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Update abhyankara-grammar dictionary #20

Closed vvasuki closed 7 years ago

vvasuki commented 7 years ago

Await wikisource proofreading completion here.

Current errors:

14:15:58.350 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: ''bahiraṅga''.
14:15:58.353 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: '''अप्राप्ति'' ( i ) non-occurrence for non- realization of a grammatical operation or rule- अप्रतिषेधः M. Bh. on I.1.56 Vārt. 8; (2) pro- hibition of the occurrence of a rule or operation, cf. अप्राप्तेर्वा । अथवानन्तरा या प्राप्तिः सा प्रतिषिध्यते M. Bh. on I.I.43, I.1.63.
14:15:58.356 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: ''अल्'' a प्रत्याहार or a short term signifying any letter in the alphabet of Pāṇini which consists of 9 vowels, 4 semi- vowels, 25 class-consonants, and 4 sibilants.
14:15:58.365 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: ''आरडे''' KRISHNASHASTRI a re- puted Naiyāyika of Banaras of the nineteenth century, who wrote, besides many treatises on Nyāya, a short gloss on the Sutras of Pāṇini, called Pāṇini-sūtra-vṛtti.
14:15:58.367 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: '''इनङ्'' substitute इन् for the last vowel of the words कल्याणी, सुभगा, दुर्भगा and others before the affix ढ i. e. एय prescribed after these words in the sense of offspring e. g. काल्यााणिनेयः, सौभागिनेयः, कौलटिनेयः etc. cf.कल्याण्यादीना- मिनङ् P. IV.I.126, 127.
14:15:58.367 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: '''इयङ्'' substitute for the last इ before a vowel generally in the case of monosyllabic roots end- ing in इ and the word स्त्री; e.g. चिक्षियुः, नियौ नियः, स्त्रियौ स्त्रियः; cf. अचि क्षुधातुभ्रुवां य्वोरियङुवङौ P.VI. 4.77-80.
14:15:58.369 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: '''उक्'' short term (प्रत्याहार) for the vowels उ, ऋ and लृ; e.g. उगिदचां सर्वनामस्थानेऽ धातोः P.VII.1.80, also शल्युक्; किति P VII.2.11, इसुसुक्तान्तान् क्तः P.VII.3, 51.
14:15:58.372 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: '''उपमन्यु (1) the famous commentator on the grammatical verses attributed to Nandikeśvara which are known by the name नन्दिकेश्वरकारिका and which form a kind of a comment- ary on the sūtras of Maheśvara; (2) a comparatively modern gra- mmarian possibly belonging to the nineteenth century who is also named Upamanyu and who has written a commentory on the fam- ous Kāśikāvṛtti by Jayāditya and Vāmana. Some believe that Upa-    manyu was an ancient sage who wrote a nirukta or etymological work and whose pupil came to be known as औपमन्यव.
14:15:58.373 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: '''उष्णिह्'' (उष्णिक्) name of the second of the main seven Vedic metres which are known by the name प्रजापतिच्छन्दस्. The Uṣṇik metre con- sists of 28 syllables divided into three padas of 8, 8 and 12 sylla bles. It has got many varieties such as पुरउष्णिह्, ककुभ् and others; for details see R. Pr. XVI 20-26.
14:15:58.373 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: '''ऊठ्'' (1) saṁprasāraṇa vowel ऊ sub- stituted for the व् of वाह् under cer- tain conditions e.g., ऊढः, cf. वाह ऊठ् P.VI.4.132; (2) substitute ऊ for व् before certain affixes; e. g. द्यूतः, द्यूत्वा, जूर्तिः, तूर्तिः etc. cf. च्छ्वोः शूडनुनासिके च P.VI.4.19, 20.
14:15:58.373 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: '''ऊत् (l) long vowel ऊ which cannot be combined by rules of saṁdhi with the following vowel when it comes at the end of the forms of the dual number e. g. साधू अत्र etc.; cf. ईदूदेद्विवचनं प्रगृह्यम् P.I.1.11, as , also    ईदूतौ च सप्तम्यर्थे I.1.19; (2) long vowel ऊ substituted for the short उ of the root गोह् before an affix be- ginning with a vowel e. g. निगूहति; cf. ऊदुपधाया गोहः P. VI.4.89.
14:15:58.376 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: '''ओत्'' the vowel ओ; cf. ओत् PI.1.15,16 prescribing- प्रगृह्यसंज्ञा for Nipātas like अहो, उताहो and others with a view that the wowel at their end  should not coalesce with the following vowel. The Prātiśākhya works prohibit the coalescence of ओ in many cases with the succeed- ing vowel; cf. R. Pr. I.70; V. Pr. I.94.
