indigo-dc / flaat

FLAsk with Access Tokens - FLAAT
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Flask support for factories #60

Closed BorjaEst closed 2 years ago

BorjaEst commented 2 years ago

The following pull request changes and fixes the following:

marcvs commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure, but I didn't manage to run the tests successfully on your PR. Did you succeed?

BorjaEst commented 2 years ago

It might be probably related to other issue, you might have packages not compatible. See

You should purge your environment and install again.

The other option is to use tox $ tox which I see is failing on pyright:

SKIPPED:  py37: InterpreterNotFound: python3.7
  py38: commands succeeded
SKIPPED:  py39: InterpreterNotFound: python3.9
SKIPPED:  py310: InterpreterNotFound: python3.10
  pylint: commands succeeded
ERROR:   pyright: commands failed
  black: commands succeeded
  docs: commands succeeded

Which is related to this other issue:

I will try to see how to fix that.

BorjaEst commented 2 years ago

I submitted the pyright issue on pytest-cases, here:

marcvs commented 2 years ago

I can't reproduce a working tox run for py38:

========================================= ERRORS =========================================
_____________________________ ERROR collecting test session ______________________________
/usr/lib64/python3.8/importlib/ in import_module
    return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:1014: in _gcd_import
<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:991: in _find_and_load
<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:975: in _find_and_load_unlocked
<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:671: in _load_unlocked
.tox/py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/_pytest/assertion/ in exec_module
    exec(co, module.__dict__)
flaat/flask/ in <module>
    from pytest_cases import fixture
E   ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pytest_cases'
================================ short test summary info =================================
ERROR  - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pytest_cases'
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Interrupted: 1 error during collection !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
==================================== 1 error in 0.26s ====================================
ERROR: InvocationError for command /home/marcus/projects/flaat/.tox/py38/bin/pytest (exited with code 2)
________________________________________ summary _________________________________________
ERROR:   py38: commands failed

It's the same error as on py39 and py310.

BorjaEst commented 2 years ago

It is due to the addition of pytest_cases to the dependencies, your cached tox envrioment installed the old test-requirements.txt, see:

`E   ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pytest_cases'`

The solution is to ask tox to create new environments using the modified test-requirements. You have two options:

  1. Ask tox to clean the cached env: tox --recreate
  2. Clean it yourself: rm -r .tox

See how-to-clean-a-tox-environment-after-running.

BorjaEst commented 2 years ago

The linked issue is solved. So if you just run tox --recreate all should be ok. I do not see any constrain now to merge.

BorjaEst commented 2 years ago

@marcvs, firendly reminder for the PR :smiley:

dianagudu commented 2 years ago

Some tests fail when using the .env-template:

$ cp .env-template .env
$ tox
flaat/flask/[ProductionConfig-ValidToken-/authenticated] FAILED                                        [ 43%]
flaat/flask/[ProductionConfig-ValidToken-/info_no_strict] PASSED                                       [ 44%]
flaat/flask/[ProductionConfig-ValidToken-/info] FAILED                                                 [ 45%]
flaat/flask/[ProductionConfig-ValidToken-/authorized_vo] FAILED                                        [ 46%]
flaat/flask/[ProductionConfig-ValidToken-/authorized_claim] FAILED                                     [ 47%]
flaat/flask/[ProductionConfig-ValidToken-/authenticated_callback] FAILED                               [ 48%]

With the following log:

____________________________________________ test_authorized[ProductionConfig-ValidToken-/info] ____________________________________________

client = <FlaskClient <Flask 'examples.example_flask'>>
test_authorized_path_headers = ('/info', {'Authorization': 'Bearer mock_non_jwt_at'})

>   ???

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
.tox/py310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pytest_cases/ in wrapped_test_func
    return test_func(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

client = <FlaskClient <Flask 'examples.example_flask'>>, path = '/info', headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer mock_non_jwt_at'}

    @parametrize_with_cases("path, headers", cases=cases.Authorized)
    def test_authorized(client, path, headers):
        response = client.get(path, headers=headers)
>       assert response.status_code == 200
E       assert 401 == 200
E        +  where 401 = <WrapperTestResponse streamed [401 UNAUTHORIZED]>.status_code

flaat/flask/ AssertionError
------------------------------------------------------------ Captured log call -------------------------------------------------------------
DEBUG Mapping exception: User identity could not be determined
BorjaEst commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the ping, so I did not expect to run tests using an .env file. Basically the issue is here:

I shoud use rather flaat.test_env.FLAAT_AT to use the access token collected by oidc-agent and not the mockup. However, that introduces a limitation, the example uses some "mock" emails and calims which of course might change depending on the user's token.

To do so I had to mock user_info on some specific tests, it is not that simple but I have given a try. I was forced to modify as well one line in the generic file, as tests are passing, it should not be a problem.

If errors persist let me know.

dianagudu commented 2 years ago

:= is not a valid syntax in Python 3.7, the tests fail there...

You are right, using an .env file is not standard. I guess not everything can be mocked, you need a token from a "real" issuer to test some of the issuer-related code.

BorjaEst commented 2 years ago

:= is not a valid syntax in Python 3.7, the tests fail there...

right... my bad

BTW, I get flaat.exceptions.FlaatException: FLAAT_CLAIM_GROUP must point to list of at least two groups when using .env with something like export FLAAT_CLAIM_GROUP="eduperson_scoped_affiliation". Any idea why?

dianagudu commented 2 years ago

Hm you're right... It comes from here:

The eduperson_scoped_affiliation is a multivalued attribute (see spec). In my experience, if the claim contains only one value, then it might not be represented as a list. But I don't see why it should not be a valid claim.

BorjaEst commented 2 years ago

Aaaaa I see, my token did not had "eduperson_scoped_affiliation". Replacing that by for example "eduperson_assurance" (or any other available field) solves the error.

With that solved I was able to test with.env and tox for all version. I think that was all, thanks for the help.

dianagudu commented 2 years ago

v1.1.0 released