` (the ``"default"`` key) and :doc:`static files </ref/contrib/staticfiles>` (the ``"staticfiles"`` key). The old ``DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE`` and ``STATICFILES_STORAGE`` settings are deprecated as of this release. Minor features -------------- :mod:`django.contrib.admin` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The light or dark color theme of the admin can now be toggled in the UI, as well as being set to follow the system setting. * The admin's font stack now prefers system UI fonts and no longer requires downloading fonts. Additionally, CSS variables are available to more easily override the default font families. * The :source:`admin/delete_confirmation.html <django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/delete_confirmation.html>` template now has some additional blocks and scripting hooks to ease customization. * The chosen options of :attr:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.filter_horizontal` and :attr:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.filter_vertical` widgets are now filterable. * The ``admin/base.html`` template now has a new block ``nav-breadcrumbs`` which contains the navigation landmark and the ``breadcrumbs`` block. * :attr:`.ModelAdmin.list_editable` now uses atomic transactions when making edits. * jQuery is upgraded from version 3.6.0 to 3.6.4. :mod:`django.contrib.auth` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The default iteration count for the PBKDF2 password hasher is increased from 390,000 to 600,000. * :class:`~django.contrib.auth.forms.UserCreationForm` now saves many-to-many form fields for a custom user model. * The new :class:`~django.contrib.auth.forms.BaseUserCreationForm` is now the recommended base class for customizing the user creation form. :mod:`django.contrib.gis` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The :doc:`GeoJSON serializer </ref/contrib/gis/serializers>` now outputs the ``id`` key for serialized features, which defaults to the primary key of objects. * The :class:`~django.contrib.gis.gdal.GDALRaster` class now supports :class:`pathlib.Path`. * The :class:`~django.contrib.gis.geoip2.GeoIP2` class now supports ``.mmdb`` files downloaded from DB-IP. * The OpenLayers template widget no longer includes inline CSS (which also removes the former ``map_css`` block) to better comply with a strict Content Security Policy. * :class:`~django.contrib.gis.forms.widgets.OpenLayersWidget` is now based on OpenLayers 7.2.2 (previously 4.6.5). * The new :lookup:`isempty` lookup and :class:`IsEmpty() <django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.IsEmpty>` expression allow filtering empty geometries on PostGIS. * The new :class:`FromWKB() <django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.FromWKB>` and :class:`FromWKT() <django.contrib.gis.db.models.functions.FromWKT>` functions allow creating geometries from Well-known binary (WKB) and Well-known text (WKT) representations. :mod:`django.contrib.postgres` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The new :lookup:`trigram_strict_word_similar` lookup, and the :class:`TrigramStrictWordSimilarity() <>` and :class:`TrigramStrictWordDistance() <>` expressions allow using trigram strict word similarity. * The :lookup:`arrayfield.overlap` lookup now supports ``QuerySet.values()`` and ``values_list()`` as a right-hand side. :mod:`django.contrib.sitemaps` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The new :meth:`.Sitemap.get_languages_for_item` method allows customizing the list of languages for which the item is displayed. :mod:`django.contrib.staticfiles` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * :class:`` now has experimental support for replacing paths to JavaScript modules in ``import`` and ``export`` statements with their hashed counterparts. If you want to try it, subclass ``ManifestStaticFilesStorage`` and set the ``support_js_module_import_aggregation`` attribute to ``True``. * The new :attr:`.ManifestStaticFilesStorage.manifest_hash` attribute provides a hash over all files in the manifest and changes whenever one of the files changes. Database backends ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The new ``"assume_role"`` option is now supported in :setting:`OPTIONS` on PostgreSQL to allow specifying the :ref:`session role <database-role>`. * The new ``"server_side_binding"`` option is now supported in :setting:`OPTIONS` on PostgreSQL with ``psycopg`` 3.1.8+ to allow using :ref:`server-side binding cursors <database-server-side-parameters-binding>`. Error Reporting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The debug page now shows :pep:`exception notes <678>` and :pep:`fine-grained error locations <657>` on Python 3.11+. * Session cookies are now treated as credentials and therefore hidden and replaced with stars (``**********``) in error reports. Forms ~~~~~ * :class:`~django.forms.ModelForm` now accepts the new ``Meta`` option ``formfield_callback`` to customize form fields. * :func:`~django.forms.models.modelform_factory` now respects the ``formfield_callback`` attribute of the ``form``’s ``Meta``. Internationalization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Added support and translations for the Central Kurdish (Sorani) language. Logging ~~~~~~~ * The :ref:`django-db-logger` logger now logs transaction management queries (``BEGIN``, ``COMMIT``, and ``ROLLBACK``) at the ``DEBUG`` level. Management Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * :djadmin:`makemessages` command now supports locales with private sub-tags such as ``nl_NL-x-informal``. * The new :option:`makemigrations --update` option merges model changes into the latest migration and optimizes the resulting operations. Migrations ~~~~~~~~~~ * Migrations now support serialization of ``enum.Flag`` objects. Models ~~~~~~ * ``QuerySet`` now extensively supports filtering against :ref:`window-functions` with the exception of disjunctive filter lookups against window functions when performing aggregation. * :meth:`~.QuerySet.prefetch_related` now supports :class:`~django.db.models.Prefetch` objects with sliced querysets. * :ref:`Registering lookups <lookup-registration-api>` on :class:`~django.db.models.Field` instances is now supported. * The new ``robust`` argument for :func:`~django.db.transaction.on_commit` allows performing actions that can fail after a database transaction is successfully committed. * The new :class:`KT() <django.db.models.fields.json.KT>` expression represents the text value of a key, index, or path transform of :class:`~django.db.models.JSONField`. * :class:`~django.db.models.functions.Now` now