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Sky watcher - Synscan mount error - ERROR GETTING FIRMWARE #417

Closed duckchip closed 2 years ago

duckchip commented 2 years ago

Hi guys,

I'm really new in the world of telescopes so forgive me for my noobish questions :)

I am trying to setup a Sky-watcher telescope with AstroTelescope and Indi control panel on Mac OS Monterey. I use the Synscan Mount and received the following error message.

16:40:58.967 'Mount SynScan' selected 16:41:04.026 indigo_mount_synscan[synscan_read_response:153, 0x70000586d000]: SYNSCAN_TIMEOUT 16:41:04.029 indigo_mount_synscan[synscan_read_response:164, 0x70000586d000]: Reading response failed 16:41:09.041 indigo_mount_synscan[synscan_read_response:153, 0x70000586d000]: SYNSCAN_TIMEOUT 16:41:09.041 indigo_mount_synscan[synscan_read_response:164, 0x70000586d000]: Reading response failed 16:41:09.041 indigo_mount_synscan[synscan_configure:109, 0x70000586d000]: ERROR GETTING FIRMWARE 16:41:09.068 Trying to change baudrate 16:41:14.112 indigo_mount_synscan[synscan_read_response:153, 0x70000586d000]: SYNSCAN_TIMEOUT 16:41:14.112 indigo_mount_synscan[synscan_read_response:164, 0x70000586d000]: Reading response failed 16:41:19.117 indigo_mount_synscan[synscan_read_response:153, 0x70000586d000]: SYNSCAN_TIMEOUT 16:41:19.117 indigo_mount_synscan[synscan_read_response:164, 0x70000586d000]: Reading response failed 16:41:19.117 indigo_mount_synscan[synscan_configure:109, 0x70000586d000]: ERROR GETTING FIRMWARE 16:41:19.146 Failed to connect to mount 16:41:19.162 Failed to connect

If I disconnect the telescope completely from my computer, I don't get these errors so it seems there is some sort of connection.
I tried connecting it via the controller and directly into to telescope which ended in the same result.

Any idea what might be wrong?

I found following bug report that looked similar. Don't know if it is though.

Thx in advance!!

polakovic commented 2 years ago

What serial port did you use? Check it in AstroTelescope > Preferences > INDIGO Ports.

SynScan driver is intended for the direct control (EQDir or similar devices). So if you used hand controller as the interface, you ma need to use NexStar driver.

duckchip commented 2 years ago

Hi @polakovic, thx for your fast reply!

Port I'm using is /dev/cu.usbserial-141220

Selecting Mount Nexstar results in the following error

11:49:48.382 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(31) = -5 (Invalid argument) 11:49:49.032 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_location(31) = -5 (Unknown error: 316) 11:49:49.032 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(31) = -5 (Invalid argument) 11:49:49.681 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_location(31) = -5 (Unknown error: 316) 11:49:49.695 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(31) = -5 (Invalid argument)

So this is a step closer šŸ‘ but we're not there yet unfortunately

polakovic commented 2 years ago

OK, first of all, how do you connect the mount (port on the hand controller, port on the mount, EQDir, ...) and what mount model is it?

duckchip commented 2 years ago

The controller is running firmware version SynScan TM Ver. 03.09.

I fear that the outdated version might be the reason.. What do you think?

We're are using a serial connector with RJ-11 (going in the controller) and a USB-B connector that is plugged in into a usb dongle, connected to my MacBook. -> EQDir

The Mount is a sky watcher 10/287 - Dobsonian

The controller is connected (RJ-45 plug on controller) via the HC control port on the mount (RJ-11 plug)

polakovic commented 2 years ago

In this case NexStar driver is definitely the right one. SynScan version is outdated, but should be OK, most of the features is supported since 3.03.

This error looks like the controller doesn't respond on the giver serial port. Can you make a trace log? We need to see the communication with the mount from the very beginning.

Check this:

duckchip commented 2 years ago

Complete log:

12:04:26.026 'No mount' selected
12:08:32.465 ACL: set master_token = 0x0
12:08:33.131 Server started on 51563
12:08:33.169 INDIGO Service AstroTelescope is ready to publish
12:08:33.333 INDIGO Service AstroTelescope was removed
12:08:36.752 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:08:39.816 Worker thread started socket = 15
12:08:39.849 Protocol switched to XML
12:08:40.273 'Mount Nexstar' selected
12:08:40.497 libnexstar: write 56
12:08:40.527 libnexstar: read 02 02 23
12:08:40.527 libnexstar: write 56
12:08:40.527 libnexstar: read 02 02 23
12:08:40.527 libnexstar: write 56
12:08:40.527 libnexstar: read 02 02 23
12:08:40.527 libnexstar: write 76
12:08:41.754 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:08:45.521 libnexstar: read FAILED
12:08:45.556 libnexstar: write 6d
12:08:45.557 libnexstar: read 01 23
12:08:45.557 libnexstar: write 6d
12:08:45.557 libnexstar: read 01 23
12:08:45.557 libnexstar: write 56
12:08:45.557 libnexstar: read 02 02 23
12:08:45.557 libnexstar: write 76
12:08:46.756 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:08:50.545 libnexstar: read FAILED
12:08:50.576 indigo_mount_nexstar[mount_handle_connect:355, 0x70000fbb6000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(31) = -5 (Undefined error: 0)
12:08:50.577 indigo_mount_nexstar: 'Mount Nexstar (gps)' attached
12:08:50.695 Can't open /Users/duckchip/Library/Containers/eu.cloudmakers.AstroTelescope/Data/.indigo/Mount_Nexstar_(gps).config (No such file or directory)
12:08:50.787 libnexstar: write 4c
12:08:50.787 libnexstar: read 30 23
12:08:50.787 libnexstar: write 65
12:08:50.913 libnexstar: read 37 39 41 34 35 42 30 30 2c 31 42 37 46 46 42 30 30 23
12:08:50.914 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_location(31) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:08:50.914 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(31) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:08:51.289 Config file is locked, property 'Mount Nexstar.DEVICE_PORT' not saved
12:08:51.364 libnexstar: write 54 00
12:08:51.364 libnexstar: read 23
12:08:51.411 indigo_mount_nexstar[mount_handle_geo_coordinates:489, 0x700010051000]: tc_set_location(31) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:08:51.411 indigo_mount_nexstar[mount_handle_st4_guiding_rate:620, 0x70000fdc2000]: tc_set_autoguide_rate(31) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:08:51.411 indigo_mount_nexstar[mount_handle_st4_guiding_rate:632, 0x70000fdc2000]: tc_set_autoguide_rate(31) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:08:51.412 indigo_mount_nexstar[mount_handle_st4_guiding_rate:643, 0x70000fdc2000]: tc_get_autoguide_rate(31) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:08:51.412 indigo_mount_nexstar[mount_handle_st4_guiding_rate:651, 0x70000fdc2000]: tc_get_autoguide_rate(31) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:08:51.523 Config file is locked, property 'Mount Nexstar.DEVICE_PORT' not saved
12:08:51.762 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:08:51.800 libnexstar: write 4c
12:08:51.800 libnexstar: read 30 23
12:08:51.800 libnexstar: write 65
12:08:51.919 libnexstar: read 37 39 41 35 32 30 30 30 2c 31 42 37 46 46 42 30 30 23
12:08:51.920 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_location(31) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:08:51.920 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(31) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:08:52.585 libnexstar: write 4c
12:08:52.611 libnexstar: read 30 23
12:08:52.611 libnexstar: write 65
12:08:52.723 libnexstar: read 37 39 41 35 45 30 30 30 2c 31 42 37 46 46 42 30 30 23
12:08:52.724 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_location(31) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:08:52.724 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(31) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:08:52.724 indigo_mount_nexstar[mount_handle_geo_coordinates:489, 0x7000100d4000]: tc_set_location(31) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:08:52.818 indigo_mount_nexstar[mount_handle_set_utc_from_host:517]: tc_set_time: '21/11/2021 12:08:52 +0'
12:08:52.818 indigo_mount_nexstar[mount_handle_set_utc_from_host:524, 0x70000fdc2000]: tc_set_time(31) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:08:52.818 ACL: Token found '' = 0x0
12:08:53.410 libnexstar: write 4c
12:08:53.435 libnexstar: read 30 23
12:08:53.435 libnexstar: write 65
12:08:53.545 libnexstar: read 37 39 41 36 41 33 30 30 2c 31 42 37 46 46 42 30 30 23
12:08:53.546 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_location(31) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:08:53.546 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(31) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:08:54.169 libnexstar: write 4c
12:08:54.217 libnexstar: read 30 23
12:08:54.217 libnexstar: write 65
12:08:54.304 libnexstar: read 37 39 41 36 41 33 30 30 2c 31 42 37 46 46 42 30 30 23
12:08:54.306 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_location(31) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:08:54.325 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(31) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:08:54.910 libnexstar: write 4c
12:08:54.940 libnexstar: read 30 23
12:08:54.941 libnexstar: write 65
12:08:55.044 libnexstar: read 37 39 41 37 36 38 30 30 2c 31 42 37 46 46 42 30 30 23
12:08:55.063 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_location(31) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:08:55.070 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(31) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:08:55.689 libnexstar: write 4c
12:08:55.720 libnexstar: read 30 23
12:08:55.721 libnexstar: write 65
12:08:55.824 libnexstar: read 37 39 41 38 32 38 30 30 2c 31 42 37 46 46 42 30 30 23
12:08:55.825 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_location(31) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:08:55.847 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(31) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:08:56.477 libnexstar: write 4c
12:08:56.508 libnexstar: read 30 23
12:08:56.508 libnexstar: write 65
12:08:56.608 libnexstar: read 37 39 41 38 45 44 30 30 2c 31 42 37 46 46 42 30 30 23
12:08:56.608 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_location(31) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:08:56.609 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(31) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:08:56.768 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:08:57.273 libnexstar: write 4c
12:08:57.297 libnexstar: read 30 23
12:08:57.297 libnexstar: write 65
12:08:57.408 libnexstar: read 37 39 41 39 42 30 30 30 2c 31 42 37 46 46 42 30 30 23
12:08:57.409 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_location(31) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:08:57.409 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(31) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:09:01.002 libnexstar: write 4c
12:09:01.002 libnexstar: read 30 23
12:09:01.002 libnexstar: write 65
12:09:01.002 libnexstar: read 37 39 41 39 42 30 30 30 2c 31 42 37 46 46 42 30 30 23
12:09:01.003 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_location(31) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:09:01.003 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(31) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:09:02.089 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:09:02.768 libnexstar: write 4c
12:09:02.804 libnexstar: read 30 23
12:09:02.805 libnexstar: write 65
12:09:02.916 libnexstar: read 37 39 41 44 37 44 30 30 2c 31 42 37 46 46 42 30 30 23
12:09:02.955 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_location(31) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:09:02.985 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(31) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:09:03.593 libnexstar: write 4c
12:09:03.624 libnexstar: read 30 23
12:09:03.661 libnexstar: write 65
12:09:03.789 libnexstar: read 37 39 41 45 33 44 30 30 2c 31 42 37 46 46 42 30 30 23
12:09:03.809 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_location(31) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:09:03.821 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(31) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:09:04.611 libnexstar: write 4c
12:09:04.662 libnexstar: read 30 23
12:09:04.695 libnexstar: write 65
12:09:04.791 libnexstar: read 37 39 41 46 30 33 30 30 2c 31 42 37 46 46 42 30 30 23
12:09:04.822 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_location(31) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:09:04.854 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(31) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:09:05.479 libnexstar: write 4c
12:09:05.517 libnexstar: read 30 23
12:09:05.555 libnexstar: write 65
12:09:05.641 libnexstar: read 37 39 41 46 43 35 30 30 2c 31 42 37 46 46 42 30 30 23
12:09:05.642 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_location(31) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:09:05.677 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000fb33000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(31) = -5 (Invalid argument)
duckchip commented 2 years ago

Log with status backtrace:

12:14:14.942 'Mount Nexstar' selected
12:14:15.206 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:15.206 'Server'.'DRIVERS' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AnyOfMany { // Drivers
12:14:15.206   'indigo_aux_cloudwatcher' = Off // AAG CloudWatcher
12:14:15.208   'indigo_aux_arteskyflat' = Off // Artesky Flat Box USB
12:14:15.208   'indigo_aux_astromechanics' = Off // ASTROMECHANICS LPM
12:14:15.208   'indigo_aux_mgbox' = Off // MGBox
12:14:15.209   'indigo_dome_baader' = Off // Baader Classic Dome
12:14:15.209   'indigo_dome_simulator' = Off // Dome Simulator
12:14:15.209   'indigo_gps_nmea' = Off // Generic NMEA 0183 GPS
12:14:15.209   'indigo_aux_geoptikflat' = Off // Geoptik Flat Generator
12:14:15.210   'indigo_gps_gpsd' = Off // GPS Sevice Daemon (GPSD) Client
12:14:15.210   'indigo_gps_simulator' = Off // GPS Simulator
12:14:15.210   'indigo_aux_joystick' = Off // HID Joystick
12:14:15.210   'indigo_aux_skyalert' = Off // Interactive Astronomy SkyAlert
12:14:15.210   'indigo_dome_skyroof' = Off // Interactive Astronomy SkyRoof
12:14:15.210   'indigo_mount_ioptron' = Off // iOptron Mount
12:14:15.211   'indigo_aux_fbc' = Off // Lacerta FBC
12:14:15.211   'indigo_dome_dragonfly' = Off // Lunatico Dragonfly Dome
12:14:15.211   'indigo_aux_dragonfly' = Off // Lunatico Dragonfly Relay Controller
12:14:15.211   'indigo_mount_lx200' = Off // LX200 Mount
12:14:15.211   'indigo_mount_simulator' = Off // Mount Simulator
12:14:15.211   'indigo_dome_nexdome' = Off // NexDome
12:14:15.211   'indigo_dome_beaver' = Off // Nexdome Beaver Dome
12:14:15.211   'indigo_dome_nexdome3' = Off // NexDome3
12:14:15.211   'indigo_mount_nexstaraux' = Off // NexStar AUX Mount
12:14:15.211   'indigo_mount_nexstar' = On // Nexstar Mount
12:14:15.211   'indigo_aux_flipflat' = Off // Optec Flip-Flat
12:14:15.211   'indigo_aux_flatmaster' = Off // Pegasus Astro FlatMaster
12:14:15.212   'indigo_aux_ppb' = Off // PegasusAstro Pocket Powerbox
12:14:15.212   'indigo_aux_upb' = Off // PegasusAstro Ultimate Powerbox
12:14:15.212   'indigo_mount_pmc8' = Off // PMC Eight Mount
12:14:15.212   'indigo_mount_rainbow' = Off // RainbowAstro Mount
12:14:15.212   'indigo_mount_synscan' = Off // SynScan Mount
12:14:15.212   'indigo_mount_temma' = Off // Takahashi Temma Mount
12:14:15.212   'indigo_dome_talon6ror' = Off // Talon6 ROR
12:14:15.212   'indigo_aux_sqm' = Off // Unihedron SQM
12:14:15.212   'indigo_aux_usbdp' = Off // USB Dewpoint
12:14:15.212 }
12:14:15.885 INDIGO Bus: property change request
12:14:15.886 'Mount Agent'.'FILTER_MOUNT_LIST' SWITCH UNDEFINED Idle 2.0 0 UNDEFINED {
12:14:15.886   'Mount Nexstar' = On 
12:14:15.922 }
12:14:15.922 INDIGO Bus: Change request - Device 'Mount Agent' token 0x0, Proprerty 'FILTER_MOUNT_LIST' token 0x0
12:14:15.922 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:15.922 'Mount Agent'.'FILTER_MOUNT_LIST' SWITCH rw Busy 2.0 0 OneOfMany {
12:14:15.923   'NONE' = On 
12:14:15.923   'Mount Nexstar' = Off 
12:14:15.923 }
12:14:16.134 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:16.134 'Mount Agent'.'FILTER_MOUNT_LIST' SWITCH rw Busy 2.0 0 OneOfMany {
12:14:16.134   'NONE' = Off 
12:14:16.134   'Mount Nexstar' = On 
12:14:16.134 }
12:14:16.277 INDIGO Bus: property enumeration request
12:14:16.278 'Mount Nexstar'.'CONNECTION' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany {
12:14:16.278 }
12:14:16.278 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:16.278 'Mount Nexstar'.'CONNECTION' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Connection status
12:14:16.278   'CONNECTED' = Off // Connected
12:14:16.279   'DISCONNECTED' = On // Disconnected
12:14:16.279 }
12:14:16.469 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:16.470 'Mount Agent'.'FILTER_MOUNT_LIST' SWITCH rw Busy 2.0 0 OneOfMany {
12:14:16.470   'NONE' = Off 
12:14:16.471   'Mount Nexstar' = On 
12:14:16.471 }
12:14:16.576 INDIGO Bus: property change request
12:14:16.576 'Mount Nexstar'.'CONNECTION' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany {
12:14:16.577   'CONNECTED' = On 
12:14:16.577 }
12:14:16.577 INDIGO Bus: Change request - Device 'Mount Nexstar' token 0x0, Proprerty 'CONNECTION' token 0x0
12:14:16.577 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:16.577 'Mount Nexstar'.'CONNECTION' SWITCH rw Busy 2.0 0 OneOfMany {
12:14:16.577   'CONNECTED' = On 
12:14:16.577   'DISCONNECTED' = Off 
12:14:16.578 }
12:14:16.837 timer #0 (of 1) used for 0s
12:14:16.837 timer callback: 0x10dc3ae00 started
12:14:16.837 libnexstar: write 56
12:14:16.863 libnexstar: read 02 02 23
12:14:16.864 libnexstar: write 56
12:14:16.864 libnexstar: read 02 02 23
12:14:16.864 libnexstar: write 56
12:14:16.864 libnexstar: read 02 02 23
12:14:16.864 libnexstar: write 76
12:14:17.028 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:14:21.647 libnexstar: read FAILED
12:14:21.667 libnexstar: write 6d
12:14:21.673 libnexstar: read 01 23
12:14:21.673 libnexstar: write 6d
12:14:21.673 libnexstar: read 01 23
12:14:21.673 libnexstar: write 56
12:14:21.690 libnexstar: read 02 02 23
12:14:21.691 libnexstar: write 76
12:14:21.803 Worker thread started socket = 32
12:14:21.803 Protocol switched to XML
12:14:21.803 5 clients attached
12:14:21.803 INDIGO Bus: client attach request (XML Driver Adapter)
12:14:21.803 32 ā†’ <getProperties version='1.7' switch='2.0'/>

