indication / OpenRedmine

Open Redmine
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Cannot modify or create (POST) issues #190

Open elmanytas opened 8 years ago

elmanytas commented 8 years ago

In Redmine 3 with OpenRedmine v3.19[52] doing a POST to modify or create a issue: "Something with wrong with connection. Try later."

Logs in server:

==> /var/log/httpd/error_log <==
App 11254 stderr: 
App 11254 stderr: ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find Tracker with id=8 [WHERE `projects_trackers`.`project_id` = 7]):
App 11254 stderr:   app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:425:in `build_new_issue_from_params'
App 11254 stderr: 
App 11254 stderr: 

==> /var/log/httpd/ssl-access.log <== - - [28/Aug/2016:23:31:42 +0200] "POST /issues.xml HTTP/1.1" 404 459 "-" "Dalvik/1.6.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.4; XT894 Build/KTU84Q)"

Tested in apt-getable redmine in Debian Jessie and CentOS 7 downloading redmine from web using passenger.

Do you know what could happen?

Thank you

elmanytas commented 8 years ago

I sent a Bug (id 8):

MariaDB [redmine]> select * from trackers;
| id | name             | is_in_chlog | position | is_in_roadmap | fields_bits |
|  1 | Errores          |           1 |        5 |             0 |           0 |
|  2 | Tareas           |           1 |        2 |             1 |           0 |
|  3 | Soporte          |           0 |        3 |             0 |           0 |
|  4 | Incidencia       |           0 |        4 |             1 |           0 |
|  5 | Alta de Usuario  |           0 |        6 |             1 |         236 |
|  6 | Alta de licencia |           0 |        7 |             1 |         255 |
|  7 | Solicitud        |           0 |        1 |             1 |           0 |
|  8 | Bug              |           0 |        8 |             1 |           0 |
|  9 | Mejora           |           0 |        9 |             1 |           0 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [redmine]> 

Project trackers:

MariaDB [redmine]> select * from projects_trackers;
| project_id | tracker_id |
|          1 |          2 |
|          2 |          1 |
|          2 |          2 |
|          2 |          3 |
|          3 |          1 |
|          3 |          2 |
|          3 |          3 |
|          4 |          1 |
|          4 |          2 |
|          4 |          3 |
|          4 |          4 |
|          5 |          1 |
|          5 |          2 |
|          5 |          3 |
|          6 |          1 |
|          6 |          2 |
|          6 |          3 |
|          7 |          1 |
|          7 |          2 |
|          7 |          3 |
|          8 |          4 |
|          9 |          5 |

Thank you

indication commented 8 years ago

Thank you for reporting. The tracker of 'Bug' may be not existed in projects_trackers. Please try to execute following SQL: select * from projects_trackers where tracker_id = 8 and project_id= 7;

This is client issue. The project dose NOT have some of trackers, but OpenRedmine shows all of trackers.

elmanytas commented 8 years ago

You are right:

MariaDB [redmine]> select * from projects_trackers where tracker_id = 8 and project_id = 7;
Empty set (0.02 sec)
