indieweb / indieauth website code and IndieAuth Specification
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Include user profile information in response #41

Closed aaronpk closed 3 years ago

aaronpk commented 3 years ago

There are some experiments of returning profile information in exchange for an authorization code in the response directly, simplifying the development of clients.


  "profile": { 
    "type": "card",
    "name": "Aaron Parecki",
    "url": "",
    "photo": ""

This can be returned whether or not an access token is also returned.

dshanske commented 3 years ago

Related #31

manton commented 3 years ago now includes profile too.

tbhb commented 3 years ago

Implemented now in Singulus for GET /indieauth/token, POST /indieauth/token, and POST /indieauth/authorize

aaronpk commented 3 years ago

This was discussed at the IndieAuth Popup Session, and the outcome of the discussion was:

aaronpk commented 3 years ago

I'm starting to write the text for this, and realizing now that by not actually tying this vocabulary to jf2 or mf2, the type: card property is kind of redundant. The data here will always be from the h-card vocabulary anyway, so there doesn't seem to be any reason to include that property. Anyone opposed to just leaving that out since the IndieAuth spec is going to be defining the specific properties to be returned in the object anyway?