12:14:21.803 32 ā† <switchProtocol version='2.0'/>

12:14:21.803 INDIGO Bus: property enumeration request
12:14:21.804 ''.'' UNDEFINED UNDEFINED Idle 0.0 0  {
12:14:21.804 }
12:14:21.804 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:21.804 'Auxiliary Agent'.'FILTER_AUX_1_LIST' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // AUX #1 list
12:14:21.804   'NONE' = On // No AUX device #1
12:14:21.804 }
12:14:22.016 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Auxiliary Agent' name='FILTER_AUX_1_LIST' group='Main' label='AUX #1 list' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:22.017 32 ā† <defSwitch name='NONE' label='No AUX device #1'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:22.017 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:22.017 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:22.017 'Auxiliary Agent'.'FILTER_AUX_2_LIST' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // AUX #2 list
12:14:22.017   'NONE' = On // No AUX device #2
12:14:22.017 }
12:14:22.035 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:14:22.154 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Auxiliary Agent' name='FILTER_AUX_2_LIST' group='Main' label='AUX #2 list' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:22.155 32 ā† <defSwitch name='NONE' label='No AUX device #2'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:22.155 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:22.155 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:22.155 'Auxiliary Agent'.'FILTER_AUX_3_LIST' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // AUX #3 list
12:14:22.155   'NONE' = On // No AUX device #3
12:14:22.155 }
12:14:22.312 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Auxiliary Agent' name='FILTER_AUX_3_LIST' group='Main' label='AUX #3 list' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:22.312 32 ā† <defSwitch name='NONE' label='No AUX device #3'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:22.312 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:22.312 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:22.312 'Auxiliary Agent'.'FILTER_AUX_4_LIST' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // AUX #4 list
12:14:22.313   'NONE' = On // No AUX device #4
12:14:22.313 }
12:14:22.456 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Auxiliary Agent' name='FILTER_AUX_4_LIST' group='Main' label='AUX #4 list' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:22.456 32 ā† <defSwitch name='NONE' label='No AUX device #4'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:22.456 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:22.457 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:22.457 'Auxiliary Agent'.'INFO' TEXT ro Ok 2.0 0  { // Device info
12:14:22.457   'DEVICE_NAME' = 'Auxiliary Agent' // Device name
12:14:22.457   'DEVICE_DRIVER' = 'indigo_agent_auxiliary' // Driver name
12:14:22.457   'DEVICE_VERSION' = '' // Driver version
12:14:22.457   'DEVICE_INTERFACE' = '49152' // Interface
12:14:22.457 }
12:14:22.657 32 ā† <defTextVector device='Auxiliary Agent' name='INFO' group='Main' label='Device info' perm='ro' state='Ok'>

12:14:22.657 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_NAME' label='Device name'>Auxiliary Agent</defText>

12:14:22.658 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_DRIVER' label='Driver name'>indigo_agent_auxiliary</defText>

12:14:22.658 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_VERSION' label='Driver version'></defText>

12:14:22.658 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_INTERFACE' label='Interface'>49152</defText>

12:14:22.658 32 ā† </defTextVector>

12:14:22.658 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:22.658 'Mount Agent'.'GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  { // Location
12:14:22.658   'LATITUDE' = 0 (-90, 90, 0) // Latitude (-90 to +90Ā° +N)
12:14:22.658   'LONGITUDE' = 0 (-180, 360, 0) // Longitude (0 to 360Ā° +E)
12:14:22.658   'ELEVATION' = 0 (-400, 8000, 0) // Elevation (m)
12:14:22.658 }
12:14:22.922 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' group='Agent' label='Location' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:14:22.922 32 ā† <defNumber name='LATITUDE' label='Latitude (-90 to +90Ā° +N)' format='%12.9m' min='-90' max='90' step='0' target='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:22.922 32 ā† <defNumber name='LONGITUDE' label='Longitude (0 to 360Ā° +E)' format='%12.9m' min='-180' max='360' step='0' target='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:22.922 32 ā† <defNumber name='ELEVATION' label='Elevation (m)' format='%g' min='-400' max='8000' step='0' target='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:22.922 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:14:22.922 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:22.923 'Mount Agent'.'AGENT_SITE_DATA_SOURCE' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Location coordinates source
12:14:22.923   'HOST' = On // Use agent coordinates
12:14:22.923   'MOUNT' = Off // Use mount coordinates
12:14:22.923   'DOME' = Off // Use dome coordinates
12:14:22.923   'GPS' = Off // Use GPS coordinates
12:14:22.923 }
12:14:23.187 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='AGENT_SITE_DATA_SOURCE' group='Agent' label='Location coordinates source' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:23.187 32 ā† <defSwitch name='HOST' label='Use agent coordinates'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:23.187 32 ā† <defSwitch name='MOUNT' label='Use mount coordinates'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:23.187 32 ā† <defSwitch name='DOME' label='Use dome coordinates'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:23.187 32 ā† <defSwitch name='GPS' label='Use GPS coordinates'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:23.188 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:23.188 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:23.188 'Mount Agent'.'AGENT_SET_HOST_TIME' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AnyOfMany { // Set host time
12:14:23.188   'MOUNT' = On // Set host time to mount
12:14:23.188   'DOME' = On // Set host time to dome
12:14:23.188 }
12:14:23.452 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='AGENT_SET_HOST_TIME' group='Agent' label='Set host time' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AnyOfMany'>

12:14:23.452 32 ā† <defSwitch name='MOUNT' label='Set host time to mount'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:23.452 32 ā† <defSwitch name='DOME' label='Set host time to dome'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:23.452 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:23.452 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:23.452 'Mount Agent'.'AGENT_LX200_SERVER' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // LX200 Server state
12:14:23.452   'STOPPED' = On // Stop LX200 server
12:14:23.452   'STARTED' = Off // Start LX200 server
12:14:23.452 }
12:14:23.682 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='AGENT_LX200_SERVER' group='Agent' label='LX200 Server state' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:23.682 32 ā† <defSwitch name='STOPPED' label='Stop LX200 server'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:23.683 32 ā† <defSwitch name='STARTED' label='Start LX200 server'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:23.683 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:23.683 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:23.683 'Mount Agent'.'AGENT_LX200_CONFIGURATION' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  { // LX200 Server configuration
12:14:23.683   'PORT' = 4030 (0, 65535, 0) // Server port
12:14:23.683 }
12:14:24.046 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='AGENT_LX200_CONFIGURATION' group='Agent' label='LX200 Server configuration' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:14:24.046 32 ā† <defNumber name='PORT' label='Server port' format='%g' min='0' max='65535' step='0' target='4030'>4030</defNumber>

12:14:24.046 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:14:24.047 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:24.047 'Mount Agent'.'AGENT_LIMITS' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  { // Limits
12:14:24.047   'HA_TRACKING' = 24 (0, 24, 0) // HA tracking limit (0 to 24)
12:14:24.047   'LOCAL_TIME' = 12 (0, 24, 0) // Time limit (0 to 24)
12:14:24.047   'COORDINATES_PROPAGATE_THESHOLD' = 0.00138889 (0, 360, 0) // Change threshold (Ā°)
12:14:24.047 }
12:14:24.298 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='AGENT_LIMITS' group='Agent' label='Limits' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:14:24.299 32 ā† <defNumber name='HA_TRACKING' label='HA tracking limit (0 to 24)' format='%12.9m' min='0' max='24' step='0' target='24'>24</defNumber>

12:14:24.299 32 ā† <defNumber name='LOCAL_TIME' label='Time limit (0 to 24)' format='%12.9m' min='0' max='24' step='0' target='12'>12</defNumber>

12:14:24.299 32 ā† <defNumber name='COORDINATES_PROPAGATE_THESHOLD' label='Change threshold (Ā°)' format='%12.9m' min='0' max='360' step='0' target='0.001388888889'>0.001388888889</defNumber>

12:14:24.299 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:14:24.299 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:24.299 'Mount Agent'.'AGENT_MOUNT_FOV' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  { // FOV
12:14:24.299   'ANGLE' = 0 (-360, 360, 0) // Angle (Ā°)
12:14:24.299   'WIDTH' = 0 (0, 360, 0) // Width (Ā°)
12:14:24.299   'HEIGHT' = 0 (0, 360, 0) // Height (Ā°)
12:14:24.299 }
12:14:24.585 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='AGENT_MOUNT_FOV' group='Agent' label='FOV' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:14:24.585 32 ā† <defNumber name='ANGLE' label='Angle (Ā°)' format='%12.9m' min='-360' max='360' step='0' target='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:24.585 32 ā† <defNumber name='WIDTH' label='Width (Ā°)' format='%12.9m' min='0' max='360' step='0' target='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:24.585 32 ā† <defNumber name='HEIGHT' label='Height (Ā°)' format='%12.9m' min='0' max='360' step='0' target='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:24.585 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:14:24.586 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:24.586 'Mount Agent'.'FILTER_MOUNT_LIST' SWITCH rw Busy 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Mount list
12:14:24.586   'NONE' = Off // No mount
12:14:24.586   'Mount Nexstar' = On // Mount Nexstar
12:14:24.586 }
12:14:24.854 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='FILTER_MOUNT_LIST' group='Main' label='Mount list' perm='rw' state='Busy' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:24.854 32 ā† <defSwitch name='NONE' label='No mount'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:24.854 32 ā† <defSwitch name='Mount Nexstar' label='Mount Nexstar'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:24.854 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:24.854 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:24.854 'Mount Agent'.'FILTER_DOME_LIST' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Dome list
12:14:24.854   'NONE' = On // No dome
12:14:24.855 }
12:14:25.074 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='FILTER_DOME_LIST' group='Main' label='Dome list' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:25.074 32 ā† <defSwitch name='NONE' label='No dome'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:25.075 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:25.075 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:25.075 'Mount Agent'.'FILTER_GPS_LIST' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // GPS list
12:14:25.075   'NONE' = On // No GPS
12:14:25.075 }
12:14:25.266 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='FILTER_GPS_LIST' group='Main' label='GPS list' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:25.267 32 ā† <defSwitch name='NONE' label='No GPS'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:25.267 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:25.267 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:25.267 'Mount Agent'.'FILTER_JOYSTICK_LIST' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Joystick list
12:14:25.267   'NONE' = On // No joystick
12:14:25.267 }
12:14:25.460 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='FILTER_JOYSTICK_LIST' group='Main' label='Joystick list' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:25.460 32 ā† <defSwitch name='NONE' label='No joystick'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:25.461 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:25.461 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:25.461 'Mount Agent'.'FILTER_RELATED_AGENT_LIST' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AnyOfMany { // Related agent list
12:14:25.461   'Auxiliary Agent' = Off // Auxiliary Agent
12:14:25.461   'Scripting Agent' = Off // Scripting Agent
12:14:25.461 }
12:14:25.680 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='FILTER_RELATED_AGENT_LIST' group='Main' label='Related agent list' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AnyOfMany'>

12:14:25.680 32 ā† <defSwitch name='Auxiliary Agent' label='Auxiliary Agent'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:25.680 32 ā† <defSwitch name='Scripting Agent' label='Scripting Agent'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:25.680 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:25.680 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:25.681 'Mount Agent'.'INFO' TEXT ro Ok 2.0 0  { // Device info
12:14:25.681   'DEVICE_NAME' = 'Mount Agent' // Device name
12:14:25.681   'DEVICE_DRIVER' = 'indigo_agent_mount' // Driver name
12:14:25.681   'DEVICE_VERSION' = '' // Driver version
12:14:25.681   'DEVICE_INTERFACE' = '114785' // Interface
12:14:25.681 }
12:14:25.973 32 ā† <defTextVector device='Mount Agent' name='INFO' group='Main' label='Device info' perm='ro' state='Ok'>

12:14:25.973 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_NAME' label='Device name'>Mount Agent</defText>

12:14:25.974 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_DRIVER' label='Driver name'>indigo_agent_mount</defText>

12:14:25.974 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_VERSION' label='Driver version'></defText>

12:14:25.974 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_INTERFACE' label='Interface'>114785</defText>

12:14:25.974 32 ā† </defTextVector>

12:14:25.974 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:25.974 'Scripting Agent'.'AGENT_SCRIPTING_ADD_SCRIPT' TEXT rw Ok 2.0 0  { // Add script
12:14:25.974   'NAME' = '' // Name
12:14:25.974   'SCRIPT' = '' // Script
12:14:25.974 }
12:14:26.261 32 ā† <defTextVector device='Scripting Agent' name='AGENT_SCRIPTING_ADD_SCRIPT' group='Agent' label='Add script' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:14:26.261 32 ā† <defText name='NAME' label='Name'></defText>

12:14:26.261 32 ā† <defText name='SCRIPT' label='Script'></defText>

12:14:26.261 32 ā† </defTextVector>

12:14:26.261 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:26.261 'Scripting Agent'.'AGENT_SCRIPTING_EXECUTE_SCRIPT' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Execute script
12:14:26.261 }
12:14:26.449 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Scripting Agent' name='AGENT_SCRIPTING_EXECUTE_SCRIPT' group='Agent' label='Execute script' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:26.449 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:26.449 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:26.449 'Scripting Agent'.'AGENT_SCRIPTING_DELETE_SCRIPT' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Delete script
12:14:26.449 }
12:14:26.585 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Scripting Agent' name='AGENT_SCRIPTING_DELETE_SCRIPT' group='Agent' label='Delete script' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:26.585 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:26.586 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:26.586 'Scripting Agent'.'AGENT_SCRIPTING_ON_LOAD_SCRIPT' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AnyOfMany { // Exececute on agent load
12:14:26.586   'AGENT_SCRIPTING_ADD_SCRIPT' = On // New script
12:14:26.586 }
12:14:26.746 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Scripting Agent' name='AGENT_SCRIPTING_ON_LOAD_SCRIPT' group='Agent' label='Exececute on agent load' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AnyOfMany'>

12:14:26.746 32 ā† <defSwitch name='AGENT_SCRIPTING_ADD_SCRIPT' label='New script'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:26.747 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:26.747 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:26.747 'Scripting Agent'.'AGENT_SCRIPTING_ON_UNLOAD_SCRIPT' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AnyOfMany { // Execute on agent unload
12:14:26.747   'AGENT_SCRIPTING_ADD_SCRIPT' = Off // New script
12:14:26.747 }
12:14:26.756 libnexstar: read FAILED
12:14:26.757 indigo_mount_nexstar[mount_handle_connect:355, 0x70000cd63000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Undefined error: 0)
12:14:26.931 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Scripting Agent' name='AGENT_SCRIPTING_ON_UNLOAD_SCRIPT' group='Agent' label='Execute on agent unload' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AnyOfMany'>

12:14:26.932 32 ā† <defSwitch name='AGENT_SCRIPTING_ADD_SCRIPT' label='New script'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:26.932 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:26.932 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:26.932 'Scripting Agent'.'INFO' TEXT ro Ok 2.0 0  { // Device info
12:14:26.932   'DEVICE_NAME' = 'Scripting Agent' // Device name
12:14:26.932   'DEVICE_DRIVER' = 'indigo_agent_scripting' // Driver name
12:14:26.932   'DEVICE_VERSION' = '' // Driver version
12:14:26.932   'DEVICE_INTERFACE' = '16384' // Interface
12:14:26.932 }
12:14:26.994 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:14:27.236 32 ā† <defTextVector device='Scripting Agent' name='INFO' group='Main' label='Device info' perm='ro' state='Ok'>

12:14:27.236 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_NAME' label='Device name'>Scripting Agent</defText>

12:14:27.236 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_DRIVER' label='Driver name'>indigo_agent_scripting</defText>

12:14:27.236 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_VERSION' label='Driver version'></defText>

12:14:27.236 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_INTERFACE' label='Interface'>16384</defText>

12:14:27.236 32 ā† </defTextVector>

12:14:27.237 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:27.237 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_INFO' TEXT ro Ok 2.0 0  { // Info
12:14:27.237   'VENDOR' = 'Celestron' // Vendor
12:14:27.237   'MODEL' = 'NexStar GPS Series' // Model
12:14:27.237   'FIRMWARE_VERSION' = 'NexStar  2.02' // Firmware
12:14:27.237 }
12:14:27.558 32 ā† <defTextVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_INFO' group='Mount' label='Info' perm='ro' state='Ok'>