supports microsecond precision on MySQL and millisecond precision on SQLite. * :class:`F() <django.db.models.F>` expressions that output ``BooleanField`` can now be negated using ``~F()`` (inversion operator). * ``Model`` now provides asynchronous versions of some methods that use the database, using an ``a`` prefix: :meth:`~.Model.adelete`, :meth:`~.Model.arefresh_from_db`, and :meth:`~.Model.asave`. * Related managers now provide asynchronous versions of methods that change a set of related objects, using an ``a`` prefix: :meth:`~.RelatedManager.aadd`, :meth:`~.RelatedManager.aclear`, :meth:`~.RelatedManager.aremove`, and :meth:`~.RelatedManager.aset`. * :attr:`CharField.max_length <django.db.models.CharField.max_length>` is no longer required to be set on PostgreSQL, which supports unlimited ``VARCHAR`` columns. Requests and Responses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * :class:`~django.http.StreamingHttpResponse` now supports async iterators when Django is served via ASGI. Tests ~~~~~ * The :option:`test --debug-sql` option now formats SQL queries with ``sqlparse``. * The :class:`~django.test.RequestFactory`, :class:`~django.test.AsyncRequestFactory`, :class:`~django.test.Client`, and :class:`~django.test.AsyncClient` classes now support the ``headers`` parameter, which accepts a dictionary of header names and values. This allows a more natural syntax for declaring headers. .. code-block:: python Before: self.client.get("/home/", HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE="fr") await self.async_client.get("/home/", ACCEPT_LANGUAGE="fr") After: self.client.get("/home/", headers={"accept-language": "fr"}) await self.async_client.get("/home/", headers={"accept-language": "fr"}) Utilities ~~~~~~~~~ * The new ``encoder`` parameter for :meth:`django.utils.html.json_script` function allows customizing a JSON encoder class. * The private internal vendored copy of ``urllib.parse.urlsplit()`` now strips ``'\r'``, ``'\n'``, and ``'\t'`` (see :cve:`2022-0391` and :bpo:`43882`). This is to protect projects that may be incorrectly using the internal ``url_has_allowed_host_and_scheme()`` function, instead of using one of the documented functions for handling URL redirects. The Django functions were not affected. * The new :func:`django.utils.http.content_disposition_header` function returns a ``Content-Disposition`` HTTP header value as specified by :rfc:`6266`. Validators ~~~~~~~~~~ * The list of common passwords used by ``CommonPasswordValidator`` is updated to the most recent version. .. _backwards-incompatible-4.2: Backwards incompatible changes in 4.2 ===================================== Database backend API -------------------- This section describes changes that may be needed in third-party database backends. * ``DatabaseFeatures.allows_group_by_pk`` is removed as it only remained to accommodate a MySQL extension that has been supplanted by proper functional dependency detection in MySQL 5.7.15. Note that ``DatabaseFeatures.allows_group_by_selected_pks`` is still supported and should be enabled if your backend supports functional dependency detection in ``GROUP BY`` clauses as specified by the ``SQL:1999`` standard. * :djadmin:`inspectdb` now uses ``display_size`` from ``DatabaseIntrospection.get_table_description()`` rather than ``internal_size`` for ``CharField``. Dropped support for MariaDB 10.3 -------------------------------- Upstream support for MariaDB 10.3 ends in May 2023. Django 4.2 supports MariaDB 10.4 and higher. Dropped support for MySQL 5.7 ----------------------------- Upstream support for MySQL 5.7 ends in October 2023. Django 4.2 supports MySQL 8 and higher. Dropped support for PostgreSQL 11 --------------------------------- Upstream support for PostgreSQL 11 ends in November 2023. Django 4.2 supports PostgreSQL 12 and higher. Setting ``update_fields`` in ```` may now be required ----------------------------------------------------------------- In order to avoid updating unnecessary columns, :meth:`.QuerySet.update_or_create` now passes ``update_fields`` to the :meth:` <>` calls. As a consequence, any fields modified in the custom ``save()`` methods should be added to the ``update_fields`` keyword argument before calling ``super()``. See :ref:`overriding-model-methods` for more details. Miscellaneous ------------- * The undocumented ``django.http.multipartparser.parse_header()`` function is removed. Use ``django.utils.http.parse_header_parameters()`` instead. * :ttag:`{% blocktranslate asvar … %}<blocktranslate>` result is now marked as safe for (HTML) output purposes. * The ``autofocus`` HTML attribute in the admin search box is removed as it can be confusing for screen readers. * The :option:`makemigrations --check` option no longer creates missing migration files. * The ``alias`` argument for :meth:`.Expression.get_group_by_cols` is removed. * The minimum supported version of ``sqlparse`` is increased from 0.2.2 to 0.3.1. * The undocumented ``negated`` parameter of the :class:`~django.db.models.Exists` expression is removed. * The ``is_summary`` argument of the undocumented ``Query.add_annotation()`` method is removed. * The minimum supported version of SQLite is increased from 3.9.0 to 3.21.0. * The minimum supported version of ``asgiref`` is increased from 3.5.2 to 3.6.0. * :class:`~django.contrib.auth.forms.UserCreationForm` now rejects usernames that differ only in case. If you need the previous behavior, use :class:`~django.contrib.auth.forms.BaseUserCreationForm` instead. * The minimum supported version of ``mysqlclient`` is increased from 1.4.0 to 1.4.3. * The minimum supported version of ``argon2-cffi`` is increased from 19.1.0 to 19.2.0. * The minimum supported version of ``Pillow`` is increased from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1. * The minimum supported version of ``jinja2`` is increased from 2.9.2 to 2.11.0. * The minimum supported version of :pypi:`redis-py <redis>` is increased from 3.0.0 to 3.4.0. * Manually instantiated ``WSGIRequest`` objects must be provided a file-like object for ``wsgi.input``. Previously, Django was more lax than the expected behavior as specified by the WSGI specification. * Support for ``PROJ`` < 5 is removed. * :class:`~django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend` now verifies a :py:attr:`hostname <ssl.SSLContext.check_hostname>` and :py:attr:`certificates <ssl.SSLContext.verify_mode>`. If you need the previous behavior that is less restrictive and not recommended, subclass ``EmailBackend`` and override the ``ssl_context`` property. .. _deprecated-features-4.2: Features deprecated in 4.2 ========================== ``index_together`` option is deprecated in favor of ``indexes`` --------------------------------------------------------------- The :attr:`Meta.index_together <django.db.models.Options.index_together>` option is deprecated in favor of the :attr:`~django.db.models.Options.indexes` option. Migrating existing ``index_together`` should be handled as a migration. For example:: class Author(models.Model): rank = models.IntegerField() name = models.CharField(max_length=30) class Meta: index_together = [["rank", "name"]] Should become:: class Author(models.Model): rank = models.IntegerField() name = models.CharField(max_length=30) class Meta: indexes = [models.Index(fields=["rank", "name"])] Running the :djadmin:`makemigrations` command will generate a migration containing a :class:`~django.db.migrations.operations.RenameIndex` operation which will rename the existing index. Next, consider squashing migrations to remove ``index_together`` from historical migrations. The ``AlterIndexTogether`` migration operation is now officially supported only for pre-Django 4.2 migration files. For backward compatibility reasons, it's still part of the public API, and there's no plan to deprecate or remove it, but it should not be used for new migrations. Use :class:`~django.db.migrations.operations.AddIndex` and :class:`~django.db.migrations.operations.RemoveIndex` operations instead. Passing encoded JSON string literals to ``JSONField`` is deprecated ------------------------------------------------------------------- ``JSONField`` and its associated lookups and aggregates used to allow passing JSON encoded string literals which caused ambiguity on whether string literals were already encoded from database backend's perspective. During the deprecation period string literals will be attempted to be JSON decoded and a warning will be emitted on success that points at passing non-encoded forms instead. Code that use to pass JSON encoded string literals:: Document.objects.bulk_create( Document(data=Value("null")), Document(data=Value("[]")), Document(data=Value('"foo-bar"')), ) Document.objects.annotate( JSONBAgg("field", default=Value("[]")), ) Should become:: Document.objects.bulk_create( Document(data=Value(None, JSONField())), Document(data=[]), Document(data="foo-bar"), ) Document.objects.annotate( JSONBAgg("field", default=[]), ) From Django 5.1+ string literals will be implicitly interpreted as JSON string literals. Miscellaneous ------------- * The ``BaseUserManager.make_random_password()`` method is deprecated. See `recipes and best practices <>`_ for using Python's :py:mod:`secrets` module to generate passwords. * The ``length_is`` template filter is deprecated in favor of :tfilter:`length` and the ``==`` operator within an :ttag:`{% if %}<if>` tag. For example .. code-block:: html+django {% if value|length == 4 %}…{% endif %} {% if value|length == 4 %}True{% else %}False{% endif %} instead of: .. code-block:: html+django {% if value|length_is:4 %}…{% endif %} {{ value|length_is:4 }} * ``django.contrib.auth.hashers.SHA1PasswordHasher``, ``django.contrib.auth.hashers.UnsaltedSHA1PasswordHasher``, and ``django.contrib.auth.hashers.UnsaltedMD5PasswordHasher`` are deprecated. * ``django.contrib.postgres.fields.CICharField`` is deprecated in favor of ``CharField(db_collation="…")`` with a case-insensitive non-deterministic collation. * ``django.contrib.postgres.fields.CIEmailField`` is deprecated in favor of ``EmailField(db_collation="…")`` with a case-insensitive non-deterministic collation. * ``django.contrib.postgres.fields.CITextField`` is deprecated in favor of ``TextField(db_collation="…")`` with a case-insensitive non-deterministic collation. * ``django.contrib.postgres.fields.CIText`` mixin is deprecated. * The ``map_height`` and ``map_width`` attributes of ``BaseGeometryWidget`` are deprecated, use CSS to size map widgets instead. * ``SimpleTestCase.assertFormsetError()`` is deprecated in favor of ``assertFormSetError()``. * ``TransactionTestCase.assertQuerysetEqual()`` is deprecated in favor of ``assertQuerySetEqual()``. * Passing positional arguments to ``Signer`` and ``TimestampSigner`` is deprecated in favor of keyword-only arguments. * The ``DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE`` setting is deprecated in favor of ``STORAGES["default"]``. * The ``STATICFILES_STORAGE`` setting is deprecated in favor of ``STORAGES["staticfiles"]``. * The ```` function is deprecated. =========================== ``` ### 4.1.10 ``` =========================== *July 3, 2023* Django 4.1.10 fixes a security issue with severity "moderate" in 4.1.9. CVE-2023-36053: Potential regular expression denial of service vulnerability in ``EmailValidator``/``URLValidator`` =================================================================================================================== ``EmailValidator`` and ``URLValidator`` were subject to potential regular expression denial of service attack via a very large number of domain name labels of emails and URLs. ========================== ``` ### 4.1.9 ``` ========================== *May 3, 2023* Django 4.1.9 fixes a security issue with severity "low" in 4.1.8. CVE-2023-31047: Potential bypass of validation when uploading multiple files using one form field ================================================================================================= Uploading multiple files using one form field has never been supported by :class:`.forms.FileField` or :class:`.forms.ImageField` as only the last uploaded file was validated. Unfortunately, :ref:`uploading_multiple_files` topic suggested otherwise. In order to avoid the vulnerability, :class:`~django.forms.ClearableFileInput` and :class:`~django.forms.FileInput` form widgets now raise ``ValueError`` when the ``multiple`` HTML attribute is set on them. To prevent the exception and keep the old behavior, set ``allow_multiple_selected`` to ``True``. For more details on using the new attribute and handling of multiple files through a single field, see :ref:`uploading_multiple_files`. ========================== ``` ### 4.1.8 ``` ========================== *April 5, 2023* Django 4.1.8 fixes a bug in 4.1.7. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a bug in Django 4.1 that caused invalidation of sessions when rotating secret keys with ``SECRET_KEY_FALLBACKS`` (:ticket:`34384`). ========================== ``` ### 4.1.7 ``` ========================== *February 14, 2023* Django 4.1.7 fixes a security issue with severity "moderate" and a bug in 4.1.6. CVE-2023-24580: Potential denial-of-service vulnerability in file uploads ========================================================================= Passing certain inputs to multipart forms could result in too many open files or memory exhaustion, and provided a potential vector for a denial-of-service attack. The number of files parts parsed is now limited via the new :setting:`DATA_UPLOAD_MAX_NUMBER_FILES` setting. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a bug in Django 4.1 that caused a crash of model validation on ``ValidationError`` with no ``code`` (:ticket:`34319`). ========================== ``` ### 4.1.6 ``` ========================== *February 1, 2023* Django 4.1.6 fixes a security issue with severity "moderate" and a bug in 4.1.5. CVE-2023-23969: Potential denial-of-service via ``Accept-Language`` headers =========================================================================== The parsed values of ``Accept-Language`` headers are cached in order to avoid repetitive parsing. This leads to a potential denial-of-service vector via excessive memory usage if large header values are sent. In order to avoid this vulnerability, the ``Accept-Language`` header is now parsed up to a maximum length. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a bug in Django 4.1 that caused a crash of model validation on ``UniqueConstraint`` with ordered expressions (:ticket:`34291`). ========================== ``` ### 4.1.5 ``` ========================== *January 2, 2023* Django 4.1.5 fixes a bug in 4.1.4. Also, the latest string translations from Transifex are incorporated. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a long standing bug in the ``__len`` lookup for ``ArrayField`` that caused a crash of model validation on :attr:`Meta.constraints <django.db.models.Options.constraints>` (:ticket:`34205`). ========================== ``` ### 4.1.4 ``` ========================== *December 6, 2022* Django 4.1.4 fixes several bugs in 4.1.3. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a regression in Django 4.1 that caused an unnecessary table rebuild when adding a ``ManyToManyField`` on SQLite (:ticket:`34138`). * Fixed a bug in Django 4.1 that caused a crash of the sitemap index view with an empty :meth:`Sitemap.items() <django.contrib.sitemaps.Sitemap.items>` and a callable :attr:`~django.contrib.sitemaps.Sitemap.lastmod` (:ticket:`34088`). * Fixed a bug in Django 4.1 that caused a crash using ``acreate()``, ``aget_or_create()``, and ``aupdate_or_create()`` asynchronous methods of related managers (:ticket:`34139`). * Fixed a bug in Django 4.1 that caused a crash of ``QuerySet.bulk_create()`` with ``"pk"`` in ``unique_fields`` (:ticket:`34177`). * Fixed a bug in Django 4.1 that caused a crash of ``QuerySet.bulk_create()`` on fields with ``db_column`` (:ticket:`34171`). ========================== ``` ### 4.1.3 ``` ========================== *November 1, 2022* Django 4.1.3 fixes a bug in 4.1.2 and adds compatibility with Python 3.11. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a bug in Django 4.1 that caused non-Python files created by ``startproject`` and ``startapp`` management commands from custom templates to be incorrectly formatted using the ``black`` command (:ticket:`34085`). ========================== ``` ### 4.1.2 ``` ========================== *October 4, 2022* Django 4.1.2 fixes a security issue with severity "medium" and several bugs in 4.1.1. CVE-2022-41323: Potential denial-of-service vulnerability in internationalized URLs =================================================================================== Internationalized URLs were subject to potential denial of service attack via the locale parameter. Bugfixes ======== * Fixed a regression in Django 4.1 that caused a migration crash on PostgreSQL when adding a model with ``ExclusionConstraint`` (:ticket:`33982`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.1 that caused aggregation over a queryset that contained an ``Exists`` annotation to crash due to too many selected columns (:ticket:`33992`). * Fixed a bug in Django 4.1 that caused an incorrect validation of ``CheckConstraint`` on ``NULL`` values (:ticket:`33996`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.1 that caused a ``QuerySet.values()/values_list()`` crash on ``ArrayAgg()`` and ``JSONBAgg()`` (:ticket:`34016`). * Fixed a bug in Django 4.1 that caused :attr:`.ModelAdmin.autocomplete_fields` to be incorrectly selected after adding/changing related instances via popups (:ticket:`34025`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.1 where the app registry was not populated when running parallel tests with the ``multiprocessing`` start method ``spawn`` (:ticket:`34010`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.1 where the ``--debug-mode`` argument to ``test`` did not work when running parallel tests with the ``multiprocessing`` start method ``spawn`` (:ticket:`34010`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.1 that didn't alter a sequence type when altering type of pre-Django 4.1 serial columns on PostgreSQL (:ticket:`34058`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.1 that caused a crash for :class:`View` subclasses with asynchronous handlers when handling non-allowed HTTP methods (:ticket:`34062`). * Reverted caching related managers for ``ForeignKey``, ``ManyToManyField``, and ``GenericRelation`` that caused the incorrect refreshing of related objects (:ticket:`33984`). * Relaxed the system check added in Django 4.1 for the same name used for multiple template tag modules to a warning (:ticket:`32987`). ========================== ``` ### 4.1.1 ``` ========================== *September 5, 2022* Django 4.1.1 fixes several bugs in 4.1. Bugfixes ======== * Reallowed, following a regression in Django 4.1, using ``GeoIP2()`` when GEOS is not installed (:ticket:`33886`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.1 that caused a crash of admin's autocomplete widgets when translations are deactivated (:ticket:`33888`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.1 that caused a crash of the ``test`` management command when running in parallel and ``multiprocessing`` start method is ``spawn`` (:ticket:`33891`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.1 that caused an incorrect redirection to the admin changelist view when using *"Save and continue editing"* and *"Save and add another"* options (:ticket:`33893`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.1 that caused a crash of :class:`~django.db.models.expressions.Window` expressions with :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.ArrayAgg` (:ticket:`33898`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.1 that caused a migration crash on SQLite 3.35.5+ when removing an indexed field (:ticket:`33899`). * Fixed a bug in Django 4.1 that caused a crash of model validation on ``UniqueConstraint()`` with field names in ``expressions`` (:ticket:`33902`). * Fixed a bug in Django 4.1 that caused an incorrect validation of ``CheckConstraint()`` with range fields on PostgreSQL (:ticket:`33905`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.1 that caused an incorrect migration when adding ``AutoField``, ``BigAutoField``, or ``SmallAutoField`` on PostgreSQL (:ticket:`33919`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.1 that caused a migration crash on PostgreSQL when altering ``AutoField``, ``BigAutoField``, or ``SmallAutoField`` to ``OneToOneField`` (:ticket:`33932`). * Fixed a migration crash on ``ManyToManyField`` fields with ``through`` referencing models in different apps (:ticket:`33938`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.1 that caused an incorrect migration when renaming a model with ``ManyToManyField`` and ``db_table`` (:ticket:`33953`). * Reallowed, following a regression in Django 4.1, creating reverse foreign key managers on unsaved instances (:ticket:`33952`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.1 that caused a migration crash on SQLite < 3.20 (:ticket:`33960`). * Fixed a regression in Django 4.1 that caused an admin crash when the :mod:`~django.contrib.admindocs` app was used (:ticket:`33955`, :ticket:`33971`). ======================== ``` ### 4.1 ``` ======================== *August 3, 2022* Welcome to Django 4.1! These release notes cover the :ref:`new features <whats-new-4.1>`, as well as some :ref:`backwards incompatible changes <backwards-incompatible-4.1>` you'll want to be aware of when upgrading from Django 4.0 or earlier. We've :ref:`begun the deprecation process for some features <deprecated-features-4.1>`. See the :doc:`/howto/upgrade-version` guide if you're updating an existing project. Python compatibility ==================== Django 4.1 supports Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, and 3.11 (as of 4.1.3). We **highly recommend** and only officially support the latest release of each series. .. _whats-new-4.1: What's new in Django 4.1 ======================== Asynchronous handlers for class-based views ------------------------------------------- View subclasses may now define async HTTP method handlers:: import asyncio from django.http import HttpResponse from django.views import View class AsyncView(View): async def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): Perform view logic using await. await asyncio.sleep(1) return HttpResponse("Hello async world!") See :ref:`async-class-based-views` for more details. Asynchronous ORM interface -------------------------- ``QuerySet`` now provides an asynchronous interface for all data access operations. These are named as-per the existing synchronous operations but with an ``a`` prefix, for example ``acreate()``, ``aget()``, and so on. The new interface allows you to write asynchronous code without needing to wrap ORM operations in ``sync_to_async()``:: async for author in Author.objects.filter(name__startswith="A"): book = await author.books.afirst() Note that, at this stage, the underlying database operations remain synchronous, with contributions ongoing to push asynchronous support down into the SQL compiler, and integrate asynchronous database drivers. The new asynchronous queryset interface currently encapsulates the necessary ``sync_to_async()`` operations for you, and will allow your code to take advantage of developments in the ORM's asynchronous support as it evolves. See :ref:`async-queries` for details and limitations. Validation of Constraints ------------------------- :class:`Check <django.db.models.CheckConstraint>`, :class:`unique <django.db.models.UniqueConstraint>`, and :class:`exclusion <django.contrib.postgres.constraints.ExclusionConstraint>` constraints defined in the :attr:`Meta.constraints <django.db.models.Options.constraints>` option are now checked during :ref:`model validation <validating-objects>`. Form rendering accessibility ---------------------------- In order to aid users with screen readers, and other assistive technology, new ``<div>`` based form templates are available from this release. These provide more accessible navigation than the older templates, and are able to correctly group related controls, such as radio-lists, into fieldsets. The new templates are recommended, and will become the default form rendering style when outputting a form, like ``{{ form }}`` in a template, from Django 5.0. In order to ease adopting the new output style, the default form and formset templates are now configurable at the project level via the :setting:`FORM_RENDERER` setting. See :ref:`the Forms section (below)<forms-4.1>` for full details. .. _csrf-cookie-masked-usage: ``CSRF_COOKIE_MASKED`` setting ------------------------------ The new ``CSRF_COOKIE_MASKED`` transitional setting allows specifying whether to mask the CSRF cookie. :class:`~django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware` no longer masks the CSRF cookie like it does the CSRF token in the DOM. If you are upgrading multiple instances of the same project to Django 4.1, you should set ``CSRF_COOKIE_MASKED`` to ``True`` during the transition, in order to allow compatibility with the older versions of Django. Once the transition to 4.1 is complete you can stop overriding ``CSRF_COOKIE_MASKED``. This setting is deprecated as of this release and will be removed in Django 5.0. Minor features -------------- :mod:`django.contrib.admin` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The admin :ref:`dark mode CSS variables <admin-theming>` are now applied in a separate stylesheet and template block. * :ref:`modeladmin-list-filters` providing custom ``FieldListFilter`` subclasses can now control the query string value separator when filtering for multiple values using the ``__in`` lookup. * The admin :meth:`history view <django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.history_view>` is now paginated. * Related widget wrappers now have a link to object's change form. * The :meth:`.AdminSite.get_app_list` method now allows changing the order of apps and models on the admin index page. :mod:`django.contrib.auth` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The default iteration count for the PBKDF2 password hasher is increased from 320,000 to 390,000. * The :meth:`.RemoteUserBackend.configure_user` method now allows synchronizing user attributes with attributes in a remote system such as an LDAP directory. :mod:`django.contrib.gis` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The