indieweb / branding

Source files for the IndieWebCamp logo and branding materials
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Microformats hex sticker #9

Open aaronpk opened 7 years ago

aaronpk commented 7 years ago

Text should not be slanted. This was a problem with the previous stickers where people oriented the sticker to make the text flat, making the logo mis-aligned.

The "M" should be lowercase according to the microformats brand guidelines (citation needed)

sebsel commented 7 years ago

The black background with the three shades of green (also gradient) don't match the other hex-stickers. It feels unbalanced.

tantek commented 7 years ago

@aaronpk closest we have to "brand" guidelines on AFAIK: logo-text shows clearly lowercase

tantek commented 7 years ago

Also, consider "" instead of just "microformats" as the text underneath the sticker. URLs work - says all the billboards, tv shows, etc.