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remove jQuery #128

Open martymcguire opened 2 months ago

martymcguire commented 2 months ago

In ~June 2024 GitHub started sending Dependabot warnings about this repo using a "vulnerable" version of jQuery.

This site is read-only and doesn't accept user input, so I don't think there's any actual risk, here. However, a quick fix was done to update jQuery with #127

That should hold us for a while, but even better would be to remove reliance on jQuery altogether.

Each event page has a small section of JavaScript that uses jQuery. For example, summit.php:

    .ready(function() {

      // fix menu when passed
          once: false,
          onBottomPassed: function() {
            $('').transition('fade in');
          onBottomPassedReverse: function() {
            $('').transition('fade out');

      // create sidebar and attach to menu open
        .sidebar('attach events', '.toc.item')


Near the bottom of the file is some JavaScript that interacts with a map widget, including a popup containing the venue address:


The fixed menu behavior, sans the fades, could be accomplished with some CSS changes using position: fixed.

Similarly, the sidebar behavior could likely be accomplished with some CSS and the :target pseudoselector. (Or some vanilla Javascript).

The popup could be handled with vanilla Javascript, as well.

That's all I found with a quick look!

aaronpk commented 2 months ago

This likely also applies to