14:15:58.376 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: '''औत्' (1) the letter औ included in the वृद्धि vowels अा, ऐ and औ, and hence called वृद्धि in Pāṇini's gra- mmar, (2) substitute for the case- ending इ ( ङि ) in Pāṇini's gra- mmar; cf. P. VII.3.118, 119.
14:15:58.380 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: '''कृल्लुक्'' the elision of a kṛt affix: the word is found used along with the words प्रकृतिप्रत्यापत्तिः, and प्रकृतिवत् कारकं भवति in the Vārttika अाख्यानात्कृतस्त- दाचष्टे इतेि कृल्लुक् प्रकृतिप्रत्यापत्तिः प्रकृतिवच्च कारकम् by means of which the phrase कंसं घातयति is formed for the sentence कंसवधमाचष्टे.
14:15:58.383 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: '''घच्'' tad. affix इय, as found in the word क्षेत्रिय; cf. क्षेत्रियच् परक्षेत्रे चिाकत्स्यः P.V.2.92 and Kāsikā thereon.
14:15:58.383 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: '''ङम्'" a short term or Pratyahara for the consonants ङ्, ण्, and न्. See ङ् (3).
14:15:58.384 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: ''ङ्याप्पाद्''' a popular name given by grammarians to the first pada of the fourth adhyaya of Panini's Astadyayi as the pada begins with the rule ङ्याप्प्रातिपदिकात् IV. I.I.
14:15:58.385 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: ''चछ्''' the consonant छ् with च् prefixed, for which श् is substituted by च्छ्घोः शूडनुनासिके च P. VI. 4. 19.
14:15:58.387 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: ''ढ्ञ्''' tad. affix एय causing Vrddhi substituted for the first vowel of the base and the addition of the fem. affix ङीप् (इ), applied (1) to words meaning quadrupeds and words in the class of words headed by गृष्टि in the sense of अपत्य; e. g. कामण्ड- लेयः, गार्ष्टेयः, हालेय:, बालेयः etc; cf. P. IV.1.135,136; (2) to the word क्षीर, words of the class headed by सखि, the words कोश, दृति, कुक्षि, कलशि, अस्ति, अहि,ग्रीवा,वर्मती,एणी,पथि,अतिथि,वसति,स्वपति, पुरुष, छदि्स, उपधि, बलि, परिखा, and वस्ति in the various senses mention- ed in connection with these words; e.g.क्षेरेयः, .साखेयम् कौशेयम् दात्र्ऱेयम् ,    कौक्षेयम् etc, cf Kas'. on P. IV. 2. 20, 80, IV. 3. 42, 56, 57, 94, 159, IV.4.1 04, V.1.10,13,17, V.3.101.
14:15:58.392 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: '''नाटच्'' tad. affix नाट applied to the prefix अव optionally with the affixes टीटच् and भ्रटच्; e. g. अवनाटम्, अवटीटम्, अवभ्रटम्; cf Kas. on P. V. 2.31.
14:15:58.394 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: ''परिमल''' a work on Grammar attri- buted to Amaracandra.
14:15:58.398 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: '''प्रातिशाख्य'' a work on Vedic grammar of a specific nature, which is concerned mainly with the changes, euphonic and others, in the Pada text of the Samhita as compared with the running text, the Samhita itself. The Pratisakhya works are neither concerned with the sense of words, nor with their division into bases and affixes, nor with their etymology. They contain, more or less,Vedic passages arrang- ed from the point of view of Samdhi. In the Rk Pratisakhya, available to-day, topics of metre, recital, phonetics and the like are introduced, but it appears that originally the Rk Pratisakhya, just like the Atharva Pratisakhya, was concerned with euphonic changes, the other subjects being introduced later on. The word प्रातिशाख्य shows that there were such treatises for everyone of the several Sakhas or branches of each Veda many of which later on disappeared as the number of the followers of those branches dwindled. Out of the remaining ones also, many were combined with others of the same Veda. At present, only five or six Pratisakhyas are available which are the surviving representatives of 33  the ancient ones -the Rk Prati- sakhya by Saunaka, the Taittiriya Pratisakhya, the Vajasaneyi Prati- Sakhya by Katyayana, the Atharva Pratisakhya and the Rk Tantra by Sakatayana, which is practically a Pratisakhya of the Sama Veda. The word पार्षद or पारिषद was also used for the Pratisakhyas as they were the outcome of the discussions of learn- ed scholars in Vedic assemblies; cf परिषदि भवं पार्षदम्. Although the Pratisakhya