12:14:27.558 32 ā† <defText name='VENDOR' label='Vendor'>Celestron</defText>

12:14:27.558 32 ā† <defText name='MODEL' label='Model'>NexStar GPS Series</defText>

12:14:27.558 32 ā† <defText name='FIRMWARE_VERSION' label='Firmware'>NexStar  2.02</defText>

12:14:27.558 32 ā† </defTextVector>

12:14:27.558 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:27.558 'Mount Nexstar'.'GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  { // Location
12:14:27.558   'LATITUDE' = 0 (-90, 90, 0) // Latitude (-90 to +90Ā° +N)
12:14:27.559   'LONGITUDE' = 0 (-180, 360, 0) // Longitude (0 to 360Ā° +E)
12:14:27.559 }
12:14:27.843 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' group='Site' label='Location' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:14:27.843 32 ā† <defNumber name='LATITUDE' label='Latitude (-90 to +90Ā° +N)' format='%12.9m' min='-90' max='90' step='0' target='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:27.843 32 ā† <defNumber name='LONGITUDE' label='Longitude (0 to 360Ā° +E)' format='%12.9m' min='-180' max='360' step='0' target='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:27.843 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:14:27.843 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:27.843 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_LST_TIME' NUMBER ro Ok 2.0 0  { // LST Time
12:14:27.843   'TIME' = 0 (0, 24, 0) // LST Time
12:14:27.844 }
12:14:28.083 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:28.083 'Mount Agent'.'AGENT_LIMITS' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  {
12:14:28.083   'HA_TRACKING' = 0 
12:14:28.083   'LOCAL_TIME' = 12.2408 
12:14:28.083   'COORDINATES_PROPAGATE_THESHOLD' = 0.00138889 
12:14:28.083 }
12:14:28.248 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='AGENT_LIMITS' state='Ok'>

12:14:28.248 32 ā† <oneNumber name='HA_TRACKING' target='24'>0</oneNumber>

12:14:28.248 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LOCAL_TIME' target='12'>12.24083333</oneNumber>

12:14:28.248 32 ā† <oneNumber name='COORDINATES_PROPAGATE_THESHOLD' target='0.001388888889'>0.001388888889</oneNumber>

12:14:28.248 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:14:28.249 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_LST_TIME' group='Site' label='LST Time' perm='ro' state='Ok'>

12:14:28.249 32 ā† <defNumber name='TIME' label='LST Time' format='%12.9m' min='0' max='24' step='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:28.249 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:14:28.249 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:28.249 'Mount Nexstar'.'UTC_TIME' TEXT rw Ok 2.0 0  { // UTC time
12:14:28.249   'TIME' = '0000-00-00T00:00:00' // UTC Time
12:14:28.249   'OFFSET' = '0' // UTC Offset
12:14:28.249 }
12:14:28.600 32 ā† <defTextVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='UTC_TIME' group='Site' label='UTC time' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:14:28.600 32 ā† <defText name='TIME' label='UTC Time'>0000-00-00T00:00:00</defText>

12:14:28.600 32 ā† <defText name='OFFSET' label='UTC Offset'>0</defText>

12:14:28.600 32 ā† </defTextVector>

12:14:28.600 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:28.600 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_SET_HOST_TIME' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AtMostOne { // Set UTC
12:14:28.600   'SET' = Off // From host
12:14:28.601 }
12:14:28.822 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_SET_HOST_TIME' group='Site' label='Set UTC' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AtMostOne'>

12:14:28.822 32 ā† <defSwitch name='SET' label='From host'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:28.822 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:28.822 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:28.823 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_PARK' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Park
12:14:28.823   'PARKED' = Off // Mount parked
12:14:28.823   'UNPARKED' = On // Mount unparked
12:14:28.823 }
12:14:29.042 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_PARK' group='Mount' label='Park' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:29.043 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PARKED' label='Mount parked'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:29.043 32 ā† <defSwitch name='UNPARKED' label='Mount unparked'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:29.043 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:29.043 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:29.043 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_PARK_POSITION' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  { // Park position
12:14:29.043   'HA' = 6 (-12, 12, 0) // Hour Angle (-12 to 12 hrs)
12:14:29.043   'DEC' = 90 (-90, 90, 0) // Declination (-90 to 90Ā°)
12:14:29.043 }
12:14:29.282 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_PARK_POSITION' group='Mount' label='Park position' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:14:29.282 32 ā† <defNumber name='HA' label='Hour Angle (-12 to 12 hrs)' format='%12.9m' min='-12' max='12' step='0' target='6'>6</defNumber>

12:14:29.282 32 ā† <defNumber name='DEC' label='Declination (-90 to 90Ā°)' format='%12.9m' min='-90' max='90' step='0' target='90'>90</defNumber>

12:14:29.283 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:14:29.283 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:29.283 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_SLEW_RATE' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Slew rate
12:14:29.283   'GUIDE' = On // Guide rate
12:14:29.283   'CENTERING' = Off // Centering rate
12:14:29.283   'FIND' = Off // Find rate
12:14:29.283   'MAX' = Off // Max rate
12:14:29.283 }
12:14:29.567 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_SLEW_RATE' group='Mount' label='Slew rate' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:29.568 32 ā† <defSwitch name='GUIDE' label='Guide rate'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:29.568 32 ā† <defSwitch name='CENTERING' label='Centering rate'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:29.568 32 ā† <defSwitch name='FIND' label='Find rate'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:29.568 32 ā† <defSwitch name='MAX' label='Max rate'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:29.568 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:29.568 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:29.568 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_MOTION_DEC' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AtMostOne { // Move N/S
12:14:29.568   'NORTH' = Off // North
12:14:29.568   'SOUTH' = Off // South
12:14:29.568 }
12:14:29.857 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_MOTION_DEC' group='Mount' label='Move N/S' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AtMostOne'>

12:14:29.857 32 ā† <defSwitch name='NORTH' label='North'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:29.857 32 ā† <defSwitch name='SOUTH' label='South'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:29.857 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:29.857 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:29.857 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_MOTION_RA' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AtMostOne { // Move W/E
12:14:29.857   'WEST' = Off // West
12:14:29.857   'EAST' = Off // East
12:14:29.857 }
12:14:30.103 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_MOTION_RA' group='Mount' label='Move W/E' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AtMostOne'>

12:14:30.103 32 ā† <defSwitch name='WEST' label='West'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:30.104 32 ā† <defSwitch name='EAST' label='East'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:30.104 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:30.104 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:30.104 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_TRACKING' SWITCH rw Alert 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Tracking
12:14:30.104   'ON' = On // Tracking
12:14:30.104   'OFF' = Off // Stopped
12:14:30.104 }
12:14:30.350 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_TRACKING' group='Mount' label='Tracking' perm='rw' state='Alert' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:30.350 32 ā† <defSwitch name='ON' label='Tracking'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:30.350 32 ā† <defSwitch name='OFF' label='Stopped'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:30.351 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:30.351 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:30.351 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_ON_COORDINATES_SET' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // On coordinates set
12:14:30.351   'TRACK' = On // Slew to target and track
12:14:30.351   'SYNC' = Off // Sync to target
12:14:30.351 }
12:14:30.594 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_ON_COORDINATES_SET' group='Mount' label='On coordinates set' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:30.594 32 ā† <defSwitch name='TRACK' label='Slew to target and track'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:30.594 32 ā† <defSwitch name='SYNC' label='Sync to target'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:30.594 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:30.594 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:30.594 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_EQUATORIAL_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  { // Equatorial coordinates
12:14:30.594   'RA' = 0 (0, 24, 0) // Right ascension (0 to 24 hrs)
12:14:30.594   'DEC' = 90 (-90, 90, 0) // Declination (-90 to 90Ā°)
12:14:30.595 }
12:14:30.859 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_EQUATORIAL_COORDINATES' group='Mount' label='Equatorial coordinates' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:14:30.860 32 ā† <defNumber name='RA' label='Right ascension (0 to 24 hrs)' format='%12.9m' min='0' max='24' step='0' target='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:30.860 32 ā† <defNumber name='DEC' label='Declination (-90 to 90Ā°)' format='%12.9m' min='-90' max='90' step='0' target='90'>90</defNumber>

12:14:30.860 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:14:30.860 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:30.860 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_HORIZONTAL_COORDINATES' NUMBER ro Ok 2.0 0  { // Horizontal coordinates
12:14:30.860   'AZ' = 0 (0, 360, 0) // Azimuth (0 to 360Ā°)
12:14:30.860   'ALT' = 0 (0, 90, 0) // Altitude (0 to 90Ā°)
12:14:30.860 }
12:14:31.135 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_HORIZONTAL_COORDINATES' group='Mount' label='Horizontal coordinates' perm='ro' state='Ok'>

12:14:31.135 32 ā† <defNumber name='AZ' label='Azimuth (0 to 360Ā°)' format='%12.9m' min='0' max='360' step='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:31.135 32 ā† <defNumber name='ALT' label='Altitude (0 to 90Ā°)' format='%12.9m' min='0' max='90' step='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:31.136 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:14:31.136 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:31.136 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_ABORT_MOTION' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AtMostOne { // Abort motion
12:14:31.136   'ABORT_MOTION' = Off // Abort motion
12:14:31.136 }
12:14:31.378 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_ABORT_MOTION' group='Mount' label='Abort motion' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AtMostOne'>

12:14:31.378 32 ā† <defSwitch name='ABORT_MOTION' label='Abort motion'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:31.378 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:31.378 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:31.378 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_EPOCH' NUMBER ro Ok 2.0 0  { // Current epoch
12:14:31.378   'EPOCH' = 2000 (0, 2050, 0) // Current epoch (0, 1950 to 2050)
12:14:31.378 }
12:14:31.579 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_EPOCH' group='Alignment' label='Current epoch' perm='ro' state='Ok'>

12:14:31.579 32 ā† <defNumber name='EPOCH' label='Current epoch (0, 1950 to 2050)' format='%g' min='0' max='2050' step='0'>2000</defNumber>

12:14:31.579 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:14:31.579 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:31.579 'Mount Nexstar'.'SNOOP_DEVICES' TEXT rw Ok 2.0 0  { // Snoop devices
12:14:31.579   'JOYSTICK' = '' // Joystick
12:14:31.580   'GPS' = '' // GPS
12:14:31.580 }
12:14:31.805 32 ā† <defTextVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='SNOOP_DEVICES' group='Main' label='Snoop devices' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:14:31.805 32 ā† <defText name='JOYSTICK' label='Joystick'></defText>

12:14:31.805 32 ā† <defText name='GPS' label='GPS'></defText>

12:14:31.805 32 ā† </defTextVector>

12:14:31.806 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:31.806 'Mount Nexstar'.'INFO' TEXT ro Ok 2.0 0  { // Device info
12:14:31.806   'DEVICE_NAME' = 'Mount Nexstar' // Device name
12:14:31.806   'DEVICE_DRIVER' = 'indigo_mount_nexstar' // Driver name
12:14:31.806   'DEVICE_VERSION' = '' // Driver version
12:14:31.806   'DEVICE_INTERFACE' = '1' // Interface
12:14:31.806 }
12:14:32.105 32 ā† <defTextVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='INFO' group='Main' label='Device info' perm='ro' state='Ok'>

12:14:32.105 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_NAME' label='Device name'>Mount Nexstar</defText>

12:14:32.106 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_DRIVER' label='Driver name'>indigo_mount_nexstar</defText>

12:14:32.106 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_VERSION' label='Driver version'></defText>

12:14:32.106 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_INTERFACE' label='Interface'>1</defText>

12:14:32.106 32 ā† </defTextVector>

12:14:32.106 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:32.106 'Mount Nexstar'.'CONFIG' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AtMostOne { // Configuration control
12:14:32.106   'LOAD' = Off // Load
12:14:32.106   'SAVE' = Off // Save
12:14:32.106   'REMOVE' = Off // Remove
12:14:32.106 }
12:14:32.119 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:14:32.414 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='CONFIG' group='Main' label='Configuration control' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AtMostOne'>

12:14:32.414 32 ā† <defSwitch name='LOAD' label='Load'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:32.414 32 ā† <defSwitch name='SAVE' label='Save'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:32.414 32 ā† <defSwitch name='REMOVE' label='Remove'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:32.414 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:32.415 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:32.415 'Mount Nexstar'.'PROFILE' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Profile selection
12:14:32.415   'PROFILE_0' = On // Profile #0
12:14:32.415   'PROFILE_1' = Off // Profile #1
12:14:32.415   'PROFILE_2' = Off // Profile #2
12:14:32.415   'PROFILE_3' = Off // Profile #3
12:14:32.415   'PROFILE_4' = Off // Profile #4
12:14:32.415 }
12:14:32.767 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='PROFILE' group='Main' label='Profile selection' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:32.767 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PROFILE_0' label='Profile #0'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:32.767 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PROFILE_1' label='Profile #1'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:32.767 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PROFILE_2' label='Profile #2'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:32.767 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PROFILE_3' label='Profile #3'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:32.768 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PROFILE_4' label='Profile #4'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:32.768 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:32.768 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:32.768 'Mount Nexstar'.'DEVICE_PORT' TEXT rw Ok 2.0 0  { // Serial port
12:14:32.768   'PORT' = '/dev/cu.usbserial-141220' // Device name or URL
12:14:32.768 }
12:14:33.048 32 ā† <defTextVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='DEVICE_PORT' group='Main' label='Serial port' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:14:33.049 32 ā† <defText name='PORT' label='Device name or URL'>/dev/cu.usbserial-141220</defText>

12:14:33.049 32 ā† </defTextVector>

12:14:33.049 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:33.049 'Mount Nexstar'.'DEVICE_PORTS' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Serial ports
12:14:33.049   'REFRESH' = Off // Refresh
12:14:33.049   '/dev/cu.BLTH' = Off // /dev/cu.BLTH
12:14:33.049   '/dev/cu.usbserial-141220' = Off // /dev/cu.usbserial-141220
12:14:33.049 }
12:14:33.317 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='DEVICE_PORTS' group='Main' label='Serial ports' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:33.317 32 ā† <defSwitch name='REFRESH' label='Refresh'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:33.317 32 ā† <defSwitch name='/dev/cu.BLTH' label='/dev/cu.BLTH'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:33.317 32 ā† <defSwitch name='/dev/cu.usbserial-141220' label='/dev/cu.usbserial-141220'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:33.318 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:33.318 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:33.318 'Mount Nexstar'.'CONNECTION' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Connection status
12:14:33.318   'CONNECTED' = On // Connected
12:14:33.318   'DISCONNECTED' = Off // Disconnected
12:14:33.318 }
12:14:33.590 INDIGO Bus: property change request
12:14:33.590 'Mount Nexstar'.'CONFIG' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AnyOfMany {
12:14:33.590   'LOAD' = On 
12:14:33.590 }
12:14:33.590 INDIGO Bus: Change request - Device 'Mount Nexstar' token 0x0, Proprerty 'CONFIG' token 0x0
12:14:33.590 37 ā†’ 0
12:14:33.590 Config file open for 'Mount Nexstar' with descriptor 37
12:14:33.601 37 ā†’ <newTextVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='DEVICE_PORT'>
<oneText name='PORT'>/dev/cu.usbserial-141220</oneText>
<newSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='TRACKING_MODE'>
<oneSwitch name='EQ'>Off</oneSwitch>
<oneSwitch name='AA'>Off</oneSwitch>
<oneSwitch name='AUTO'>On</oneSwitch>
<newNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES'>
<oneNumber name='LATITUDE'>0</oneNumber>
<oneNumber name='LONGITUDE'>0</oneNumber>
<newSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_SLEW_RATE'>
<oneSwitch name='GUIDE'>On</oneSwitch>
<oneSwitch name='CENTERING'>Off</oneSwitch>
<oneSwitch name='FIND'>Off</oneSwitch>
<oneSwitch name='MAX'>Off</oneSwitch>
<newNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_GUIDE_RATE'>
<oneNumber name='RA'>50</oneNumber>
<oneNumber name='DEC'>50</oneNumber>
<newNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_PARK_POSITION'>
<oneNumber name='HA'>6</oneNumber>
<oneNumber name='DEC'>90</oneNumber>
<newTextVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='DEVICE_PORT'>
<oneText name='PORT'>/dev/cu.usbserial-141220</oneText>

12:14:33.601 INDIGO Bus: property change request
12:14:33.601 'Mount Nexstar'.'DEVICE_PORT' TEXT UNDEFINED Idle 0.0 0  {
12:14:33.601   'PORT' = '/dev/cu.usbserial-141220'
12:14:33.601 }
12:14:33.601 INDIGO Bus: Change request - Device 'Mount Nexstar' token 0x0, Proprerty 'DEVICE_PORT' token 0x0
12:14:33.601 Config file is locked, property 'Mount Nexstar.DEVICE_PORT' not saved
12:14:33.601 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:33.601 'Mount Nexstar'.'DEVICE_PORT' TEXT rw Ok 2.0 0  {
12:14:33.602   'PORT' = '/dev/cu.usbserial-141220'
12:14:33.602 }
12:14:34.300 32 ā† <setTextVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='DEVICE_PORT' state='Ok'>

