indianakernick / The-Fat-Controller

A library for simulating mouse and keyboard events
Apache License 2.0
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Incorrect key pressed when using unicode_char_down #4

Open Pauan opened 2 years ago

Pauan commented 2 years ago

When running the following code...

let mut ctx = Context::new().unwrap();

On my computer it presses the ; key, even though it's supposed to press the s key.

However the following code works fine:

let mut ctx = Context::new().unwrap();

I'm using Linux (X11).

indianakernick commented 2 years ago

I'm commenting to say that I have seen this and I've been thinking about it. I'm really not sure and unfortunately it's going to be a while before I have the time to troubleshoot this properly. Out of curiosity, what do you get from this?

let mut ctx = Context::new().unwrap();
for c in b' '..=b'~' {
    ctx.ascii_char(b' ').unwrap();
    ctx.unicode_char(c as char).unwrap();
Pauan commented 2 years ago

This is what I get:

   ! !
   " Q
   # #
   $ $
   % %
   & &
   ' q
   ( (
   ) )
   * *
   + }
   , w
   - '
   . e
   / [
   0 0
   1 1
   2 2
   3 3
   4 4
   5 5
   6 6
   7 7
   8 8
   9 9
   : Z
   ; z
   < W
   = ]
   > E
   ? {
   @ @
   A A
   B N
   C I
   D H
   E D
   F Y
   G U
   H J
   I G
   J C
   K V
   L P
   M M
   N L
   O S
   P R
   Q X
   R O
   S :
   T K
   U F
   V >
   W <
   X B
   Y T
   Z ?
   [ -
   \ \
   ] =
   ^ ^
   _ "
   ` `
   a a
   b n
   c i
   d h
   e d
   f y
   g u
   h j
   i g
   j c
   k v
   l p
   m m
   n l
   o s
   p r
   q x
   r o
   s ;
   t k
   u f
   v .
   w ,
   x b
   y t
   z /
   { _
   | |
   } +
   ~ ~

P.S. I prefer to use char::from(c) for converting from a u8 -> char, but it makes no difference in this test.

indianakernick commented 2 years ago

You wouldn’t happen to be using Dvorak by any chance? 😉

Keyboard layout probably should have been my first question. I will admit that I only tested this with Qwerty.

Pauan commented 2 years ago

Yes I am a Dvorak Master Race™. So it seems that tfc isn't taking into account keyboard layout.

This is what I get when I use QWERTY:

   ! !
   " "
   # #
   $ $
   % %
   & &
   ' '
   ( (
   ) )
   * *
   + +
   , ,
   - -
   . .
   / /
   0 0
   1 1
   2 2
   3 3
   4 4
   5 5
   6 6
   7 7
   8 8
   9 9
   : :
   ; ;
   < <
   = =
   > >
   ? ?
   @ @
   A A
   B B
   C C
   D D
   E E
   F F
   G G
   H H
   I I
   J J
   K K
   L L
   M M
   N N
   O O
   P P
   Q Q
   R R
   S S
   T T
   U U
   V V
   W W
   X X
   Y Y
   Z Z
   [ [
   \ \
   ] ]
   ^ ^
   _ _
   ` `
   a a
   b b
   c c
   d d
   e e
   f f
   g g
   h h
   i i
   j j
   k k
   l l
   m m
   n n
   o o
   p p
   q q
   r r
   s s
   t t
   u u
   v v
   w w
   x x
   y y
   z z
   { {
   | |
   } }
   ~ ~
indianakernick commented 2 years ago

Things are starting to settle down a bit so I finally had the chance to investigate this properly today. Although I wasn't able to reproduce the problem unfortunately.

  1. I fired up an Ubuntu 20.04.3 VM using X11.
  2. I ran the example using the default English (US) layout and found that the characters on the left always matched the characters on the right.
  3. I switched to English (Dvorak) and found that the ascii_char characters were jumbled up while the unicode_char characters were in ASCII order.

This is expected behaviour. unicode_char('s') should always type an s no matter what the keyboard layout is. ascii_char(b's') will press the key in the position of an s on a QWERTY keyboard. When using the QWERTY layout, this results in an s being typed. However, when using Dvorak, pressing the s key results in an o being typed. I found that ascii_char(b's') typed an o when using Dvorak.

Can you tell me more about your setup? I might need to use a different distro or use a different method for changing the layout.