indiesoftby / defold-scene3d

Scene3D is a collection of scripts, materials and tools to help you develop 3D games with the Defold game engine.
MIT License
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Default display size is too large #1

Closed subsoap closed 2 years ago

subsoap commented 2 years ago

1920x1080 is large. It would be better to halve what's in the game.project file so it's 960x540.

Reasoning for this is that not all users have large screens and the default display size can cause issues for them if they are running on a PC.

If a larger initial view size is desired it could be set with DefOS based on user configs.

aglitchman commented 2 years ago

I think this is "a tooling problem" if Defold can't set the meaningful size of the window on the game start.

Why 1920x1080? It is the current most popular screen resolution -> it's a good idea to develop games that will look great on 1920x1080 screens (btw, in our projects, we use 2560x1440). 960x540 will require using upscaled graphics and scaling everything x0.5 to get great-looking graphics on FHD displays. I think it's counterproductive.

So, I decided to keep the resolution 1920x1080, plus I added the code (ah, I forgot to remove debug prints etc., fixed in that fits the window in the centre of the current display. Let's see how it goes.

subsoap commented 2 years ago

The way you implemented it makes sense. I think it will work.