12:14:34.301 32 ā† <oneText name='PORT'>/dev/cu.usbserial-141220</oneText>

12:14:34.301 32 ā† </setTextVector>

12:14:34.301 INDIGO Bus: property change request
12:14:34.301 'Mount Nexstar'.'TRACKING_MODE' SWITCH UNDEFINED Idle 0.0 0 UNDEFINED {
12:14:34.301   'EQ' = Off 
12:14:34.301   'AA' = Off 
12:14:34.301   'AUTO' = On 
12:14:34.301 }
12:14:34.301 INDIGO Bus: Change request - Device 'Mount Nexstar' token 0x0, Proprerty 'TRACKING_MODE' token 0x0
12:14:34.301 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:34.302 'Mount Nexstar'.'TRACKING_MODE' SWITCH rw Busy 2.0 0 OneOfMany {
12:14:34.302   'EQ' = Off 
12:14:34.302   'AA' = Off 
12:14:34.302   'AUTO' = On 
12:14:34.302 }
12:14:34.792 32 ā† <setSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='TRACKING_MODE' state='Busy'>

12:14:34.792 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='EQ'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:14:34.792 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='AA'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:14:34.792 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='AUTO'>On</oneSwitch>

12:14:34.792 32 ā† </setSwitchVector>

12:14:34.792 timer #1 (of 2) used for 0s
12:14:34.792 timer callback: 0x10dc3c280 started
12:14:34.793 INDIGO Bus: property change request
12:14:34.793 'Mount Nexstar'.'GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' NUMBER UNDEFINED Idle 0.0 0  {
12:14:34.793   'LATITUDE' = 0 
12:14:34.793   'LONGITUDE' = 0 
12:14:34.793 }
12:14:34.793 INDIGO Bus: Change request - Device 'Mount Nexstar' token 0x0, Proprerty 'GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' token 0x0
12:14:34.793 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:34.793 'Mount Nexstar'.'GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Busy 2.0 0  {
12:14:34.793   'LATITUDE' = 0 
12:14:34.793   'LONGITUDE' = 0 
12:14:34.793 }
12:14:35.269 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' state='Busy'>

12:14:35.270 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LATITUDE' target='0'>0</oneNumber>

12:14:35.270 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LONGITUDE' target='0'>0</oneNumber>

12:14:35.270 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:14:35.270 timer #2 (of 3) used for 0s
12:14:35.270 timer callback: 0x10dc3b900 started
12:14:35.270 INDIGO Bus: property change request
12:14:35.270 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_SLEW_RATE' SWITCH UNDEFINED Idle 0.0 0 UNDEFINED {
12:14:35.270   'GUIDE' = On 
12:14:35.270   'CENTERING' = Off 
12:14:35.271   'FIND' = Off 
12:14:35.271   'MAX' = Off 
12:14:35.271 }
12:14:35.271 INDIGO Bus: Change request - Device 'Mount Nexstar' token 0x0, Proprerty 'MOUNT_SLEW_RATE' token 0x0
12:14:35.271 INDIGO Bus: property change request
12:14:35.271 timer #3 (of 4) used for 0s
12:14:35.271 timer callback: 0x10dc3c8f0 started
12:14:35.271 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_GUIDE_RATE' NUMBER UNDEFINED Idle 0.0 0  {
12:14:35.271   'RA' = 50 
12:14:35.271   'DEC' = 50 
12:14:35.271 }
12:14:35.271 INDIGO Bus: Change request - Device 'Mount Nexstar' token 0x0, Proprerty 'MOUNT_GUIDE_RATE' token 0x0
12:14:35.272 INDIGO Bus: property change request
12:14:35.272 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_PARK_POSITION' NUMBER UNDEFINED Idle 0.0 0  {
12:14:35.272   'HA' = 6 
12:14:35.272   'DEC' = 90 
12:14:35.272 timer #4 (of 5) used for 0s
12:14:35.272 timer callback: 0x10dc3c530 started
12:14:35.272 }
12:14:35.272 INDIGO Bus: Change request - Device 'Mount Nexstar' token 0x0, Proprerty 'MOUNT_PARK_POSITION' token 0x0
12:14:35.272 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:35.272 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_PARK_POSITION' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  {
12:14:35.272   'HA' = 6 
12:14:35.272   'DEC' = 90 
12:14:35.272 }
12:14:36.109 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_PARK_POSITION' state='Ok'>

12:14:36.109 32 ā† <oneNumber name='HA' target='6'>6</oneNumber>

12:14:36.109 32 ā† <oneNumber name='DEC' target='90'>90</oneNumber>

12:14:36.109 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:14:36.109 INDIGO Bus: property change request
12:14:36.109 'Mount Nexstar'.'DEVICE_PORT' TEXT UNDEFINED Idle 0.0 0  {
12:14:36.110   'PORT' = '/dev/cu.usbserial-141220'
12:14:36.110 }
12:14:36.110 INDIGO Bus: Change request - Device 'Mount Nexstar' token 0x0, Proprerty 'DEVICE_PORT' token 0x0
12:14:36.110 Config file is locked, property 'Mount Nexstar.DEVICE_PORT' not saved
12:14:36.110 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:36.110 'Mount Nexstar'.'DEVICE_PORT' TEXT rw Ok 2.0 0  {
12:14:36.110   'PORT' = '/dev/cu.usbserial-141220'
12:14:36.110 }
12:14:36.464 32 ā† <setTextVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='DEVICE_PORT' state='Ok'>

12:14:36.465 32 ā† <oneText name='PORT'>/dev/cu.usbserial-141220</oneText>

12:14:36.465 32 ā† </setTextVector>

12:14:36.465 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:36.465 'Mount Nexstar'.'CONFIG' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AtMostOne {
12:14:36.465   'LOAD' = Off 
12:14:36.465   'SAVE' = Off 
12:14:36.465   'REMOVE' = Off 
12:14:36.465 }
12:14:36.698 32 ā† <setSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='CONFIG' state='Ok'>

12:14:36.698 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='LOAD'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:14:36.698 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='SAVE'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:14:36.698 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='REMOVE'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:14:36.698 32 ā† </setSwitchVector>

12:14:36.698 INDIGO Bus: property enumeration request
12:14:36.698 'Mount Nexstar'.'' UNDEFINED UNDEFINED Idle 0.0 0  {
12:14:36.698 }
12:14:36.698 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:36.699 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_INFO' TEXT ro Ok 2.0 0  { // Info
12:14:36.699   'VENDOR' = 'Celestron' // Vendor
12:14:36.699   'MODEL' = 'NexStar GPS Series' // Model
12:14:36.699   'FIRMWARE_VERSION' = 'NexStar  2.02' // Firmware
12:14:36.699 }
12:14:36.990 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:36.990 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_INFO' TEXT ro Ok 2.0 0  { // Info
12:14:36.990   'VENDOR' = 'Celestron' // Vendor
12:14:36.990   'MODEL' = 'NexStar GPS Series' // Model
12:14:36.990   'FIRMWARE_VERSION' = 'NexStar  2.02' // Firmware
12:14:36.990 }
12:14:37.010 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:14:37.123 32 ā† <defTextVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_INFO' group='Mount' label='Info' perm='ro' state='Ok'>

12:14:37.123 32 ā† <defText name='VENDOR' label='Vendor'>Celestron</defText>

12:14:37.123 32 ā† <defText name='MODEL' label='Model'>NexStar GPS Series</defText>

12:14:37.124 32 ā† <defText name='FIRMWARE_VERSION' label='Firmware'>NexStar  2.02</defText>

12:14:37.124 32 ā† </defTextVector>

12:14:37.124 32 ā† <defTextVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_INFO' group='Mount' label='Info' perm='ro' state='Ok'>

12:14:37.124 32 ā† <defText name='VENDOR' label='Vendor'>Celestron</defText>

12:14:37.124 32 ā† <defText name='MODEL' label='Model'>NexStar GPS Series</defText>

12:14:37.124 32 ā† <defText name='FIRMWARE_VERSION' label='Firmware'>NexStar  2.02</defText>

12:14:37.124 32 ā† </defTextVector>

12:14:37.124 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:37.124 'Mount Nexstar'.'GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  { // Location
12:14:37.124   'LATITUDE' = 0 (-90, 90, 0) // Latitude (-90 to +90Ā° +N)
12:14:37.124   'LONGITUDE' = 0 (-180, 360, 0) // Longitude (0 to 360Ā° +E)
12:14:37.125 }
12:14:37.440 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:37.440 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  { // Mount Location
12:14:37.440   'LATITUDE' = 0 (-90, 90, 0) // Latitude (-90 to +90Ā° +N)
12:14:37.440   'LONGITUDE' = 0 (-180, 360, 0) // Longitude (0 to 360Ā° +E)
12:14:37.441 }
12:14:37.552 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' group='Site' label='Mount Location' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:14:37.553 32 ā† <defNumber name='LATITUDE' label='Latitude (-90 to +90Ā° +N)' format='%12.9m' min='-90' max='90' step='0' target='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:37.553 32 ā† <defNumber name='LONGITUDE' label='Longitude (0 to 360Ā° +E)' format='%12.9m' min='-180' max='360' step='0' target='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:37.553 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:14:37.553 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' group='Site' label='Location' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:14:37.553 32 ā† <defNumber name='LATITUDE' label='Latitude (-90 to +90Ā° +N)' format='%12.9m' min='-90' max='90' step='0' target='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:37.553 32 ā† <defNumber name='LONGITUDE' label='Longitude (0 to 360Ā° +E)' format='%12.9m' min='-180' max='360' step='0' target='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:37.553 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:14:37.553 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:37.554 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_LST_TIME' NUMBER ro Ok 2.0 0  { // LST Time
12:14:37.554   'TIME' = 0 (0, 24, 0) // LST Time
12:14:37.554 }
12:14:37.816 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:37.816 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_LST_TIME' NUMBER ro Ok 2.0 0  { // LST Time
12:14:37.817   'TIME' = 0 (0, 24, 0) // LST Time
12:14:37.817 }
12:14:37.920 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:37.920 'Mount Agent'.'AGENT_LIMITS' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  {
12:14:37.920   'HA_TRACKING' = 0 
12:14:37.920   'LOCAL_TIME' = 12.2436 
12:14:37.920   'COORDINATES_PROPAGATE_THESHOLD' = 0.00138889 
12:14:37.920 }
12:14:38.070 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='AGENT_LIMITS' state='Ok'>

12:14:38.070 32 ā† <oneNumber name='HA_TRACKING' target='24'>0</oneNumber>

12:14:38.071 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LOCAL_TIME' target='12'>12.24361111</oneNumber>

12:14:38.071 32 ā† <oneNumber name='COORDINATES_PROPAGATE_THESHOLD' target='0.001388888889'>0.001388888889</oneNumber>

12:14:38.071 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:14:38.071 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_LST_TIME' group='Site' label='LST Time' perm='ro' state='Ok'>

12:14:38.071 32 ā† <defNumber name='TIME' label='LST Time' format='%12.9m' min='0' max='24' step='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:38.071 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:14:38.071 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_LST_TIME' group='Site' label='LST Time' perm='ro' state='Ok'>

12:14:38.071 32 ā† <defNumber name='TIME' label='LST Time' format='%12.9m' min='0' max='24' step='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:38.071 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:14:38.071 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:38.071 'Mount Nexstar'.'UTC_TIME' TEXT rw Ok 2.0 0  { // UTC time
12:14:38.072   'TIME' = '0000-00-00T00:00:00' // UTC Time
12:14:38.072   'OFFSET' = '0' // UTC Offset
12:14:38.072 }
12:14:38.446 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:38.446 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_UTC_TIME' TEXT rw Ok 2.0 0  { // Mount UTC time
12:14:38.446   'TIME' = '0000-00-00T00:00:00' // UTC Time
12:14:38.446   'OFFSET' = '0' // UTC Offset
12:14:38.446 }
12:14:38.582 32 ā† <defTextVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_UTC_TIME' group='Site' label='Mount UTC time' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:14:38.582 32 ā† <defText name='TIME' label='UTC Time'>0000-00-00T00:00:00</defText>

12:14:38.582 32 ā† <defText name='OFFSET' label='UTC Offset'>0</defText>

12:14:38.582 32 ā† </defTextVector>

12:14:38.582 32 ā† <defTextVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='UTC_TIME' group='Site' label='UTC time' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:14:38.582 32 ā† <defText name='TIME' label='UTC Time'>0000-00-00T00:00:00</defText>

12:14:38.582 32 ā† <defText name='OFFSET' label='UTC Offset'>0</defText>

12:14:38.583 32 ā† </defTextVector>

12:14:38.583 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:38.583 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_SET_HOST_TIME' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AtMostOne { // Set UTC
12:14:38.583   'SET' = Off // From host
12:14:38.583 }
12:14:38.889 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:38.889 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_SET_HOST_TIME' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AtMostOne { // Set UTC
12:14:38.889   'SET' = Off // From host
12:14:38.889 }
12:14:38.995 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_SET_HOST_TIME' group='Site' label='Set UTC' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AtMostOne'>

12:14:38.995 32 ā† <defSwitch name='SET' label='From host'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:38.995 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:38.996 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_SET_HOST_TIME' group='Site' label='Set UTC' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AtMostOne'>

12:14:38.996 32 ā† <defSwitch name='SET' label='From host'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:38.996 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:38.996 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:38.996 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_PARK' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Park
12:14:38.996   'PARKED' = Off // Mount parked
12:14:38.996   'UNPARKED' = On // Mount unparked
12:14:38.996 }
12:14:39.272 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:39.273 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_PARK' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Park
12:14:39.273   'PARKED' = Off // Mount parked
12:14:39.273   'UNPARKED' = On // Mount unparked
12:14:39.273 }
12:14:39.408 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_PARK' group='Mount' label='Park' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:39.408 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PARKED' label='Mount parked'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:39.408 32 ā† <defSwitch name='UNPARKED' label='Mount unparked'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:39.408 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:39.409 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_PARK' group='Mount' label='Park' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:39.409 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PARKED' label='Mount parked'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:39.409 32 ā† <defSwitch name='UNPARKED' label='Mount unparked'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:39.409 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:39.409 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:39.409 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_PARK_POSITION' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  { // Park position
12:14:39.409   'HA' = 6 (-12, 12, 0) // Hour Angle (-12 to 12 hrs)
12:14:39.409   'DEC' = 90 (-90, 90, 0) // Declination (-90 to 90Ā°)
12:14:39.409 }
12:14:39.750 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:39.751 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_PARK_POSITION' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  { // Park position
12:14:39.751   'HA' = 6 (-12, 12, 0) // Hour Angle (-12 to 12 hrs)
12:14:39.751   'DEC' = 90 (-90, 90, 0) // Declination (-90 to 90Ā°)
12:14:39.751 }
12:14:39.900 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_PARK_POSITION' group='Mount' label='Park position' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:14:39.900 32 ā† <defNumber name='HA' label='Hour Angle (-12 to 12 hrs)' format='%12.9m' min='-12' max='12' step='0' target='6'>6</defNumber>

12:14:39.900 32 ā† <defNumber name='DEC' label='Declination (-90 to 90Ā°)' format='%12.9m' min='-90' max='90' step='0' target='90'>90</defNumber>

12:14:39.900 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:14:39.900 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_PARK_POSITION' group='Mount' label='Park position' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:14:39.901 32 ā† <defNumber name='HA' label='Hour Angle (-12 to 12 hrs)' format='%12.9m' min='-12' max='12' step='0' target='6'>6</defNumber>

12:14:39.901 32 ā† <defNumber name='DEC' label='Declination (-90 to 90Ā°)' format='%12.9m' min='-90' max='90' step='0' target='90'>90</defNumber>

12:14:39.901 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:14:39.901 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:39.901 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_SLEW_RATE' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Slew rate
12:14:39.901   'GUIDE' = On // Guide rate
12:14:39.901   'CENTERING' = Off // Centering rate
12:14:39.901   'FIND' = Off // Find rate
12:14:39.901   'MAX' = Off // Max rate
12:14:39.901 }
12:14:40.362 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:40.363 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_SLEW_RATE' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Slew rate
12:14:40.363   'GUIDE' = On // Guide rate
12:14:40.363   'CENTERING' = Off // Centering rate
12:14:40.363   'FIND' = Off // Find rate
12:14:40.363   'MAX' = Off // Max rate
12:14:40.363 }
12:14:40.591 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_SLEW_RATE' group='Mount' label='Slew rate' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:40.592 32 ā† <defSwitch name='GUIDE' label='Guide rate'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:40.592 32 ā† <defSwitch name='CENTERING' label='Centering rate'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:40.592 32 ā† <defSwitch name='FIND' label='Find rate'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:40.592 32 ā† <defSwitch name='MAX' label='Max rate'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:40.592 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:40.592 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_SLEW_RATE' group='Mount' label='Slew rate' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:40.592 32 ā† <defSwitch name='GUIDE' label='Guide rate'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:40.592 32 ā† <defSwitch name='CENTERING' label='Centering rate'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:40.592 32 ā† <defSwitch name='FIND' label='Find rate'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:40.593 32 ā† <defSwitch name='MAX' label='Max rate'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:40.593 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:40.593 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:40.593 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_MOTION_DEC' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AtMostOne { // Move N/S
12:14:40.593   'NORTH' = Off // North
12:14:40.593   'SOUTH' = Off // South
12:14:40.593 }
12:14:41.096 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:41.096 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_MOTION_DEC' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AtMostOne { // Move N/S
12:14:41.096   'NORTH' = Off // North
12:14:41.097   'SOUTH' = Off // South
12:14:41.097 }
12:14:41.269 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_MOTION_DEC' group='Mount' label='Move N/S' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AtMostOne'>

