indigo-iam / iam

INDIGO Identity and Access Management Service
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API account/search: Full authentication is required to access this resource #693

Closed chaen closed 5 months ago

chaen commented 5 months ago


I wanted to use the account/search API to list the users in IAM.

For that, I created a new client, gave it the scope, and enabled the client_credentials flow.

I can successfully get a token:

curl -q -L -s  -u ${CLIENT_ID}:${CLIENT_SECRET}  -d grant_type=client_credentials -d     ${IAM_TOKEN_ENDPOINT} > /tmp/token.json

export AT=$(cat /tmp/token.json  | jq ".access_token")
$ echo ${AT} | awk -F '.' {'print $2'} | base64 -d  | jq
base64: invalid input
  "wlcg.ver": "1.0",
  "sub": "91eda42f-2154-4168-892f-60a265d95564",
  "aud": "",
  "nbf": 1705930415,
  "scope": "",
  "iss": "",
  "exp": 1705934015,
  "iat": 1705930415,
  "jti": "206f02c3-a1f2-4749-9a0e-2d38b60ab929",
  "client_id": "91eda42f-2154-4168-892f-60a265d95564"

But calling the API results in an error

$ curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer ${AT}" -L 
{"error":"unauthorized","error_description":"Full authentication is required to access this resource"}

Any pointer to what I should do ? Thanks

rmiccoli commented 5 months ago


everything seems correct to me except the endpoint. Is it (not http), right?

chaen commented 5 months ago

Stupid me ! I blindly copied/paste what's in the doc, which relies on http://localhost :man_facepalming:
Also, the jq command is not correct, it needs to be export AT=$(cat /tmp/token.json | jq -r ".access_token")

That was a proper PEBCAK ticket :-D Thanks