indianpoptart / RadioControl

An app that auto toggles wifi and cell radio for maximum battery life
GNU General Public License v3.0
16 stars 7 forks source link

Handle on-going call when WiFi signal drops #42

Closed vicelversa closed 7 years ago

vicelversa commented 7 years ago

Test environment: RadioControl is Enabled Cell service disabled via Alternate root command On-going phone call over WiFi

Problem: If WiFi is lost while on phone call, the call will drop.

Solution: Enable cell service at start of phone call for fallback.

Expected behavior: Phone call will initially connect over WiFi and gracefully fallback to cell service if WiFi signal drops.

vicelversa commented 7 years ago

Just noticed this is potential dupe to

However that issue specifically involves when using airplane mode (as opposed to alt. root command). However the solution is likely the same for both.

indianpoptart commented 7 years ago

I sort of meant for #8 to be the same as this, but I like this issue because it has a better explaination of the problem

I am going to add a call setting where it checks if you are on a call, then detects the link speed/signal strength and will turn on the cell radio(or turn off airplane mode)

I suggest using the alt. root command if you do a lot of those kinds of calls, as that method is much faster than traditional airplane toggle.


  1. Either disable airplane mode when a call goes on(to minimize any issues, may be more battery intense if it's constantly detecting a call. This could disable the main app when a call is in progress, then reenable it if the app was previously enabled
  2. Detect when a WiFi signal degrades, then switch the cell radio back on, this can be problematic if the caller goes into a car, as when you drive away, the wifi signal kinda stays there even though there is none.

I may edit this or add another comment if I add this to an upcoming beta

indianpoptart commented 7 years ago

Added in v4.1-Beta8

Found here: Settings->Phone Settings -> Enable Phone Call Check