12:14:41.269 32 ā† <defSwitch name='NORTH' label='North'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:41.270 32 ā† <defSwitch name='SOUTH' label='South'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:41.270 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:41.270 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_MOTION_DEC' group='Mount' label='Move N/S' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AtMostOne'>

12:14:41.270 32 ā† <defSwitch name='NORTH' label='North'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:41.270 32 ā† <defSwitch name='SOUTH' label='South'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:41.270 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:41.270 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:41.270 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_MOTION_RA' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AtMostOne { // Move W/E
12:14:41.270   'WEST' = Off // West
12:14:41.270   'EAST' = Off // East
12:14:41.270 }
12:14:41.675 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:41.675 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_MOTION_RA' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AtMostOne { // Move W/E
12:14:41.675   'WEST' = Off // West
12:14:41.675   'EAST' = Off // East
12:14:41.675 }
12:14:41.838 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_MOTION_RA' group='Mount' label='Move W/E' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AtMostOne'>

12:14:41.838 32 ā† <defSwitch name='WEST' label='West'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:41.838 32 ā† <defSwitch name='EAST' label='East'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:41.838 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:41.838 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_MOTION_RA' group='Mount' label='Move W/E' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AtMostOne'>

12:14:41.838 32 ā† <defSwitch name='WEST' label='West'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:41.838 32 ā† <defSwitch name='EAST' label='East'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:41.839 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:41.839 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:41.839 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_TRACKING' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Tracking
12:14:41.839   'ON' = Off // Tracking
12:14:41.839   'OFF' = On // Stopped
12:14:41.839 }
12:14:42.232 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:42.232 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_TRACKING' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Tracking
12:14:42.232   'ON' = Off // Tracking
12:14:42.232   'OFF' = On // Stopped
12:14:42.232 }
12:14:42.265 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:14:42.410 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_TRACKING' group='Mount' label='Tracking' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:42.410 32 ā† <defSwitch name='ON' label='Tracking'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:42.411 32 ā† <defSwitch name='OFF' label='Stopped'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:42.411 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:42.411 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_TRACKING' group='Mount' label='Tracking' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:42.411 32 ā† <defSwitch name='ON' label='Tracking'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:42.411 32 ā† <defSwitch name='OFF' label='Stopped'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:42.411 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:42.411 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:42.411 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_ON_COORDINATES_SET' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // On coordinates set
12:14:42.411   'TRACK' = On // Slew to target and track
12:14:42.411   'SYNC' = Off // Sync to target
12:14:42.411 }
12:14:42.902 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:42.902 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_ON_COORDINATES_SET' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // On coordinates set
12:14:42.902   'TRACK' = On // Slew to target and track
12:14:42.902   'SYNC' = Off // Sync to target
12:14:42.902 }
12:14:43.102 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_ON_COORDINATES_SET' group='Mount' label='On coordinates set' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:43.102 32 ā† <defSwitch name='TRACK' label='Slew to target and track'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:43.102 32 ā† <defSwitch name='SYNC' label='Sync to target'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:43.102 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:43.102 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_ON_COORDINATES_SET' group='Mount' label='On coordinates set' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:43.102 32 ā† <defSwitch name='TRACK' label='Slew to target and track'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:43.103 32 ā† <defSwitch name='SYNC' label='Sync to target'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:43.103 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:43.103 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:43.103 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_EQUATORIAL_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  { // Equatorial coordinates
12:14:43.103   'RA' = 0 (0, 24, 0) // Right ascension (0 to 24 hrs)
12:14:43.103   'DEC' = 90 (-90, 90, 0) // Declination (-90 to 90Ā°)
12:14:43.103 }
12:14:43.650 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:43.651 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_EQUATORIAL_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  { // Equatorial coordinates
12:14:43.652   'RA' = 0 (0, 24, 0) // Right ascension (0 to 24 hrs)
12:14:43.652   'DEC' = 90 (-90, 90, 0) // Declination (-90 to 90Ā°)
12:14:43.652 }
12:14:43.838 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_EQUATORIAL_COORDINATES' group='Mount' label='Equatorial coordinates' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:14:43.838 32 ā† <defNumber name='RA' label='Right ascension (0 to 24 hrs)' format='%12.9m' min='0' max='24' step='0' target='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:43.839 32 ā† <defNumber name='DEC' label='Declination (-90 to 90Ā°)' format='%12.9m' min='-90' max='90' step='0' target='90'>90</defNumber>

12:14:43.839 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:14:43.839 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_EQUATORIAL_COORDINATES' group='Mount' label='Equatorial coordinates' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:14:43.839 32 ā† <defNumber name='RA' label='Right ascension (0 to 24 hrs)' format='%12.9m' min='0' max='24' step='0' target='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:43.839 32 ā† <defNumber name='DEC' label='Declination (-90 to 90Ā°)' format='%12.9m' min='-90' max='90' step='0' target='90'>90</defNumber>

12:14:43.839 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:14:43.839 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:43.839 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_HORIZONTAL_COORDINATES' NUMBER ro Ok 2.0 0  { // Horizontal coordinates
12:14:43.839   'AZ' = 0 (0, 360, 0) // Azimuth (0 to 360Ā°)
12:14:43.839   'ALT' = 0 (0, 90, 0) // Altitude (0 to 90Ā°)
12:14:43.840 }
12:14:44.419 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:44.419 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_HORIZONTAL_COORDINATES' NUMBER ro Ok 2.0 0  { // Horizontal coordinates
12:14:44.419   'AZ' = 0 (0, 360, 0) // Azimuth (0 to 360Ā°)
12:14:44.419   'ALT' = 0 (0, 90, 0) // Altitude (0 to 90Ā°)
12:14:44.419 }
12:14:44.594 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_HORIZONTAL_COORDINATES' group='Mount' label='Horizontal coordinates' perm='ro' state='Ok'>

12:14:44.594 32 ā† <defNumber name='AZ' label='Azimuth (0 to 360Ā°)' format='%12.9m' min='0' max='360' step='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:44.594 32 ā† <defNumber name='ALT' label='Altitude (0 to 90Ā°)' format='%12.9m' min='0' max='90' step='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:44.594 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:14:44.594 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_HORIZONTAL_COORDINATES' group='Mount' label='Horizontal coordinates' perm='ro' state='Ok'>

12:14:44.594 32 ā† <defNumber name='AZ' label='Azimuth (0 to 360Ā°)' format='%12.9m' min='0' max='360' step='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:44.594 32 ā† <defNumber name='ALT' label='Altitude (0 to 90Ā°)' format='%12.9m' min='0' max='90' step='0'>0</defNumber>

12:14:44.594 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:14:44.595 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:44.595 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_ABORT_MOTION' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AtMostOne { // Abort motion
12:14:44.595   'ABORT_MOTION' = Off // Abort motion
12:14:44.595 }
12:14:44.936 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:44.936 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_ABORT_MOTION' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AtMostOne { // Abort motion
12:14:44.936   'ABORT_MOTION' = Off // Abort motion
12:14:44.937 }
12:14:45.054 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_ABORT_MOTION' group='Mount' label='Abort motion' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AtMostOne'>

12:14:45.054 32 ā† <defSwitch name='ABORT_MOTION' label='Abort motion'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:45.054 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:45.054 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_ABORT_MOTION' group='Mount' label='Abort motion' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AtMostOne'>

12:14:45.054 32 ā† <defSwitch name='ABORT_MOTION' label='Abort motion'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:45.054 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:45.054 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:45.054 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_EPOCH' NUMBER ro Ok 2.0 0  { // Current epoch
12:14:45.055   'EPOCH' = 2000 (0, 2050, 0) // Current epoch (0, 1950 to 2050)
12:14:45.055 }
12:14:45.328 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:45.328 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_EPOCH' NUMBER ro Ok 2.0 0  { // Current epoch
12:14:45.328   'EPOCH' = 2000 (0, 2050, 0) // Current epoch (0, 1950 to 2050)
12:14:45.329 }
12:14:45.446 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_EPOCH' group='Alignment' label='Current epoch' perm='ro' state='Ok'>

12:14:45.447 32 ā† <defNumber name='EPOCH' label='Current epoch (0, 1950 to 2050)' format='%g' min='0' max='2050' step='0'>2000</defNumber>

12:14:45.447 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:14:45.447 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_EPOCH' group='Alignment' label='Current epoch' perm='ro' state='Ok'>

12:14:45.447 32 ā† <defNumber name='EPOCH' label='Current epoch (0, 1950 to 2050)' format='%g' min='0' max='2050' step='0'>2000</defNumber>

12:14:45.447 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:14:45.447 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:45.447 'Mount Nexstar'.'SNOOP_DEVICES' TEXT rw Ok 2.0 0  { // Snoop devices
12:14:45.447   'JOYSTICK' = '' // Joystick
12:14:45.447   'GPS' = '' // GPS
12:14:45.447 }
12:14:45.743 32 ā† <defTextVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='SNOOP_DEVICES' group='Main' label='Snoop devices' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:14:45.744 32 ā† <defText name='JOYSTICK' label='Joystick'></defText>

12:14:45.744 32 ā† <defText name='GPS' label='GPS'></defText>

12:14:45.744 32 ā† </defTextVector>

12:14:45.744 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:45.744 'Mount Nexstar'.'INFO' TEXT ro Ok 2.0 0  { // Device info
12:14:45.744   'DEVICE_NAME' = 'Mount Nexstar' // Device name
12:14:45.744   'DEVICE_DRIVER' = 'indigo_mount_nexstar' // Driver name
12:14:45.744   'DEVICE_VERSION' = '' // Driver version
12:14:45.744   'DEVICE_INTERFACE' = '1' // Interface
12:14:45.744 }
12:14:46.038 32 ā† <defTextVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='INFO' group='Main' label='Device info' perm='ro' state='Ok'>

12:14:46.039 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_NAME' label='Device name'>Mount Nexstar</defText>

12:14:46.039 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_DRIVER' label='Driver name'>indigo_mount_nexstar</defText>

12:14:46.039 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_VERSION' label='Driver version'></defText>

12:14:46.039 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_INTERFACE' label='Interface'>1</defText>

12:14:46.039 32 ā† </defTextVector>

12:14:46.039 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:46.039 'Mount Nexstar'.'CONFIG' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AtMostOne { // Configuration control
12:14:46.039   'LOAD' = Off // Load
12:14:46.039   'SAVE' = Off // Save
12:14:46.039   'REMOVE' = Off // Remove
12:14:46.039 }
12:14:46.352 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='CONFIG' group='Main' label='Configuration control' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AtMostOne'>

12:14:46.352 32 ā† <defSwitch name='LOAD' label='Load'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:46.352 32 ā† <defSwitch name='SAVE' label='Save'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:46.352 32 ā† <defSwitch name='REMOVE' label='Remove'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:46.352 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:46.352 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:46.352 'Mount Nexstar'.'PROFILE' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Profile selection
12:14:46.352   'PROFILE_0' = On // Profile #0
12:14:46.353   'PROFILE_1' = Off // Profile #1
12:14:46.353   'PROFILE_2' = Off // Profile #2
12:14:46.353   'PROFILE_3' = Off // Profile #3
12:14:46.353   'PROFILE_4' = Off // Profile #4
12:14:46.353 }
12:14:46.691 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='PROFILE' group='Main' label='Profile selection' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:46.691 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PROFILE_0' label='Profile #0'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:46.691 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PROFILE_1' label='Profile #1'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:46.691 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PROFILE_2' label='Profile #2'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:46.691 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PROFILE_3' label='Profile #3'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:46.691 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PROFILE_4' label='Profile #4'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:46.691 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:46.691 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:46.692 'Mount Nexstar'.'DEVICE_PORT' TEXT rw Ok 2.0 0  { // Serial port
12:14:46.692   'PORT' = '/dev/cu.usbserial-141220' // Device name or URL
12:14:46.692 }
12:14:46.987 32 ā† <defTextVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='DEVICE_PORT' group='Main' label='Serial port' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:14:46.987 32 ā† <defText name='PORT' label='Device name or URL'>/dev/cu.usbserial-141220</defText>

12:14:46.987 32 ā† </defTextVector>

12:14:46.988 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:46.988 'Mount Nexstar'.'DEVICE_PORTS' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Serial ports
12:14:46.988   'REFRESH' = Off // Refresh
12:14:46.988   '/dev/cu.BLTH' = Off // /dev/cu.BLTH
12:14:46.988   '/dev/cu.usbserial-141220' = Off // /dev/cu.usbserial-141220
12:14:46.988 }
12:14:46.999 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:14:47.217 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='DEVICE_PORTS' group='Main' label='Serial ports' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:47.218 32 ā† <defSwitch name='REFRESH' label='Refresh'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:47.218 32 ā† <defSwitch name='/dev/cu.BLTH' label='/dev/cu.BLTH'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:47.218 32 ā† <defSwitch name='/dev/cu.usbserial-141220' label='/dev/cu.usbserial-141220'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:47.218 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:47.218 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:47.218 'Mount Nexstar'.'CONNECTION' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Connection status
12:14:47.218   'CONNECTED' = On // Connected
12:14:47.218   'DISCONNECTED' = Off // Disconnected
12:14:47.218 }
12:14:47.495 timer #5 (of 6) used for 1s
12:14:47.495 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='CONNECTION' group='Main' label='Connection status' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:47.496 32 ā† <defSwitch name='CONNECTED' label='Connected'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:47.496 32 ā† <defSwitch name='DISCONNECTED' label='Disconnected'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:47.496 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:47.496 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:47.496 'Mount Agent'.'FILTER_MOUNT_LIST' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany {
12:14:47.496   'NONE' = Off 
12:14:47.496   'Mount Nexstar' = On 
12:14:47.496 }
12:14:47.756 32 ā† <setSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='FILTER_MOUNT_LIST' state='Ok'>

12:14:47.756 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='NONE'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:14:47.756 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='Mount Nexstar'>On</oneSwitch>

12:14:47.756 32 ā† </setSwitchVector>

12:14:47.757 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='CONNECTION' group='Main' label='Connection status' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:47.757 32 ā† <defSwitch name='CONNECTED' label='Connected'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:47.757 32 ā† <defSwitch name='DISCONNECTED' label='Disconnected'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:47.757 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:47.757 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:47.757 'Mount Nexstar (guider)'.'INFO' TEXT ro Ok 2.0 0  { // Device info
12:14:47.757   'DEVICE_NAME' = 'Mount Nexstar (guider)' // Device name
12:14:47.757   'DEVICE_DRIVER' = 'indigo_mount_nexstar' // Driver name
12:14:47.757   'DEVICE_VERSION' = '' // Driver version
12:14:47.757   'DEVICE_INTERFACE' = '4' // Interface
12:14:47.758 }
12:14:48.142 32 ā† <defTextVector device='Mount Nexstar (guider)' name='INFO' group='Main' label='Device info' perm='ro' state='Ok'>

12:14:48.143 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_NAME' label='Device name'>Mount Nexstar (guider)</defText>

12:14:48.143 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_DRIVER' label='Driver name'>indigo_mount_nexstar</defText>

12:14:48.143 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_VERSION' label='Driver version'></defText>

12:14:48.143 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_INTERFACE' label='Interface'>4</defText>

12:14:48.143 32 ā† </defTextVector>

12:14:48.143 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:48.143 'Mount Nexstar (guider)'.'CONFIG' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AtMostOne { // Configuration control
12:14:48.143   'LOAD' = Off // Load
12:14:48.144   'SAVE' = Off // Save
12:14:48.144   'REMOVE' = Off // Remove
12:14:48.144 }
12:14:48.442 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar (guider)' name='CONFIG' group='Main' label='Configuration control' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AtMostOne'>

12:14:48.442 32 ā† <defSwitch name='LOAD' label='Load'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:48.442 32 ā† <defSwitch name='SAVE' label='Save'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:48.442 32 ā† <defSwitch name='REMOVE' label='Remove'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:48.442 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:48.442 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:48.442 'Mount Nexstar (guider)'.'PROFILE' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Profile selection
12:14:48.443   'PROFILE_0' = On // Profile #0
12:14:48.443   'PROFILE_1' = Off // Profile #1
12:14:48.443   'PROFILE_2' = Off // Profile #2
12:14:48.443   'PROFILE_3' = Off // Profile #3
12:14:48.443   'PROFILE_4' = Off // Profile #4
12:14:48.443 }
12:14:48.472 timer callback: 0x10db7deb0 started
12:14:48.786 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar (guider)' name='PROFILE' group='Main' label='Profile selection' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:48.786 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PROFILE_0' label='Profile #0'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:48.786 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PROFILE_1' label='Profile #1'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:48.786 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PROFILE_2' label='Profile #2'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:48.787 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PROFILE_3' label='Profile #3'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:48.787 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PROFILE_4' label='Profile #4'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:48.787 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:48.787 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:48.787 'Mount Nexstar (guider)'.'DEVICE_PORT' TEXT rw Ok 2.0 0  { // Serial port
12:14:48.787   'PORT' = '/dev/cu.usbserial-141220' // Device name or URL
12:14:48.787 }
12:14:49.126 32 ā† <defTextVector device='Mount Nexstar (guider)' name='DEVICE_PORT' group='Main' label='Serial port' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:14:49.127 32 ā† <defText name='PORT' label='Device name or URL'>/dev/cu.usbserial-141220</defText>

