indiesoftby / defold-scene3d

Scene3D is a collection of scripts, materials and tools to help you develop 3D games with the Defold game engine.
MIT License
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Defold bug with highramp prefab #6

Open subsoap opened 2 years ago

subsoap commented 2 years ago

How the asset should look (looks in editor)

2022-02-14 02_54_40-Window

How it looks in engine

2022-02-14 02_55_11-Window 2022-02-14 02_55_02-Window


subsoap commented 2 years ago

This happens on Windows build but not HTML5 build

I'd guess it doesn't happen on MacOS either

JCash commented 2 years ago

@subsoap Isn't this a bob vs Editor build issue? HTML5 is always built with bob. What if you bundle for Windows?

subsoap commented 2 years ago

@JCash Looks like that is correct. Tested bundling with bob for Windows and the asset is as expected.

2022-02-14 09_45_32-Steam

aglitchman commented 2 years ago

@subsoap Many thanks for pointing the bug and for tagging @JCash! I found that bug right before the release. So, I decided to go as is :)

Also, if you try changing "Rotation" values by +0.001 (that's why it is now 89.9, -179.99 - I tried to find a fix in a hurry...), it looks ok in the engine.

JCash commented 2 years ago

I am currently working on replacing the model importer in the engine, and I'll use this project as well for making sure everything works as expected.