indiespirit / react-native-chart-kit

📊React Native Chart Kit: Line Chart, Bezier Line Chart, Progress Ring, Bar chart, Pie chart, Contribution graph (heatmap)
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Bar Chart VerticalLines not rendered. #713

Open gokulravi2010 opened 8 months ago

gokulravi2010 commented 8 months ago

Hi. We are using Bar chart with a specific data but we are unable to display the y-axis and the verticalLines are not rendered. Is there any way to display y-axis vertical line?

We have written the following code to render the BarGraph:

`const data1 = { labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May'], datasets: [ { data: [80000, 48000, 28000, 13000, 5000], colors: [ () => '#94D6E9', () => '#ABC2AD', () => '#C89297', () => '#8F90B0', () => '#F2C298', ], strokeWidth: 1, }, ], };

<BarChart style={{ alignItems: 'center', padding: 20, }} data={data1} width={300} height={300} chartConfig={{ backgroundColor: 'white', backgroundGradientFrom: 'white', backgroundGradientFromOpacity: 0, backgroundGradientTo: 'white', decimalPlaces: 0, color: opacity => rgba(124,124,124,${opacity}), strokeWidth: 1, barPercentage: 1, propsForBackgroundLines: { strokeDasharray: '', strokeWidth: 1, }, fillShadowGradientOpacity: 3, useShadowColorFromDataset: false, propsForVerticalLabels: { fontSize: 13, fontWeight: '400', marginLeft: 0, paddingLeft: 0, textAlign: 'left', }, propsForHorizontalLabels: {fontSize: 13, fontWeight: '400'}, }} withCustomBarColorFromData={true} flatColor={true} withVerticalLabels={false} showBarTops={false} fromZero={true} withHorizontalLines={true} withVerticalLines={true} withInnerLines={true} />`

Output we received:


Desired Output :
