indieweb / indieauth website code and IndieAuth Specification
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Document breaking change in Change Log. #69

Closed Zegnat closed 3 years ago

Zegnat commented 3 years ago

When the sections for redeeming the authorization code at the authorization endpoint and token endpoint were merged together, we defaulted to letting both use the same request. This is a breaking change. Previous to the August 9 update, there was no need to specify grant_type when redeeming at the authorization endpoint.

This ads it to the change log: on the current spec, in the current draft, and in the previous snapshots that should have listed it.

I put it as the second item in the change log, because I thought it read better that way. This does mean all the list IDs get shifted. Does this really matter for individual change log items? If we think it does, we will have to move it to the end of the list instead.

Fixes #61.

Zegnat commented 3 years ago

Apologies for the force pushes. Apparently I am unable to read :woman_facepalming:

aaronpk commented 3 years ago

I don't think changing the list IDs matters