new :meth:`.GEOSGeometry.make_valid()` method allows converting invalid geometries to valid ones. * The new ``clone`` argument for :meth:`.GEOSGeometry.normalize` allows creating a normalized clone of the geometry. :mod:`django.contrib.postgres` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The new :class:`BitXor() <django.contrib.postgres.aggregates.BitXor>` aggregate function returns an ``int`` of the bitwise ``XOR`` of all non-null input values. * :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.indexes.SpGistIndex` now supports covering indexes on PostgreSQL 14+. * :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.constraints.ExclusionConstraint` now supports covering exclusion constraints using SP-GiST indexes on PostgreSQL 14+. * The new ``default_bounds`` attribute of :attr:`DateTimeRangeField <django.contrib.postgres.fields.DateTimeRangeField.default_bounds>` and :attr:`DecimalRangeField <django.contrib.postgres.fields.DecimalRangeField.default_bounds>` allows specifying bounds for list and tuple inputs. * :class:`~django.contrib.postgres.constraints.ExclusionConstraint` now allows specifying operator classes with the :class:`OpClass() <django.contrib.postgres.indexes.OpClass>` expression. :mod:`django.contrib.sitemaps` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The default sitemap index template ``<sitemapindex>`` now includes the ``<lastmod>`` timestamp where available, through the new :meth:`~django.contrib.sitemaps.Sitemap.get_latest_lastmod` method. Custom sitemap index templates should be updated for the adjusted :ref:`context variables <sitemap-index-context-variables>`. :mod:`django.contrib.staticfiles` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * :class:`` now replaces paths to CSS source map references with their hashed counterparts. Database backends ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Third-party database backends can now specify the minimum required version of the database using the ``DatabaseFeatures.minimum_database_version`` attribute which is a tuple (e.g. ``(10, 0)`` means "10.0"). If a minimum version is specified, backends must also implement ``DatabaseWrapper.get_database_version()``, which returns a tuple of the current database version. The backend's ``DatabaseWrapper.init_connection_state()`` method must call ``super()`` in order for the check to run. .. _forms-4.1: Forms ~~~~~ * The default template used to render forms when cast to a string, e.g. in templates as ``{{ form }}``, is now configurable at the project-level by setting :attr:`~django.forms.renderers.BaseRenderer.form_template_name` on the class provided for :setting:`FORM_RENDERER`. :attr:`.Form.template_name` is now a property deferring to the renderer, but may be overridden with a string value to specify the template name per-form class. Similarly, the default template used to render formsets can be specified via the matching :attr:`~django.forms.renderers.BaseRenderer.formset_template_name` renderer attribute. * The new ``div.html`` form template, referencing :attr:`.Form.template_name_div` attribute, and matching :meth:`.Form.as_div` method, render forms using HTML ``<div>`` elements. This new output style is recommended over the existing :meth:`~.Form.as_table`, :meth:`~.Form.as_p` and :meth:`~.Form.as_ul` styles, as the template implements ``<fieldset>`` and ``<legend>`` to group related inputs and is easier for screen reader users to navigate. The div-based output will become the default rendering style from Django 5.0. * In order to smooth adoption of the new ``<div>`` output style, two transitional form renderer classes are available: ``django.forms.renderers.DjangoDivFormRenderer`` and ``django.forms.renderers.Jinja2DivFormRenderer``, for the Django and Jinja2 template backends respectively. You can apply one of these via the :setting:`FORM_RENDERER` setting. For example:: FORM_RENDERER = "django.forms.renderers.DjangoDivFormRenderer" Once the ``<div>`` output style is the default, from Django 5.0, these transitional renderers will be deprecated, for removal in Django 6.0. The ``FORM_RENDERER`` declaration can be removed at that time. * If the new ``<div>`` output style is not appropriate for your project, you should define a renderer subclass specifying :attr:`~django.forms.renderers.BaseRenderer.form_template_name` and :attr:`~django.forms.renderers.BaseRenderer.formset_template_name` for your required style, and set :setting:`FORM_RENDERER` accordingly. For example, for the ``<p>`` output style used by :meth:`~.Form.as_p`, you would define a form renderer setting ``form_template_name`` to ``"django/forms/p.html"`` and ``formset_template_name`` to ``"django/forms/formsets/p.html"``. * The new :meth:`~django.forms.BoundField.legend_tag` allows rendering field labels in ``<legend>`` tags via the new ``tag`` argument of :meth:`~django.forms.BoundField.label_tag`. * The new ``edit_only`` argument for :func:`.modelformset_factory` and :func:`.inlineformset_factory` allows preventing new objects creation. * The ``js`` and ``css`` class attributes of :doc:`Media </topics/forms/media>` now allow using hashable objects, not only path strings, as long as those objects implement the ``__html__()`` method (typically when decorated with the :func:`~django.utils.html.html_safe` decorator). * The new :attr:`.BoundField.use_fieldset` and :attr:`.Widget.use_fieldset` attributes help to identify widgets where its inputs should be grouped in a ``<fieldset>`` with a ``<legend>``. * The :ref:`formsets-error-messages` argument for :class:`~django.forms.formsets.BaseFormSet` now allows customizing error messages for invalid number of forms by passing ``'too_few_forms'`` and ``'too_many_forms'`` keys. * :class:`~django.forms.IntegerField`, :class:`~django.forms.FloatField`, and :class:`~django.forms.DecimalField` now optionally accept a ``step_size`` argument. This is used to set the ``step`` HTML attribute, and is validated on form submission. Internationalization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * The :func:`~django.conf.urls.i18n.i18n_patterns` function now supports languages with both scripts and regions. Management Commands ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * :option:`makemigrations --no-input` now logs default answers and reasons why migrations cannot be created. * The new :option:`makemigrations --scriptable` option diverts log output and input prompts to ``stderr``, writing only paths of generated migration files to ``stdout``. * The new :option:`migrate --prune` option allows deleting nonexistent migrations from the ``django_migrations`` table. * Python files created by :djadmin:`startproject`, :djadmin:`startapp`, :djadmin:`optimizemigration`, :djadmin:`makemigrations`, and :djadmin:`squashmigrations` are now formatted using the ``black`` command if it is present on your ``PATH``. * The new :djadmin:`optimizemigration` command allows optimizing operations for a migration. Migrations ~~~~~~~~~~ * The new :class:`~django.db.migrations.operations.RenameIndex` operation allows renaming indexes defined in the :attr:`Meta.indexes <django.db.models.Options.indexes>` or :attr:`~django.db.models.Options.index_together` options. * The migrations autodetector now generates :class:`~django.db.migrations.operations.RenameIndex` operations instead of ``RemoveIndex`` and ``AddIndex``, when renaming indexes defined in the :attr:`Meta.indexes <django.db.models.Options.indexes>`. * The migrations autodetector now generates :class:`~django.db.migrations.operations.RenameIndex` operations instead of ``AlterIndexTogether`` and ``AddIndex``, when moving indexes defined in the :attr:`Meta.index_together <django.db.models.Options.index_together>` to the :attr:`Meta.indexes <django.db.models.Options.indexes>`. Models ~~~~~~ * The ``order_by`` argument of the :class:`~django.db.models.expressions.Window` expression now accepts string references to fields and transforms. * The new :setting:`CONN_HEALTH_CHECKS` setting allows enabling health checks for :ref:`persistent database connections <persistent-database-connections>` in order to reduce the number of failed requests, e.g. after database server restart. * :meth:`.QuerySet.bulk_create` now supports updating fields when a row insertion fails uniqueness constraints. This is supported on MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite 3.24+. * :meth:`.QuerySet.iterator` now supports prefetching related objects as long as the ``chunk_size`` argument is provided. In older versions, no prefetching was done. * :class:`~django.db.models.Q` objects and querysets can now be combined using ``^`` as the exclusive or (``XOR``) operator. ``XOR`` is natively supported on MariaDB and MySQL. For databases that do not support ``XOR``, the query will be converted to an equivalent using ``AND``, ``OR``, and ``NOT``. * The new :ref:`Field.non_db_attrs <custom-field-non_db_attrs>` attribute allows customizing attributes of fields that don't affect a column definition. * On PostgreSQL, ``AutoField``, ``BigAutoField``, and ``SmallAutoField`` are now created as identity columns rather than serial columns with sequences. Requests and Responses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * :meth:`.HttpResponse.set_cookie` now supports :class:`~datetime.timedelta` objects for the ``max_age`` argument. Security ~~~~~~~~ * The new :setting:`SECRET_KEY_FALLBACKS` setting allows providing a list of values for secret key rotation. * The :setting:`SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER` setting now supports a comma-separated list of protocols in the header value. Signals ~~~~~~~ * The :data:`~django.db.models.signals.pre_delete` and :data:`~django.db.models.signals.post_delete` signals now dispatch the ``origin`` of the deletion. .. _templates-4.1: Templates ~~~~~~~~~ * The HTML ``<script>`` element ``id`` attribute is no longer required when wrapping the :tfilter:`json_script` template filter. * The :class:`cached template loader <django.template.loaders.cached.Loader>` is now enabled in development, when :setting:`DEBUG` is ``True``, and :setting:`OPTIONS['loaders'] <TEMPLATES-OPTIONS>` isn't specified. You may specify ``OPTIONS['loaders']`` to override this, if necessary. Tests ~~~~~ * The :class:`.DiscoverRunner` now supports running tests in parallel on macOS, Windows, and any other systems where the default :mod:`multiprocessing` start method is ``spawn``. * A nested atomic block marked as durable in :class:`django.test.TestCase` now raises a ``RuntimeError``, the same as outside of tests. * :meth:`.SimpleTestCase.assertFormError` and :meth:`assertFormsetError() <django.test.SimpleTestCase.assertFormSetError>` now support passing a form/formset object directly. URLs ~~~~ * The new :attr:`.ResolverMatch.captured_kwargs` attribute stores the captured keyword arguments, as parsed from the URL. * The new :attr:`.ResolverMatch.extra_kwargs` attribute stores the additional keyword arguments passed to the view function. Utilities ~~~~~~~~~ * ``SimpleLazyObject`` now supports addition operations. * :func:`~django.utils.safestring.mark_safe` now preserves lazy objects. Validators ~~~~~~~~~~ * The new :class:`~django.core.validators.StepValueValidator` checks if a value is an integral multiple of a given step size. This new validator is used for the new ``step_size`` argument added to form fields representing numeric values. .. _backwards-incompatible-4.1: Backwards incompatible changes in 4.1 ===================================== Database backend API -------------------- This section describes changes that may be needed in third-party database backends. * ``BaseDatabaseFeatures.has_case_insensitive_like`` is changed from ``True`` to ``False`` to reflect the behavior of most databases. * ``DatabaseIntrospection.get_key_columns()`` is removed. Use ``DatabaseIntrospection.get_relations()`` instead. * ``DatabaseOperations.ignore_conflicts_suffix_sql()`` method is replaced by ``DatabaseOperations.on_conflict_suffix_sql()`` that accepts the ``fields``, ``on_conflict``, ``update_fields``, and ``unique_fields`` arguments. * The ``ignore_conflicts`` argument of the ``DatabaseOperations.insert_statement()`` method is replaced by ``on_conflict`` that accepts ``django.db.models.constants.OnConflict``. * ``DatabaseOperations._convert_field_to_tz()`` is replaced by ``DatabaseOperations._convert_sql_to_tz()`` that accepts the ``sql``, ``params``, and ``tzname`` arguments. * Several date and time methods on ``DatabaseOperations`` now take ``sql`` and ``params`` arguments instead of ``field_name`` and return 2-tuple containing some SQL and the parameters to be interpolated into that SQL. The changed methods have these new signatures: * ``DatabaseOperations.date_extract_sql(lookup_type, sql, params)`` * ``DatabaseOperations.datetime_extract_sql(lookup_type, sql, params, tzname)`` * ``DatabaseOperations.time_extract_sql(lookup_type, sql, params)`` * ``DatabaseOperations.date_trunc_sql(lookup_type, sql, params, tzname=None)`` * ``DatabaseOperations.datetime_trunc_sql(self, lookup_type, sql, params, tzname)`` * ``DatabaseOperations.time_trunc_sql(lookup_type, sql, params, tzname=None)`` * ``DatabaseOperations.datetime_cast_date_sql(sql, params, tzname)`` * ``DatabaseOperations.datetime_cast_time_sql(sql, params, tzname)`` :mod:`django.contrib.gis` ------------------------- * Support