12:14:49.127 32 ā† </defTextVector>

12:14:49.127 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:49.127 'Mount Nexstar (guider)'.'DEVICE_PORTS' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Serial ports
12:14:49.127   'REFRESH' = Off // Refresh
12:14:49.127   '/dev/cu.BLTH' = Off // /dev/cu.BLTH
12:14:49.127   '/dev/cu.usbserial-141220' = Off // /dev/cu.usbserial-141220
12:14:49.127 }
12:14:49.400 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar (guider)' name='DEVICE_PORTS' group='Main' label='Serial ports' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:49.400 32 ā† <defSwitch name='REFRESH' label='Refresh'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:49.401 32 ā† <defSwitch name='/dev/cu.BLTH' label='/dev/cu.BLTH'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:49.401 32 ā† <defSwitch name='/dev/cu.usbserial-141220' label='/dev/cu.usbserial-141220'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:49.401 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:49.401 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:49.401 'Mount Nexstar (guider)'.'CONNECTION' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Connection status
12:14:49.401   'CONNECTED' = Off // Connected
12:14:49.401   'DISCONNECTED' = On // Disconnected
12:14:49.401 }
12:14:49.704 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar (guider)' name='CONNECTION' group='Main' label='Connection status' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:49.705 32 ā† <defSwitch name='CONNECTED' label='Connected'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:49.705 32 ā† <defSwitch name='DISCONNECTED' label='Disconnected'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:49.705 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:49.705 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:49.705 'Server'.'INFO' TEXT ro Ok 2.0 0  { // Device info
12:14:49.705   'DEVICE_NAME' = 'AstroTelescope' // Device name
12:14:49.706   'DEVICE_VERSION' = '4.1_633' // Device version
12:14:49.706   'DEVICE_INTERFACE' = '0' // Interface
12:14:49.706   'VERSION' = '2.0-164' // INDIGO version
12:14:49.706   'SERVICE' = 'AstroTelescope' // INDIGO service
12:14:49.706 }
12:14:50.063 32 ā† <defTextVector device='Server' name='INFO' group='Main' label='Device info' perm='ro' state='Ok'>

12:14:50.063 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_NAME' label='Device name'>AstroTelescope</defText>

12:14:50.063 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_VERSION' label='Device version'>4.1_633</defText>

12:14:50.063 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_INTERFACE' label='Interface'>0</defText>

12:14:50.063 32 ā† <defText name='VERSION' label='INDIGO version'>2.0-164</defText>

12:14:50.064 32 ā† <defText name='SERVICE' label='INDIGO service'>AstroTelescope</defText>

12:14:50.064 32 ā† </defTextVector>

12:14:50.064 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:50.064 'Server'.'DRIVERS' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AnyOfMany { // Drivers
12:14:50.064   'indigo_aux_cloudwatcher' = Off // AAG CloudWatcher
12:14:50.064   'indigo_aux_arteskyflat' = Off // Artesky Flat Box USB
12:14:50.064   'indigo_aux_astromechanics' = Off // ASTROMECHANICS LPM
12:14:50.064   'indigo_aux_mgbox' = Off // MGBox
12:14:50.064   'indigo_dome_baader' = Off // Baader Classic Dome
12:14:50.064   'indigo_dome_simulator' = Off // Dome Simulator
12:14:50.064   'indigo_gps_nmea' = Off // Generic NMEA 0183 GPS
12:14:50.065   'indigo_aux_geoptikflat' = Off // Geoptik Flat Generator
12:14:50.065   'indigo_gps_gpsd' = Off // GPS Sevice Daemon (GPSD) Client
12:14:50.065   'indigo_gps_simulator' = Off // GPS Simulator
12:14:50.065   'indigo_aux_joystick' = Off // HID Joystick
12:14:50.065   'indigo_aux_skyalert' = Off // Interactive Astronomy SkyAlert
12:14:50.065   'indigo_dome_skyroof' = Off // Interactive Astronomy SkyRoof
12:14:50.065   'indigo_mount_ioptron' = Off // iOptron Mount
12:14:50.065   'indigo_aux_fbc' = Off // Lacerta FBC
12:14:50.065   'indigo_dome_dragonfly' = Off // Lunatico Dragonfly Dome
12:14:50.065   'indigo_aux_dragonfly' = Off // Lunatico Dragonfly Relay Controller
12:14:50.066   'indigo_mount_lx200' = Off // LX200 Mount
12:14:50.066   'indigo_mount_simulator' = Off // Mount Simulator
12:14:50.066   'indigo_dome_nexdome' = Off // NexDome
12:14:50.066   'indigo_dome_beaver' = Off // Nexdome Beaver Dome
12:14:50.066   'indigo_dome_nexdome3' = Off // NexDome3
12:14:50.066   'indigo_mount_nexstaraux' = Off // NexStar AUX Mount
12:14:50.066   'indigo_mount_nexstar' = On // Nexstar Mount
12:14:50.066   'indigo_aux_flipflat' = Off // Optec Flip-Flat
12:14:50.066   'indigo_aux_flatmaster' = Off // Pegasus Astro FlatMaster
12:14:50.066   'indigo_aux_ppb' = Off // PegasusAstro Pocket Powerbox
12:14:50.066   'indigo_aux_upb' = Off // PegasusAstro Ultimate Powerbox
12:14:50.067   'indigo_mount_pmc8' = Off // PMC Eight Mount
12:14:50.067   'indigo_mount_rainbow' = Off // RainbowAstro Mount
12:14:50.067   'indigo_mount_synscan' = Off // SynScan Mount
12:14:50.067   'indigo_mount_temma' = Off // Takahashi Temma Mount
12:14:50.067   'indigo_dome_talon6ror' = Off // Talon6 ROR
12:14:50.067   'indigo_aux_sqm' = Off // Unihedron SQM
12:14:50.067   'indigo_aux_usbdp' = Off // USB Dewpoint
12:14:50.068 }
12:14:52.124 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Server' name='DRIVERS' group='Main' label='Drivers' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AnyOfMany'>

12:14:52.124 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_aux_cloudwatcher' label='AAG CloudWatcher'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.124 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_aux_arteskyflat' label='Artesky Flat Box USB'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.125 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_aux_astromechanics' label='ASTROMECHANICS LPM'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.125 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_aux_mgbox' label=' MGBox'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.125 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_dome_baader' label='Baader Classic Dome'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.125 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_dome_simulator' label='Dome Simulator'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.125 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_gps_nmea' label='Generic NMEA 0183 GPS'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.125 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_aux_geoptikflat' label='Geoptik Flat Generator'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.125 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_gps_gpsd' label='GPS Sevice Daemon (GPSD) Client'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.125 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_gps_simulator' label='GPS Simulator'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.125 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_aux_joystick' label='HID Joystick'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.126 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_aux_skyalert' label='Interactive Astronomy SkyAlert'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.126 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_dome_skyroof' label='Interactive Astronomy SkyRoof'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.126 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_mount_ioptron' label='iOptron Mount'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.126 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_aux_fbc' label='Lacerta FBC'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.126 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_dome_dragonfly' label='Lunatico Dragonfly Dome'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.126 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_aux_dragonfly' label='Lunatico Dragonfly Relay Controller'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.126 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_mount_lx200' label='LX200 Mount'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.126 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_mount_simulator' label='Mount Simulator'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.126 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_dome_nexdome' label='NexDome'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.126 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_dome_beaver' label='Nexdome Beaver Dome'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.127 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_dome_nexdome3' label='NexDome3'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.127 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_mount_nexstaraux' label='NexStar AUX Mount'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.127 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_mount_nexstar' label='Nexstar Mount'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:52.127 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_aux_flipflat' label='Optec Flip-Flat'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.127 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_aux_flatmaster' label='Pegasus Astro FlatMaster'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.127 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_aux_ppb' label='PegasusAstro Pocket Powerbox'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.127 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_aux_upb' label='PegasusAstro Ultimate Powerbox'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.127 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_mount_pmc8' label='PMC Eight Mount'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.127 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_mount_rainbow' label='RainbowAstro Mount'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.127 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_mount_synscan' label='SynScan Mount'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.128 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_mount_temma' label='Takahashi Temma Mount'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.128 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_dome_talon6ror' label='Talon6 ROR'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.128 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_aux_sqm' label='Unihedron SQM'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.128 32 ā† <defSwitch name='indigo_aux_usbdp' label='USB Dewpoint'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:52.128 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:52.128 INDIGO Bus: device attach request (Mount Nexstar (gps))
12:14:52.128 7 devices attached
12:14:52.128 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:52.128 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_SLEW_RATE' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany {
12:14:52.128   'GUIDE' = On 
12:14:52.129   'CENTERING' = Off 
12:14:52.129   'FIND' = Off 
12:14:52.129   'MAX' = Off 
12:14:52.129 }
12:14:52.129 indigo_mount_nexstar: 'Mount Nexstar (gps)' attached
12:14:52.173 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:14:53.379 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:53.379 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_SLEW_RATE' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany {
12:14:53.379   'GUIDE' = On 
12:14:53.379   'CENTERING' = Off 
12:14:53.379   'FIND' = Off 
12:14:53.379   'MAX' = Off 
12:14:53.379 }
12:14:53.617 32 ā† <setSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_SLEW_RATE' state='Ok'>

12:14:53.618 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='GUIDE'>On</oneSwitch>

12:14:53.618 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='CENTERING'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:14:53.618 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='FIND'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:14:53.618 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='MAX'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:14:53.618 32 ā† </setSwitchVector>

12:14:53.618 32 ā† <setSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_SLEW_RATE' state='Ok'>

12:14:53.618 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='GUIDE'>On</oneSwitch>

12:14:53.618 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='CENTERING'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:14:53.618 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='FIND'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:14:53.619 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='MAX'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:14:53.619 32 ā† </setSwitchVector>

12:14:53.619 timer callback: 0x10dc3c8f0 finished
12:14:53.619 timer #3 done
12:14:53.619 INDIGO Bus: property change request
12:14:53.619 'Mount Nexstar'.'GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' NUMBER UNDEFINED Idle 2.0 0  {
12:14:53.619   'LATITUDE' = 0 
12:14:53.619   'LONGITUDE' = 0 
12:14:53.619   'ELEVATION' = 0 
12:14:53.619 }
12:14:53.619 INDIGO Bus: Change request - Device 'Mount Nexstar' token 0x0, Proprerty 'GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' token 0x0
12:14:53.620 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:53.620 'Mount Nexstar'.'GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Busy 2.0 0  {
12:14:53.620   'LATITUDE' = 0 
12:14:53.620   'LONGITUDE' = 0 
12:14:53.620 }
12:14:54.378 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:54.378 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Busy 2.0 0  {
12:14:54.378   'LATITUDE' = 0 
12:14:54.378   'LONGITUDE' = 0 
12:14:54.379 }
12:14:54.542 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' state='Busy'>

12:14:54.542 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LATITUDE' target='0'>0</oneNumber>

12:14:54.543 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LONGITUDE' target='0'>0</oneNumber>

12:14:54.543 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:14:54.543 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' state='Busy'>

12:14:54.543 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LATITUDE' target='0'>0</oneNumber>

12:14:54.543 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LONGITUDE' target='0'>0</oneNumber>

12:14:54.543 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:14:54.543 timer #3 (of 6) used for 0s
12:14:54.543 timer callback: 0x10dc3b900 started
12:14:54.543 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:54.544 'Mount Nexstar (gps)'.'INFO' TEXT ro Ok 2.0 0  { // Device info
12:14:54.544   'DEVICE_NAME' = 'Mount Nexstar (gps)' // Device name
12:14:54.544   'DEVICE_DRIVER' = 'indigo_mount_nexstar' // Driver name
12:14:54.544   'DEVICE_VERSION' = '' // Driver version
12:14:54.544   'DEVICE_INTERFACE' = '64' // Interface
12:14:54.544   'DEVICE_MODEL' = 'Celestron GPS' // Model
12:14:54.544   'DEVICE_FIRMWARE_REVISION' = 'N/A' // Firmware Rev.
12:14:54.544 }
12:14:55.222 INDIGO Bus: property removal
12:14:55.223 'Mount Agent'.'FILTER_GPS_LIST' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany {
12:14:55.223 }
12:14:55.333 32 ā† <delProperty device='Mount Agent' name='FILTER_GPS_LIST'/>

12:14:55.333 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:55.333 'Mount Agent'.'FILTER_GPS_LIST' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // GPS list
12:14:55.333   'NONE' = On // No GPS
12:14:55.334   'Mount Nexstar (gps)' = Off // Mount Nexstar (gps)
12:14:55.334 }
12:14:55.517 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='FILTER_GPS_LIST' group='Main' label='GPS list' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:55.517 32 ā† <defSwitch name='NONE' label='No GPS'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:55.517 32 ā† <defSwitch name='Mount Nexstar (gps)' label='Mount Nexstar (gps)'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:55.518 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:55.518 32 ā† <defTextVector device='Mount Nexstar (gps)' name='INFO' group='Main' label='Device info' perm='ro' state='Ok'>

12:14:55.518 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_NAME' label='Device name'>Mount Nexstar (gps)</defText>

12:14:55.518 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_DRIVER' label='Driver name'>indigo_mount_nexstar</defText>

12:14:55.518 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_VERSION' label='Driver version'></defText>

12:14:55.518 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_INTERFACE' label='Interface'>64</defText>

12:14:55.518 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_MODEL' label='Model'>Celestron GPS</defText>

12:14:55.518 32 ā† <defText name='DEVICE_FIRMWARE_REVISION' label='Firmware Rev.'>N/A</defText>

12:14:55.518 32 ā† </defTextVector>

12:14:55.518 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:55.519 'Mount Nexstar (gps)'.'CONFIG' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AtMostOne { // Configuration control
12:14:55.519   'LOAD' = Off // Load
12:14:55.519   'SAVE' = Off // Save
12:14:55.519   'REMOVE' = Off // Remove
12:14:55.519 }
12:14:55.950 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar (gps)' name='CONFIG' group='Main' label='Configuration control' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AtMostOne'>

12:14:55.950 32 ā† <defSwitch name='LOAD' label='Load'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:55.951 32 ā† <defSwitch name='SAVE' label='Save'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:55.951 32 ā† <defSwitch name='REMOVE' label='Remove'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:55.951 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:55.951 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:55.951 'Mount Nexstar (gps)'.'PROFILE' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Profile selection
12:14:55.951   'PROFILE_0' = On // Profile #0
12:14:55.951   'PROFILE_1' = Off // Profile #1
12:14:55.951   'PROFILE_2' = Off // Profile #2
12:14:55.951   'PROFILE_3' = Off // Profile #3
12:14:55.951   'PROFILE_4' = Off // Profile #4
12:14:55.952 }
12:14:56.263 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar (gps)' name='PROFILE' group='Main' label='Profile selection' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:56.263 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PROFILE_0' label='Profile #0'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:56.263 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PROFILE_1' label='Profile #1'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:56.263 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PROFILE_2' label='Profile #2'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:56.263 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PROFILE_3' label='Profile #3'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:56.263 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PROFILE_4' label='Profile #4'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:56.264 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:56.264 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:56.264 'Mount Nexstar (gps)'.'CONNECTION' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Connection status
12:14:56.264   'CONNECTED' = Off // Connected
12:14:56.264   'DISCONNECTED' = On // Disconnected
12:14:56.264 }
12:14:56.561 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar (gps)' name='CONNECTION' group='Main' label='Connection status' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:56.561 32 ā† <defSwitch name='CONNECTED' label='Connected'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:56.561 32 ā† <defSwitch name='DISCONNECTED' label='Disconnected'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:56.561 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:56.561 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:56.561 'Mount Agent'.'GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  {
12:14:56.561   'LATITUDE' = 0 
12:14:56.561   'LONGITUDE' = 0 
12:14:56.562   'ELEVATION' = 0 
12:14:56.562 }
12:14:56.562 Can't open /Users/duckchip/Library/Containers/eu.cloudmakers.AstroTelescope/Data/.indigo/Mount_Nexstar_(gps).config (No such file or directory)
12:14:56.897 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' state='Ok'>

12:14:56.897 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LATITUDE' target='0'>0</oneNumber>

12:14:56.898 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LONGITUDE' target='0'>0</oneNumber>

12:14:56.898 32 ā† <oneNumber name='ELEVATION' target='0'>0</oneNumber>

12:14:56.898 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:14:56.898 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:56.898 'Mount Nexstar (gps)'.'CONFIG' SWITCH rw Alert 2.0 0 AtMostOne {
12:14:56.898   'LOAD' = Off 
12:14:56.898   'SAVE' = Off 
12:14:56.898   'REMOVE' = Off 
12:14:56.898 }
12:14:57.238 32 ā† <setSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar (gps)' name='CONFIG' state='Alert'>

12:14:57.238 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='LOAD'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:14:57.238 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='SAVE'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:14:57.238 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='REMOVE'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:14:57.238 32 ā† </setSwitchVector>