works in nature, are preliminary to works on grammar, it appears that the existing Prati- sakhyas, which are the revised and enlarged editions of the old ones, are written after Panini's grammar, each one of the present Prtisakhyas representing, of course, several ancient Pratisakhyas, which were written before Panini. Uvvata, a learned scholar of the twelfth cen- tury has written a brief commenta- ry on the Rk Pratisakhya and ano- ther one on the Vajasaneyi Prati- sakhya. The Taittiriya PratiSakhya has got two commentaries -one by Somayarya, called Tribhasya- ratna and the other called Vaidika- bharana written by Gopalayajvan. There is a commentary by Ananta bhatta on the Vajasaneyi Pratisa- khya. These commentaries are called Bhasyas also.
14:15:58.398 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: '''ब'''
14:15:58.399 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: '''भ'''
14:15:58.406 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: '''वुञ्'' (ID tad. affix अक causing vṛddhi to the vowel of the first sylla- ble of that word to which it is added, as prescribed, (a) to the words denoting an offspring as also to the words उक्ष, उष्ट्र the sense of 'a group'; e. g. अोपगवकम् , औष्ट्रकम् , कैदारकम् etc.: cf. P.IV.2.39, 40; (b) to the words राजन्य and others in the sense of 'inhabited country' ; e. g. राजन्यकः देवनायकः etc., cf. P. IV.2.53, (c) to the words headed by अरीहण such as द्वुघण, खदिर्, मैत्रायण, काशकृत्स्न etc. in the quadruple senses; e.g. अारीहणकम् , द्रौबणकम् , cf. P.IV.2.80, (d) to the word धन्व meaning a desert, to words with य् or र for their penultimate, to words end- ing in प्रस्थ, पुर and वह as also to words headed by धूम, नगर, अरण्य कुरु, युगन्धर etc., under certain condi- tions in the miscellaneous senses; e. g. सांकाश्यकः,पाटलिपुत्रकः, माकन्दकः, आङ्गकः, वाङ्गकः, धौमकः, नागरकः, अारण्यकः etc.; cf. P.IV.2.121-130,134,135, 136; (e) to the words शरद् , आश्वयुजी, ग्रीष्म, वसन्त, संवत्सर,अाग्रहायणी and others    in the specific senses given: cf. P. IV. 3.27, 45, 46, 49, 50; (f) to words denoting descendence or spiritual relation, words meaning families and warrior clans, words कुलाल and others, words meaning clans, and students learning a speci- fic Vedic branch in specific senses prescribed : e. g. आचार्यक, मातामहक, ग्लौचुकायनक, कालालक, काठक, कालापक etc.; cf. P. IV. 3.77, 99, 118, 126; (g) to the words शाकल, उष्ट्र, उमा and ऊर्णा in the specially given senses; e.g. शाकलः, संघः, औप्ट्रकः, औमम् और्णम्, cf.P.IV.3.188,157,158; (h) to words with य् as the penultimate, and a long vowel preceding the last one, to words in the dvandva compound, and to the words मनोज्ञ, कल्याण and others in the sense of 'nature' or 'profession';e.g रामणीयकम् गौपालपशुपालिका, गार्गिका, काठिका etc; cf. P. V.1.132,133,134: (2) kṛt affix अक added to the roots निन्द् हिंस् and others, and to the roots देव् and कृश् with a prefix before,in the sense of a habituated,professional or skilled agent; e.g.. निन्दकः, परिक्षेपकः, असूयकः, परिदेवकः, आक्रोशकः etc. cf. P.III.2. 146, 147.
14:15:58.407 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: ''व्याप्य''' lit. that which is occupied; the word refers to a kind of an object where the object is occupied by the verbal activity of the transitive root; the word अाप्य is also used in     this sense: cf. कर्म निर्वर्त्ये विकार्यं प्राप्यं च ग्रस्य प्रकृत्युच्छेदो गुणान्तरं वोत्पद्यते तद्विकार्यम् Srinagara- Prakasa 2, The term is used as a technical term instead of the term कर्म in the Hemacandra, Candra and other systems of grammar: cf. Hem. II.2.3;Candra I.1.23.
14:15:58.408 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Could not parse: '''शिवरामेन्द्र ( सरस्वती ) a grammarian who wrote (1) a gloss on the sutras of Panini, (2) a commen- tary named सिद्धान्तरत्नाकर on the Siddhantakaumudi, and (3) a commentary on the Mahabhasya named Mahabhasyaprakasa.
14:15:58.414 [main] WARN  abhyankarabot - Failed on 28 lines
14:15:58.414 [main] INFO  abhyankarabot - Done!

Basically, for programming facility, in each dictionary entry the quotes should match. For example, '''वुञ्'' should be changed to '''वुञ्'''

vvasuki commented 7 years ago

शुभायाः श्रमेण समीकृताः।