indigo-dc / flaat

FLAsk with Access Tokens - FLAAT
MIT License
11 stars 6 forks source link

Rework #47

Closed lburgey closed 2 years ago

lburgey commented 2 years ago

The rework is done.

Last thing i changed is, that i integratet github actions to run tests and linting on all code.

This is intended to be tagged v1.0.0 after merge.

dianagudu commented 2 years ago

Is there any documentation on what status codes are expected in different cases? Based on my testing (maybe not comprehensive list):



In the first item of 403, I wonder if this should be 401?

My understanding of the http codes:

In any case, it would be nice to document this.

marcvs commented 2 years ago

While you're right (no token provided is 401, not 403), I can't reproduce this. E.g. using example_aio, I get 401 with both of these lines:

http localhost:8080/authenticated
http localhost:8080/authenticated "Authorization: Bearer"
dianagudu commented 2 years ago

You are right, with example_aio the returned codes are fine, but not with example_fastapi.

BTW, the examples for fastapi and flask seem to be outdated, they use e.g. "HasGroup" and "ValidLogin".

marcvs commented 2 years ago

Yes, fastapi and flask examples are left as an exercise to the ... me... Do you experience the bug only with the (broken) example? If not, open a bug.