12:14:57.238 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:57.238 'Mount Nexstar'.'TRACKING_MODE' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Tracking mode
12:14:57.238   'EQ' = Off // EQ mode
12:14:57.239   'AA' = Off // Alt/Az mode
12:14:57.239   'AUTO' = On // Automatic mode
12:14:57.239 }
12:14:57.239 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:14:57.570 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:14:57.570 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_TRACKING_MODE' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Mount Tracking mode
12:14:57.571   'EQ' = Off // EQ mode
12:14:57.571   'AA' = Off // Alt/Az mode
12:14:57.571   'AUTO' = On // Automatic mode
12:14:57.571 }
12:14:57.781 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_TRACKING_MODE' group='Mount' label='Mount Tracking mode' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:57.781 32 ā† <defSwitch name='EQ' label='EQ mode'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:57.781 32 ā† <defSwitch name='AA' label='Alt/Az mode'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:57.781 32 ā† <defSwitch name='AUTO' label='Automatic mode'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:57.781 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:57.782 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='TRACKING_MODE' group='Mount' label='Tracking mode' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:14:57.782 32 ā† <defSwitch name='EQ' label='EQ mode'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:57.782 32 ā† <defSwitch name='AA' label='Alt/Az mode'>Off</defSwitch>

12:14:57.782 32 ā† <defSwitch name='AUTO' label='Automatic mode'>On</defSwitch>

12:14:57.782 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:14:57.782 INDIGO Bus: property change request
12:14:57.782 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_SET_HOST_TIME' SWITCH UNDEFINED Idle 2.0 0 UNDEFINED {
12:14:57.782 libnexstar: write 54 00
12:14:57.782 timer #6 (of 7) used for 0s
12:14:57.782 timer callback: 0x10dc3d3a0 started
12:14:57.783 37 ā†’ 0
12:14:57.783   'SET' = On 
12:14:57.783 }
12:14:57.783 INDIGO Bus: Change request - Device 'Mount Nexstar' token 0x0, Proprerty 'MOUNT_SET_HOST_TIME' token 0x0
12:14:57.783 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:57.783 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_SET_HOST_TIME' SWITCH rw Busy 2.0 0 AtMostOne {
12:14:57.783   'SET' = On 
12:14:57.783 }
12:14:57.783 libnexstar: read 23
12:14:57.784 indigo_mount_nexstar[mount_handle_geo_coordinates:489, 0x70000d1fb000]: tc_set_location(11) = -5 (Undefined error: 0)
12:14:57.784 indigo_mount_nexstar[mount_handle_st4_guiding_rate:620, 0x70000d407000]: tc_set_autoguide_rate(11) = -5 (Undefined error: 0)
12:14:57.784 indigo_mount_nexstar[mount_handle_geo_coordinates:489, 0x70000d27e000]: tc_set_location(11) = -5 (Undefined error: 0)
12:14:57.784 libnexstar: write 4c
12:14:57.827 libnexstar: read 30 23
12:14:57.827 libnexstar: write 65
12:14:57.827 libnexstar: read 37 41 42 42 38 30 30 30 2c 31 42 37 46 46 42 30 30 23
12:14:57.828 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Undefined error: 0)
12:14:57.828 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Undefined error: 0)
12:14:57.828 indigo_mount_nexstar[mount_handle_st4_guiding_rate:632, 0x70000d407000]: tc_set_autoguide_rate(11) = -5 (Undefined error: 0)
12:14:57.828 indigo_mount_nexstar[mount_handle_st4_guiding_rate:643, 0x70000d407000]: tc_get_autoguide_rate(11) = -5 (Undefined error: 0)
12:14:57.829 indigo_mount_nexstar[mount_handle_st4_guiding_rate:651, 0x70000d407000]: tc_get_autoguide_rate(11) = -5 (Undefined error: 0)
12:14:58.442 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:58.465 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_SET_HOST_TIME' SWITCH rw Busy 2.0 0 AtMostOne {
12:14:58.488   'SET' = On 
12:14:58.488 }
12:14:58.844 32 ā† <setSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_SET_HOST_TIME' state='Busy'>

12:14:58.845 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='SET'>On</oneSwitch>

12:14:58.845 32 ā† </setSwitchVector>

12:14:58.845 32 ā† <setSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_SET_HOST_TIME' state='Busy'>

12:14:58.845 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='SET'>On</oneSwitch>

12:14:58.845 32 ā† </setSwitchVector>

12:14:58.845 ACL: Token found '' = 0x0
12:14:58.845 timer #7 (of 8) used for 0s
12:14:58.845 timer callback: 0x10dc3bab0 started
12:14:58.846 indigo_mount_nexstar[mount_handle_set_utc_from_host:517]: tc_set_time: '21/11/2021 12:14:58 +0'
12:14:58.846 indigo_mount_nexstar[mount_handle_set_utc_from_host:524, 0x70000cbda000]: tc_set_time(11) = -5 (Undefined error: 0)
12:14:58.846 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:58.846 'Mount Nexstar'.'TRACKING_MODE' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany {
12:14:58.846   'EQ' = Off 
12:14:58.846   'AA' = Off 
12:14:58.846   'AUTO' = On 
12:14:58.846 }
12:14:59.254 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:59.254 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_TRACKING_MODE' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany {
12:14:59.254   'EQ' = Off 
12:14:59.254   'AA' = Off 
12:14:59.254   'AUTO' = On 
12:14:59.254 }
12:14:59.431 32 ā† <setSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_TRACKING_MODE' state='Ok'>

12:14:59.431 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='EQ'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:14:59.431 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='AA'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:14:59.432 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='AUTO'>On</oneSwitch>

12:14:59.432 32 ā† </setSwitchVector>

12:14:59.432 32 ā† <setSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='TRACKING_MODE' state='Ok'>

12:14:59.432 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='EQ'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:14:59.432 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='AA'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:14:59.432 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='AUTO'>On</oneSwitch>

12:14:59.433 32 ā† </setSwitchVector>

12:14:59.433 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:59.433 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_TRACKING' SWITCH rw Alert 2.0 0 OneOfMany {
12:14:59.433   'ON' = Off 
12:14:59.433   'OFF' = On 
12:14:59.433 }
12:14:59.833 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:59.834 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_TRACKING' SWITCH rw Alert 2.0 0 OneOfMany {
12:14:59.834   'ON' = Off 
12:14:59.834   'OFF' = On 
12:14:59.835 }
12:14:59.994 32 ā† <setSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_TRACKING' state='Alert'>

12:14:59.995 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='ON'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:14:59.995 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='OFF'>On</oneSwitch>

12:14:59.995 32 ā† </setSwitchVector>

12:14:59.995 32 ā† <setSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_TRACKING' state='Alert'>

12:14:59.995 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='ON'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:14:59.995 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='OFF'>On</oneSwitch>

12:14:59.995 32 ā† </setSwitchVector>

12:14:59.995 timer callback: 0x10dc3c280 finished
12:14:59.996 timer #1 done
12:14:59.996 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:14:59.996 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_HORIZONTAL_COORDINATES' NUMBER ro Ok 2.0 0  {
12:14:59.996   'AZ' = 313.718 
12:14:59.996   'ALT' = 25.2922 
12:14:59.996 }
12:15:00.387 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:00.387 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_HORIZONTAL_COORDINATES' NUMBER ro Ok 2.0 0  {
12:15:00.387   'AZ' = 313.718 
12:15:00.387   'ALT' = 25.2922 
12:15:00.387 }
12:15:00.541 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_HORIZONTAL_COORDINATES' state='Ok'>

12:15:00.541 32 ā† <oneNumber name='AZ'>313.7178204</oneNumber>

12:15:00.541 32 ā† <oneNumber name='ALT'>25.29223303</oneNumber>

12:15:00.541 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:15:00.542 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_HORIZONTAL_COORDINATES' state='Ok'>

12:15:00.542 32 ā† <oneNumber name='AZ'>313.7178204</oneNumber>

12:15:00.542 32 ā† <oneNumber name='ALT'>25.29223303</oneNumber>

12:15:00.542 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:15:00.542 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:15:00.543 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_INFO' TEXT ro Ok 2.0 0  { // Info
12:15:00.543   'VENDOR' = 'Celestron' // Vendor
12:15:00.543   'MODEL' = 'NexStar GPS Series' // Model
12:15:00.543   'FIRMWARE_VERSION' = 'NexStar  2.02' // Firmware
12:15:00.543 }
12:15:00.544 timer callback: 0x10dc3c530 finished
12:15:00.544 timer #4 done
12:15:00.941 32 ā† <defTextVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_INFO' group='Mount' label='Info' perm='ro' state='Ok'>

12:15:00.942 32 ā† <defText name='VENDOR' label='Vendor'>Celestron</defText>

12:15:00.942 32 ā† <defText name='MODEL' label='Model'>NexStar GPS Series</defText>

12:15:00.942 32 ā† <defText name='FIRMWARE_VERSION' label='Firmware'>NexStar  2.02</defText>

12:15:00.942 32 ā† </defTextVector>

12:15:00.942 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:15:00.942 'Mount Nexstar'.'GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Alert 2.0 0  { // Location
12:15:00.942   'LATITUDE' = 0 (-90, 90, 0) // Latitude (-90 to +90Ā° +N)
12:15:00.942   'LONGITUDE' = 0 (-180, 360, 0) // Longitude (0 to 360Ā° +E)
12:15:00.942 }
12:15:01.186 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' group='Site' label='Location' perm='rw' state='Alert'>

12:15:01.186 32 ā† <defNumber name='LATITUDE' label='Latitude (-90 to +90Ā° +N)' format='%12.9m' min='-90' max='90' step='0' target='0'>0</defNumber>

12:15:01.186 32 ā† <defNumber name='LONGITUDE' label='Longitude (0 to 360Ā° +E)' format='%12.9m' min='-180' max='360' step='0' target='0'>0</defNumber>

12:15:01.187 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:15:01.187 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:15:01.187 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_LST_TIME' NUMBER ro Ok 2.0 0  { // LST Time
12:15:01.187   'TIME' = 6.68049 (0, 24, 0) // LST Time
12:15:01.187 }
12:15:01.403 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_LST_TIME' group='Site' label='LST Time' perm='ro' state='Ok'>

12:15:01.403 32 ā† <defNumber name='TIME' label='LST Time' format='%12.9m' min='0' max='24' step='0'>6.68049191</defNumber>

12:15:01.403 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:15:01.403 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:15:01.403 'Mount Nexstar'.'UTC_TIME' TEXT rw Ok 2.0 0  { // UTC time
12:15:01.403   'TIME' = '0000-00-00T00:00:00' // UTC Time
12:15:01.403   'OFFSET' = '0' // UTC Offset
12:15:01.404 }
12:15:01.650 32 ā† <defTextVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='UTC_TIME' group='Site' label='UTC time' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:15:01.650 32 ā† <defText name='TIME' label='UTC Time'>0000-00-00T00:00:00</defText>

12:15:01.650 32 ā† <defText name='OFFSET' label='UTC Offset'>0</defText>

12:15:01.650 32 ā† </defTextVector>

12:15:01.650 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:15:01.650 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_SET_HOST_TIME' SWITCH rw Alert 2.0 0 AtMostOne { // Set UTC
12:15:01.650   'SET' = Off // From host
12:15:01.651 }
12:15:01.866 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_SET_HOST_TIME' group='Site' label='Set UTC' perm='rw' state='Alert' rule='AtMostOne'>

12:15:01.866 32 ā† <defSwitch name='SET' label='From host'>Off</defSwitch>

12:15:01.866 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:15:01.866 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:15:01.867 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_PARK' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Park
12:15:01.867   'PARKED' = Off // Mount parked
12:15:01.867   'UNPARKED' = On // Mount unparked
12:15:01.867 }
12:15:02.095 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_PARK' group='Mount' label='Park' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:15:02.095 32 ā† <defSwitch name='PARKED' label='Mount parked'>Off</defSwitch>

12:15:02.095 32 ā† <defSwitch name='UNPARKED' label='Mount unparked'>On</defSwitch>

12:15:02.095 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:15:02.095 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:02.095 'Mount Nexstar'.'GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Alert 2.0 0  {
12:15:02.096   'LATITUDE' = 0 
12:15:02.096   'LONGITUDE' = 0 
12:15:02.096 }
12:15:02.127 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:15:02.374 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:02.375 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Alert 2.0 0  {
12:15:02.375   'LATITUDE' = 0 
12:15:02.375   'LONGITUDE' = 0 
12:15:02.375 }
12:15:02.558 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' state='Alert'>

12:15:02.558 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LATITUDE' target='0'>0</oneNumber>

12:15:02.558 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LONGITUDE' target='0'>0</oneNumber>

12:15:02.558 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:15:02.559 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' state='Alert'>

12:15:02.559 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LATITUDE' target='0'>0</oneNumber>

12:15:02.559 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LONGITUDE' target='0'>0</oneNumber>

12:15:02.559 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:15:02.559 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:02.559 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_SET_HOST_TIME' SWITCH rw Alert 2.0 0 AtMostOne {
12:15:02.559   'SET' = Off 
12:15:02.559 }
12:15:02.559 timer callback: 0x10dc3b900 finished
12:15:02.559 timer #2 done
12:15:02.927 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:02.927 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_SET_HOST_TIME' SWITCH rw Alert 2.0 0 AtMostOne {
12:15:02.927   'SET' = Off 
12:15:02.927 }
12:15:03.073 32 ā† <setSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_SET_HOST_TIME' state='Alert'>

12:15:03.074 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='SET'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:15:03.074 32 ā† </setSwitchVector>

12:15:03.074 32 ā† <setSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_SET_HOST_TIME' state='Alert'>

12:15:03.074 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='SET'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:15:03.074 32 ā† </setSwitchVector>

12:15:03.074 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:03.074 'Mount Nexstar'.'GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Alert 2.0 0  {
12:15:03.074   'LATITUDE' = 0 
12:15:03.074   'LONGITUDE' = 0 
12:15:03.074 }
12:15:03.075 timer callback: 0x10dc3bab0 finished
12:15:03.075 timer #7 done
12:15:03.442 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:03.443 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Alert 2.0 0  {
12:15:03.443   'LATITUDE' = 0 
12:15:03.443   'LONGITUDE' = 0 
12:15:03.443 }
12:15:03.687 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' state='Alert'>

12:15:03.688 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LATITUDE' target='0'>0</oneNumber>

12:15:03.688 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LONGITUDE' target='0'>0</oneNumber>

12:15:03.688 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:15:03.688 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' state='Alert'>

12:15:03.688 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LATITUDE' target='0'>0</oneNumber>

12:15:03.688 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LONGITUDE' target='0'>0</oneNumber>

12:15:03.688 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:15:03.689 timer callback: 0x10dc3b900 finished
12:15:03.689 timer #3 done
12:15:03.689 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:03.689 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_LST_TIME' NUMBER ro Ok 2.0 0  {
12:15:03.689   'TIME' = 6.68049 
12:15:03.689 }
12:15:04.128 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:04.129 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_LST_TIME' NUMBER ro Ok 2.0 0  {
12:15:04.129   'TIME' = 6.68049 
12:15:04.129 }
12:15:04.369 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:04.370 'Mount Agent'.'AGENT_LIMITS' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  {
12:15:04.371   'HA_TRACKING' = 6.68049 
12:15:04.371   'LOCAL_TIME' = 12.2511 
12:15:04.371   'COORDINATES_PROPAGATE_THESHOLD' = 0.00138889 
12:15:04.371 }
12:15:04.566 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='AGENT_LIMITS' state='Ok'>

12:15:04.567 32 ā† <oneNumber name='HA_TRACKING' target='24'>6.68049191</oneNumber>

12:15:04.567 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LOCAL_TIME' target='12'>12.25111111</oneNumber>

12:15:04.568 32 ā† <oneNumber name='COORDINATES_PROPAGATE_THESHOLD' target='0.001388888889'>0.001388888889</oneNumber>

12:15:04.568 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:15:04.568 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_LST_TIME' state='Ok'>

12:15:04.568 32 ā† <oneNumber name='TIME'>6.68049191</oneNumber>

12:15:04.568 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:15:04.568 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_LST_TIME' state='Ok'>

12:15:04.568 32 ā† <oneNumber name='TIME'>6.68049191</oneNumber>

12:15:04.568 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:15:04.569 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:04.569 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_EQUATORIAL_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  {
12:15:04.569   'RA' = 11.5062 
12:15:04.569   'DEC' = 38.6718 
12:15:04.569 }
12:15:05.012 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:05.013 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_EQUATORIAL_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  {
12:15:05.013   'RA' = 11.5062 
12:15:05.013   'DEC' = 38.6718 
12:15:05.013 }
12:15:05.345 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_EQUATORIAL_COORDINATES' state='Ok'>

12:15:05.346 32 ā† <oneNumber name='RA' target='0'>11.50616455</oneNumber>

12:15:05.346 32 ā† <oneNumber name='DEC' target='90'>38.67176772</oneNumber>

12:15:05.346 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:15:05.346 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_EQUATORIAL_COORDINATES' state='Ok'>

12:15:05.346 32 ā† <oneNumber name='RA' target='0'>11.50616455</oneNumber>

12:15:05.346 32 ā† <oneNumber name='DEC' target='90'>38.67176772</oneNumber>

12:15:05.346 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:15:05.346 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:15:05.346 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_PARK_POSITION' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  { // Park position
12:15:05.347   'HA' = 6 (-12, 12, 0) // Hour Angle (-12 to 12 hrs)
12:15:05.347   'DEC' = 90 (-90, 90, 0) // Declination (-90 to 90Ā°)
12:15:05.347 }
12:15:05.673 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_PARK_POSITION' group='Mount' label='Park position' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:15:05.673 32 ā† <defNumber name='HA' label='Hour Angle (-12 to 12 hrs)' format='%12.9m' min='-12' max='12' step='0' target='6'>6</defNumber>

