indiesoftby / defold-scene3d

Scene3D is a collection of scripts, materials and tools to help you develop 3D games with the Defold game engine.
MIT License
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Adding dae2collision as a dep? #7

Open subsoap opened 2 years ago

subsoap commented 2 years ago

What do you think about adding this to the project?

So along with that would want some editor scripts and some guides for building / adding new assets properly.

Do you already have an asset generation workflow?

aglitchman commented 2 years ago

Do you already have an asset generation workflow?

Personally, I use SideFX Houdini for asset generation and the corresponding convex shapes generation. However, HDA for Defold will be released later - it's not ready yet.

So along with that would want some editor scripts

Editor scripts is a great idea - we should add another issue to discuss it. Something like:

What do you think about adding this to the project?

I'll add the link to that project as one of the ways of content producing.