for GDAL 2.1 is removed. * Support for PostGIS 2.4 is removed. Dropped support for PostgreSQL 10 --------------------------------- Upstream support for PostgreSQL 10 ends in November 2022. Django 4.1 supports PostgreSQL 11 and higher. Dropped support for MariaDB 10.2 -------------------------------- Upstream support for MariaDB 10.2 ends in May 2022. Django 4.1 supports MariaDB 10.3 and higher. Admin changelist searches spanning multi-valued relationships changes --------------------------------------------------------------------- Admin changelist searches using multiple search terms are now applied in a single call to ``filter()``, rather than in sequential ``filter()`` calls. For multi-valued relationships, this means that rows from the related model must match all terms rather than any term. For example, if ``search_fields`` is set to ``['child__name', 'child__age']``, and a user searches for ``'Jamal 17'``, parent rows will be returned only if there is a relationship to some 17-year-old child named Jamal, rather than also returning parents who merely have a younger or older child named Jamal in addition to some other 17-year-old. See the :ref:`spanning-multi-valued-relationships` topic for more discussion of this difference. In Django 4.0 and earlier, :meth:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.get_search_results` followed the second example query, but this undocumented behavior led to queries with excessive joins. Reverse foreign key changes for unsaved model instances ------------------------------------------------------- In order to unify the behavior with many-to-many relations for unsaved model instances, a reverse foreign key now raises ``ValueError`` when calling :class:`related managers <django.db.models.fields.related.RelatedManager>` for unsaved objects. Miscellaneous ------------- * Related managers for :class:`~django.db.models.ForeignKey`, :class:`~django.db.models.ManyToManyField`, and :class:`~django.contrib.contenttypes.fields.GenericRelation` are now cached on the :class:`~django.db.models.Model` instance to which they belong. *This change was reverted in Django 4.1.2.* * The Django test runner now returns a non-zero error code for unexpected successes from tests marked with :py:func:`unittest.expectedFailure`. * :class:`~django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware` no longer masks the CSRF cookie like it does the CSRF token in the DOM. * :class:`~django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware` now uses ``request.META['CSRF_COOKIE']`` for storing the unmasked CSRF secret rather than a masked version. This is an undocumented, private API. * The :attr:`.ModelAdmin.actions` and :attr:`~django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.inlines` attributes now default to an empty tuple rather than an empty list to discourage unintended mutation. * The ``type="text/css"`` attribute is no longer included in ``<link>`` tags for CSS :doc:`form media </topics/forms/media>`. * ``formset:added`` and ``formset:removed`` JavaScript events are now pure JavaScript events and don't depend on jQuery. See :ref:`admin-javascript-inline-form-events` for more details on the change. * The ``exc_info`` argument of the undocumented ``django.utils.log.log_response()`` function is replaced by ``exception``. * The ``size`` argument of the undocumented ``django.views.static.was_modified_since()`` function is removed. * The admin log out UI now uses ``POST`` requests. * The undocumented ``InlineAdminFormSet.non_form_errors`` property is replaced by the ``non_form_errors()`` method. This is consistent with ``BaseFormSet``. * As per :ref:`above<templates-4.1>`, the cached template loader is now enabled in development. You may specify ``OPTIONS['loaders']`` to override this, if necessary. * The undocumented ``django.contrib.auth.views.SuccessURLAllowedHostsMixin`` mixin is replaced by ``RedirectURLMixin``. * :class:`~django.db.models.BaseConstraint` subclasses must implement :meth:`~django.db.models.BaseConstraint.validate` method to allow those constraints to be used for validation. * The undocumented ``URLResolver._is_callback()``, ``URLResolver._callback_strs``, and ``URLPattern.lookup_str()`` are moved to ``django.contrib.admindocs.utils``. * The :meth:`.Model.full_clean` method now converts an ``exclude`` value to a ``set``. It’s also preferable to pass an ``exclude`` value as a ``set`` to the :meth:`.Model.clean_fields`, :meth:`.Model.full_clean`, :meth:`.Model.validate_unique`, and :meth:`.Model.validate_constraints` methods. * The minimum supported version of ``asgiref`` is increased from 3.4.1 to 3.5.2. * Combined expressions no longer use the error-prone behavior of guessing ``output_field`` when argument types match. As a consequence, resolving an ``output_field`` for database functions and combined expressions may now crash with mixed types. You will need to explicitly set the ``output_field`` in such cases. * The :djadmin:`makemessages` command no longer changes ``.po`` files when up to date. In older versions, ``POT-Creation-Date`` was always updated. .. _deprecated-features-4.1: Features deprecated in 4.1 ========================== Log out via GET --------------- Logging out via ``GET`` requests to the :py:class:`built-in logout view <django.contrib.auth.views.LogoutView>` is deprecated. Use ``POST`` requests instead. If you want to retain the user experience of an HTML link, you can use a form that is styled to appear as a link: .. code-block:: html <form id="logout-form" method="post" action="{% url 'admin:logout' %}"> {% csrf_token %} <button type="submit">{% translate "Log out" %}</button> </form> .. code-block:: css logout-form { display: inline; } logout-form button { background: none; border: none; cursor: pointer; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } Miscellaneous ------------- * The context for sitemap index templates of a flat list of URLs is deprecated. Custom sitemap index templates should be updated for the adjusted :ref:`context variables <sitemap-index-context-variables>`, expecting a list of objects with ``location`` and optional ``lastmod`` attributes. * ``CSRF_COOKIE_MASKED`` transitional setting is deprecated. * The ``name`` argument of :func:`django.utils.functional.cached_property` is deprecated as it's unnecessary as of Python 3.6. * The ``opclasses`` argument of ``django.contrib.postgres.constraints.ExclusionConstraint`` is deprecated in favor of using :class:`OpClass() <django.contrib.postgres.indexes.OpClass>` in :attr:`.ExclusionConstraint.expressions`. To use it, you need