12:15:05.673 32 ā† <defNumber name='DEC' label='Declination (-90 to 90Ā°)' format='%12.9m' min='-90' max='90' step='0' target='90'>90</defNumber>

12:15:05.673 32 ā† </defNumberVector>

12:15:05.674 INDIGO Bus: property change request
12:15:05.674   'SET' = On 
12:15:05.674 }
12:15:05.674 INDIGO Bus: Change request - Device 'Auxiliary Agent' token 0x0, Proprerty 'DOME_SET_HOST_TIME' token 0x0
12:15:05.674 INDIGO Bus: Change request - Device 'Mount Agent' token 0x0, Proprerty 'DOME_SET_HOST_TIME' token 0x0
12:15:05.674 INDIGO Bus: Change request - Device 'Scripting Agent' token 0x0, Proprerty 'DOME_SET_HOST_TIME' token 0x0
12:15:05.674 INDIGO Bus: Change request - Device 'Mount Nexstar' token 0x0, Proprerty 'DOME_SET_HOST_TIME' token 0x0
12:15:05.674 INDIGO Bus: Change request - Device 'Mount Nexstar (guider)' token 0x0, Proprerty 'DOME_SET_HOST_TIME' token 0x0
12:15:05.674 INDIGO Bus: Change request - Device 'Server' token 0x0, Proprerty 'DOME_SET_HOST_TIME' token 0x0
12:15:05.674 INDIGO Bus: Change request - Device 'Mount Nexstar (gps)' token 0x0, Proprerty 'DOME_SET_HOST_TIME' token 0x0
12:15:05.674 timer callback: 0x10db7deb0 finished
12:15:05.675 timer #5 done
12:15:05.675 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:05.675 'Mount Nexstar'.'GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Alert 2.0 0  {
12:15:05.675   'LATITUDE' = 0 
12:15:05.675   'LONGITUDE' = 0 
12:15:05.675 }
12:15:06.253 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:06.253 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Alert 2.0 0  {
12:15:06.253   'LATITUDE' = 0 
12:15:06.253   'LONGITUDE' = 0 
12:15:06.253 }
12:15:06.427 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' state='Alert'>

12:15:06.428 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LATITUDE' target='0'>0</oneNumber>

12:15:06.428 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LONGITUDE' target='0'>0</oneNumber>

12:15:06.428 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:15:06.428 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' state='Alert'>

12:15:06.428 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LATITUDE' target='0'>0</oneNumber>

12:15:06.428 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LONGITUDE' target='0'>0</oneNumber>

12:15:06.428 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:15:06.428 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:06.428 'Mount Nexstar'.'UTC_TIME' TEXT rw Ok 2.0 0  {
12:15:06.429   'TIME' = '1970-01-01T01:00:00'
12:15:06.429   'OFFSET' = '0'
12:15:06.429 }
12:15:06.727 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:06.727 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_UTC_TIME' TEXT rw Ok 2.0 0  {
12:15:06.727   'TIME' = '1970-01-01T01:00:00'
12:15:06.727   'OFFSET' = '0'
12:15:06.727 }
12:15:06.879 32 ā† <setTextVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_UTC_TIME' state='Ok'>

12:15:06.879 32 ā† <oneText name='TIME'>1970-01-01T01:00:00</oneText>

12:15:06.880 32 ā† <oneText name='OFFSET'>0</oneText>

12:15:06.880 32 ā† </setTextVector>

12:15:06.880 32 ā† <setTextVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='UTC_TIME' state='Ok'>

12:15:06.880 32 ā† <oneText name='TIME'>1970-01-01T01:00:00</oneText>

12:15:06.880 32 ā† <oneText name='OFFSET'>0</oneText>

12:15:06.880 32 ā† </setTextVector>

12:15:06.880 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:06.880 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_TRACKING' SWITCH rw Alert 2.0 0 OneOfMany {
12:15:06.880   'ON' = Off 
12:15:06.880   'OFF' = On 
12:15:06.880 }
12:15:07.224 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:07.225 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_TRACKING' SWITCH rw Alert 2.0 0 OneOfMany {
12:15:07.225   'ON' = Off 
12:15:07.225   'OFF' = On 
12:15:07.225 }
12:15:07.255 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:15:07.378 32 ā† <setSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_TRACKING' state='Alert'>

12:15:07.378 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='ON'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:15:07.378 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='OFF'>On</oneSwitch>

12:15:07.378 32 ā† </setSwitchVector>

12:15:07.379 32 ā† <setSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_TRACKING' state='Alert'>

12:15:07.379 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='ON'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:15:07.379 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='OFF'>On</oneSwitch>

12:15:07.379 32 ā† </setSwitchVector>

12:15:07.379 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:07.379 'Mount Nexstar'.'TRACKING_MODE' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany {
12:15:07.379   'EQ' = Off 
12:15:07.380   'AA' = Off 
12:15:07.380   'AUTO' = On 
12:15:07.380 }
12:15:07.765 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:07.765 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_TRACKING_MODE' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany {
12:15:07.765   'EQ' = Off 
12:15:07.765   'AA' = Off 
12:15:07.765   'AUTO' = On 
12:15:07.765 }
12:15:07.941 32 ā† <setSwitchVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_TRACKING_MODE' state='Ok'>

12:15:07.942 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='EQ'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:15:07.942 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='AA'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:15:07.942 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='AUTO'>On</oneSwitch>

12:15:07.942 32 ā† </setSwitchVector>

12:15:07.942 32 ā† <setSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='TRACKING_MODE' state='Ok'>

12:15:07.942 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='EQ'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:15:07.942 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='AA'>Off</oneSwitch>

12:15:07.942 32 ā† <oneSwitch name='AUTO'>On</oneSwitch>

12:15:07.942 32 ā† </setSwitchVector>

12:15:07.942 timer callback: 0x10dc3d3a0 finished
12:15:07.942 timer #6 (of 8) used for 0.5s
12:15:07.943 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:15:07.943 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_SLEW_RATE' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Slew rate
12:15:07.943   'GUIDE' = On // Guide rate
12:15:07.943   'CENTERING' = Off // Centering rate
12:15:07.943   'FIND' = Off // Find rate
12:15:07.943   'MAX' = Off // Max rate
12:15:07.943 }
12:15:08.404 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_SLEW_RATE' group='Mount' label='Slew rate' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:15:08.405 32 ā† <defSwitch name='GUIDE' label='Guide rate'>On</defSwitch>

12:15:08.405 32 ā† <defSwitch name='CENTERING' label='Centering rate'>Off</defSwitch>

12:15:08.405 32 ā† <defSwitch name='FIND' label='Find rate'>Off</defSwitch>

12:15:08.405 32 ā† <defSwitch name='MAX' label='Max rate'>Off</defSwitch>

12:15:08.405 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:15:08.405 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:15:08.405 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_MOTION_DEC' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AtMostOne { // Move N/S
12:15:08.405   'NORTH' = Off // North
12:15:08.405   'SOUTH' = Off // South
12:15:08.405 }
12:15:08.424 timer callback: 0x10dc3d3a0 started
12:15:08.424 libnexstar: write 4c
12:15:08.424 libnexstar: read 30 23
12:15:08.424 libnexstar: write 65
12:15:08.425 libnexstar: read 37 41 43 33 44 44 30 30 2c 31 42 37 46 46 42 30 30 23
12:15:08.425 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:08.425 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:08.690 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_MOTION_DEC' group='Mount' label='Move N/S' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AtMostOne'>

12:15:08.691 32 ā† <defSwitch name='NORTH' label='North'>Off</defSwitch>

12:15:08.691 32 ā† <defSwitch name='SOUTH' label='South'>Off</defSwitch>

12:15:08.691 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:15:08.691 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:08.691 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_HORIZONTAL_COORDINATES' NUMBER ro Ok 2.0 0  {
12:15:08.691   'AZ' = 46.4583 
12:15:08.691   'ALT' = 24.8978 
12:15:08.691 }
12:15:09.100 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:09.100 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_HORIZONTAL_COORDINATES' NUMBER ro Ok 2.0 0  {
12:15:09.100   'AZ' = 46.4583 
12:15:09.100   'ALT' = 24.8978 
12:15:09.100 }
12:15:09.252 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_HORIZONTAL_COORDINATES' state='Ok'>

12:15:09.252 32 ā† <oneNumber name='AZ'>46.4582918</oneNumber>

12:15:09.253 32 ā† <oneNumber name='ALT'>24.89775879</oneNumber>

12:15:09.253 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:15:09.253 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_HORIZONTAL_COORDINATES' state='Ok'>

12:15:09.253 32 ā† <oneNumber name='AZ'>46.4582918</oneNumber>

12:15:09.253 32 ā† <oneNumber name='ALT'>24.89775879</oneNumber>

12:15:09.253 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:15:09.253 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:15:09.253 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_MOTION_RA' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AtMostOne { // Move W/E
12:15:09.253   'WEST' = Off // West
12:15:09.253   'EAST' = Off // East
12:15:09.254 }
12:15:09.636 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_MOTION_RA' group='Mount' label='Move W/E' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='AtMostOne'>

12:15:09.636 32 ā† <defSwitch name='WEST' label='West'>Off</defSwitch>

12:15:09.637 32 ā† <defSwitch name='EAST' label='East'>Off</defSwitch>

12:15:09.637 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:15:09.637 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:09.637 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_LST_TIME' NUMBER ro Ok 2.0 0  {
12:15:09.637   'TIME' = 7.68351 
12:15:09.637 }
12:15:09.852 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:09.852 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_LST_TIME' NUMBER ro Ok 2.0 0  {
12:15:09.853   'TIME' = 7.68351 
12:15:09.853 }
12:15:09.991 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:09.991 'Mount Agent'.'AGENT_LIMITS' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  {
12:15:09.991   'HA_TRACKING' = 20.1773 
12:15:09.991   'LOCAL_TIME' = 12.2525 
12:15:09.991   'COORDINATES_PROPAGATE_THESHOLD' = 0.00138889 
12:15:09.991 }
12:15:10.161 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='AGENT_LIMITS' state='Ok'>

12:15:10.161 32 ā† <oneNumber name='HA_TRACKING' target='24'>20.17734429</oneNumber>

12:15:10.161 32 ā† <oneNumber name='LOCAL_TIME' target='12'>12.2525</oneNumber>

12:15:10.161 32 ā† <oneNumber name='COORDINATES_PROPAGATE_THESHOLD' target='0.001388888889'>0.001388888889</oneNumber>

12:15:10.162 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:15:10.162 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Agent' name='MOUNT_LST_TIME' state='Ok'>

12:15:10.162 32 ā† <oneNumber name='TIME'>7.683508844</oneNumber>

12:15:10.162 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:15:10.162 32 ā† <setNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_LST_TIME' state='Ok'>

12:15:10.162 32 ā† <oneNumber name='TIME'>7.683508844</oneNumber>

12:15:10.162 32 ā† </setNumberVector>

12:15:10.162 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:15:10.162 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_TRACKING' SWITCH rw Alert 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // Tracking
12:15:10.162   'ON' = Off // Tracking
12:15:10.162   'OFF' = On // Stopped
12:15:10.163 }
12:15:10.574 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_TRACKING' group='Mount' label='Tracking' perm='rw' state='Alert' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:15:10.574 32 ā† <defSwitch name='ON' label='Tracking'>Off</defSwitch>

12:15:10.574 32 ā† <defSwitch name='OFF' label='Stopped'>On</defSwitch>

12:15:10.574 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:15:10.574 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:15:10.574 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_ON_COORDINATES_SET' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 OneOfMany { // On coordinates set
12:15:10.574   'TRACK' = On // Slew to target and track
12:15:10.575   'SYNC' = Off // Sync to target
12:15:10.575 }
12:15:10.837 32 ā† <defSwitchVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_ON_COORDINATES_SET' group='Mount' label='On coordinates set' perm='rw' state='Ok' rule='OneOfMany'>

12:15:10.837 32 ā† <defSwitch name='TRACK' label='Slew to target and track'>On</defSwitch>

12:15:10.837 32 ā† <defSwitch name='SYNC' label='Sync to target'>Off</defSwitch>

12:15:10.837 32 ā† </defSwitchVector>

12:15:10.837 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:15:10.837 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_EQUATORIAL_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  { // Equatorial coordinates
12:15:10.838   'RA' = 11.5092 (0, 24, 0) // Right ascension (0 to 24 hrs)
12:15:10.838   'DEC' = 38.6718 (-90, 90, 0) // Declination (-90 to 90Ā°)
12:15:10.838 }
12:15:11.081 32 ā† <defNumberVector device='Mount Nexstar' name='MOUNT_EQUATORIAL_COORDINATES' group='Mount' label='Equatorial coordinates' perm='rw' state='Ok'>

12:15:11.081 indigo_write(): Bad file descriptor
12:15:11.081 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:15:11.081 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_HORIZONTAL_COORDINATES' NUMBER ro Ok 2.0 0  { // Horizontal coordinates
12:15:11.081   'AZ' = 46.4583 (0, 360, 0) // Azimuth (0 to 360Ā°)
12:15:11.081   'ALT' = 24.8978 (0, 90, 0) // Altitude (0 to 90Ā°)
12:15:11.081 }
12:15:11.281 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:15:11.282 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_ABORT_MOTION' SWITCH rw Ok 2.0 0 AtMostOne { // Abort motion
12:15:11.282   'ABORT_MOTION' = Off // Abort motion
12:15:11.282 }
12:15:11.401 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:15:11.402 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_EPOCH' NUMBER ro Ok 2.0 0  { // Current epoch
12:15:11.402   'EPOCH' = 2000 (0, 2050, 0) // Current epoch (0, 1950 to 2050)
12:15:11.402 }
12:15:11.527 INDIGO Bus: property definition
12:15:11.527 'Mount Nexstar'.'SNOOP_DEVICES' TEXT rw Ok 2.0 0  { // Snoop devices
12:15:11.527   'JOYSTICK' = '' // Joystick
12:15:11.527   'GPS' = '' // GPS
12:15:11.527 }
12:15:12.061 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:12.061 'Mount Nexstar'.'MOUNT_EQUATORIAL_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  {
12:15:12.062   'RA' = 11.5092 
12:15:12.062   'DEC' = 38.6718 
12:15:12.062 }
12:15:12.087 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:15:12.219 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:12.219 'Mount Agent'.'MOUNT_EQUATORIAL_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Ok 2.0 0  {
12:15:12.219   'RA' = 11.5092 
12:15:12.219   'DEC' = 38.6718 
12:15:12.219 }
12:15:13.027 INDIGO Bus: property update
12:15:13.027 'Mount Nexstar'.'GEOGRAPHIC_COORDINATES' NUMBER rw Alert 2.0 0  {
12:15:13.027   'LATITUDE' = 2.47031e-315 
12:15:13.027   'LONGITUDE' = 0 
12:15:13.027 }
12:15:13.029 Server started on 51645
12:15:13.029 1 clients connected
12:15:13.302 0 clients connected
12:15:13.324 Worker thread finished
12:15:13.935 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:13.935 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:14.324 indigo_mount_nexstar[mount_handle_geo_coordinates:489, 0x70000cd63000]: tc_set_location(11) = -5 (Bad file descriptor)
12:15:14.375 indigo_mount_nexstar[mount_handle_set_utc_from_host:524, 0x70000cd63000]: tc_set_time(11) = -5 (Bad file descriptor)
12:15:14.684 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:14.684 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:15.408 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:15.408 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:16.157 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:16.157 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:16.691 indigo_mount_nexstar[mount_handle_geo_coordinates:489, 0x70000d50d000]: tc_set_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:16.743 indigo_mount_nexstar[mount_handle_set_utc_from_host:524, 0x70000d50d000]: tc_set_time(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:16.937 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:16.937 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:16.998 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:15:17.752 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:17.752 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:18.860 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:18.861 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:19.774 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:19.844 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:20.564 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:20.609 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:21.562 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:21.563 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:21.959 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:15:22.321 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:22.356 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:23.081 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:23.081 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:23.845 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:23.845 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:24.589 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:24.590 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:25.502 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:25.502 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:26.316 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:26.317 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:26.965 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:15:27.079 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:27.146 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:27.962 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:27.962 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:28.788 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:28.788 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:29.613 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:29.613 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:30.763 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:30.808 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:31.594 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:31.594 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:31.972 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:15:32.490 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:32.491 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:33.276 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:33.276 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:34.162 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:34.162 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:34.911 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:34.911 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:35.806 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:35.806 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:36.812 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:36.812 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:36.997 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:15:38.215 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:38.215 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:39.026 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:39.027 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:40.040 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:40.041 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:40.794 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:40.794 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:41.523 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:41.530 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:41.985 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:15:42.382 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:42.383 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:43.143 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:43.177 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:46.313 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:46.313 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
12:15:47.313 Can't connect to socket (Connection refused)
12:15:48.291 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:160, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_location(11) = -5 (Unknown error: 316)
12:15:48.291 indigo_mount_nexstar[position_timer_callback:176, 0x70000cc5d000]: tc_get_tracking_mode(11) = -5 (Invalid argument)
polakovic commented 2 years ago

This part

12:08:40.497 libnexstar: write 56 12:08:40.527 libnexstar: read 02 02 23

shows it is definitely not SynScan hand controller on the other side. So the selected serial port is not the right one.