indiesoftby / defold-scene3d

Scene3D is a collection of scripts, materials and tools to help you develop 3D games with the Defold game engine.
MIT License
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Make follow camera avoid obstacles? #4

Open subsoap opened 2 years ago

subsoap commented 2 years ago

Follow camera does not currently avoid obstacles.

Follow camera could raycast to the player and try to avoid obstacles between it and the player in a smart way.

aglitchman commented 2 years ago

Yes, now the included camera following script is basic, and there is room for improvements.

The camera is an essential part of any game, i.e. camera movement and camera follow can make a massive difference to the player's experience.

Firstly, let's collect good implementations for inspiration:

subsoap commented 2 years ago

Then #5 is related and the issue should be improving the cameras in general.