indic-dict / stardict-sanskrit

Stardict dictionary files for the Sanskrit language.
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Port The Vedic Index of Names and Subjects to babylon format #10

Closed vvasuki closed 7 years ago

vvasuki commented 8 years ago

Source here. Example of babylon format here.

damooo commented 8 years ago

Some sample words: kurukshetra takshan aksha upanishad

etc... these i tested.

vvasuki commented 8 years ago

nice work, dAmodara!

vvasuki commented 8 years ago

Also, can you add optitrans shortcut x for kSh? That is, kuruxetra, axa, taxan etc..

damooo commented 8 years ago

ok, will do that, and that css works in mobile apps too. checked it. before words started there are some #notes which will facilitate this. like





damooo commented 8 years ago

those numerals i kept bcz, otherwise, it means loss of some data i thought, and added numeral removed word also, so that no problem occur. but seems still has problem in sorting of results. so other option is to send that word to last, instead of deleting it. which one?

vvasuki commented 8 years ago

aah - ३। अक्ष| has a । after ३, not |. Ok I understand now. It's fine as it is - but it is better to move the numeral to the end, and add a suffix "vedic_index" since it is relevant only to this dictionary.

So, ३। अक्ष ------> अक्ष (३ vedic_index).

vvasuki commented 8 years ago

dAmodara, also regarding folder and file names: Please name the folder vedic_index. And the dictionary files should be named vedic_index.babylon etc.. They should not have a version number. (This is important for various installation scripts to work correctly.)

damooo commented 8 years ago


  1. page no, head words appended with underscore, 'x' added for 'kSh' , in headers.
  2. numeral appended heads pushed inside as second headers. so that priorities doesn't clash. search and check sorting order of results for 'go (गॊ) ' for example in previous, and present version.
  3. navigation links added in title bar. So for next word, previous word, next page, previous page there are arrow links. so can study continuesly.
  4. wrong page links for second half corrected.
  5. removed unnecessary white space coming in mobile apps, which is wasting screen space. now no white margin in mobile apps.
vvasuki commented 7 years ago

Alas - for some reason, golden dict on ubuntu desktop does not display the html correctly anymore. @damooo - any ideas why?

damooo commented 7 years ago

I am using arch linux... ubuntu too should display well.. can you post a screen shot, and html source of result page in goldendict once, so that i can understand problem..

vvasuki commented 7 years ago

Looking up akra, this is what I get : image . With damsha - image

PS: Check the latest checked-in file - it is possible my scripts messed them up.

damooo commented 7 years ago

don't know what is the problem, but i too got same above thing. just recompiled source again with stardict-editor version in my arch linux, and result worked well.. pushed compiled output files.

vvasuki commented 7 years ago

Seems all right now, thanks!

damooo commented 7 years ago

updated,added script which will generate final babylon with foot linking and other.

'' creates babylon file from vei.txt file; it will take some 15 minutes to complete. It creates 'mula_vedic_index.babylon' file, intermediate file from which we can create customised version of babylon file using '' script in same folder. creates 'vedic_index.babylon', and 'vedic_index_styled.babylon' files (which are pre customized with default options) , along with mula_vedic_index.babylon.

first run bash, will create minimal version and and styled version and intermediate mula_vedic_index.babylon file from which we can create any customised version "vedic_index.babylon_customized" with options we selected from . an example customized version is created in folder. added option in customiser to transliterate IAST to devanagari in text, and styling , etc.