indigodomo / HomeKit-Bridge

Enabled HomeKit integration via Homebridge for Indigo Home Automation
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Error on startup after reinstall of system #131

Open durosity opened 4 years ago

durosity commented 4 years ago

Howdy doody!

So I've had a bit of a blocker with this. An upgrade to Catalina was borked (but Homekit Bridge and indigo was still working absolutely fine.. it was other things that were naffed) so I decided to just backup, wipe the HD and start afresh. Thats actually fixed my issues but I'm now having one problem that I can't get by. When starting HKB after a long delay I'm getting this message:

If you continue to have problems starting this server use the Advanced Plugin Actions menu option to rebuild the Homebridge folder.
Instructions at
   HomeKit Bridge Error            HomeKit server 'WC - HomeKit Bridge Server' could not be started, please check the service logs for more information,
now issuing a forced shutdown of the service to be safe.

Now I actually had this a few weeks ago when I was cleaning out some space.. in /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/ I had an indigo 7.3 folder and an old indigo 7.2 folder. I binned the 7.2 but immediately got that issue with HKB. I restored it and it started working fine.. I meant to go back and try to identify what it was looking for in there but I forgot and sure enough now that folder is gone again it's back to the same behaviour... but you guessed it.. I didn't back up the 7.2 folder. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ I've tried the following to resolve it:

Cloned the indigo 7.4 folder I currently have and renamed it to 7.2 rebuilt the folder as per the message checked the log file to see if there was any more details on what was going on but nothing I could see that seemed relevant Prayed to the gods of Matt & Jay but it'd seem the restraining order covers that too tried a backup of indigo 7.3 on a completely separate system still running on Mojave

Any ideas?

durosity commented 4 years ago

Ah... so done a bit more digging and found that in /Library/Application\ Support/Perceptive\ Automation/Indigo\ 7.4/Preferences/Plugins/com.eps.indigoplugin.homekit-bridge under the individual folders for each server setup in Indigo (about 20 of them because I group by room.. works well for me!) the com.webdeck.homebridge.XXXXXXXXX.plist file has a hard path to indigo 7.2 folder. The problem is that even changing those to 7.4 has not helped and the relevant server still shows as Stopped :(.

durosity commented 4 years ago

Ooooh fixed it! So there was actually two issues at play.. one was that the filepaths were wrong (had to change them all to 7.4) and secondly macOS’s gatekeeper was blocking it from loading the homebridge component of the plugin. Once I added it to the whitelist I was back in business!

rlust commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the detailed info. Bridge will not start for me also. Where did you change the Gatekeeper setting in OSX?

noelpilot commented 4 years ago

Any updates on this anyone? I'm having the same issue. Both my homekit servers stop themselves. Rebuilding the home folder hasn't changed it. Log extracts below:

1 Dec 2019 at 15:48:26 Reloading plugin "HomeKit Bridge 1.0.2" Stopping plugin "HomeKit Bridge 1.0.2" (pid 71300) HomeKit Bridge Error HomeKit server 'HomeKitBridgeServer' could not be started, please check the service logs for more information, now issuing a forced shutdown of the service to be safe.

If you continue to have problems starting this server use the Advanced Plugin Actions menu option to rebuild the Homebridge folder. Instructions at HomeKit Bridge Attempting to stop 'HomeKitBridgeServer' HomeKit Bridge HomeKit server 'HomeKitBridgeServer' has been stopped HomeKit Bridge Error send "HomeKitBridgeServer" on failed Error process (pid 71300) failed to quit after polite request -- forcing it to quit now Stopped plugin "HomeKit Bridge 1.0.2" Starting plugin "HomeKit Bridge 1.0.2" (pid 71349) HomeKit Bridge Caching all HomeKit Bridge devices... Started plugin "HomeKit Bridge 1.0.2" HomeKit Bridge Error Exception in plugin.buildServerConfigurationDict line 4539: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=8000): Max retries exceeded with url: /++systemInfo (Caused by NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x10e735b10>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 61] Connection refused',)) CODE: data = requests.get(ssSystem).content# Pull XML data

HomeKit Bridge Warning Configuration will be built despite the error HomeKit Bridge Error Exception in plugin.buildServerConfigurationDict line 4539: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=8000): Max retries exceeded with url: /++systemInfo (Caused by NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x10ea87950>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 61] Connection refused',)) CODE: data = requests.get(ssSystem).content# Pull XML data

HomeKit Bridge Warning Configuration will be built despite the error HomeKit Bridge Error Exception in plugin.buildServerConfigurationDict line 4539: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=8000): Max retries exceeded with url: /++systemInfo (Caused by NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x10ea87190>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 61] Connection refused',)) CODE: data = requests.get(ssSystem).content# Pull XML data

HomeKit Bridge Warning Configuration will be built despite the error HomeKit Bridge Error Exception in plugin.buildServerConfigurationDict line 4539: HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=8000): Max retries exceeded with url: /++systemInfo (Caused by NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x10ea96390>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 61] Connection refused',)) CODE: data = requests.get(ssSystem).content# Pull XML data

HomeKit Bridge Warning Configuration will be built despite the error HomeKit Bridge Attempting to start 'HomeKitBridgeServer' HomeKit Bridge Attempting to start 'HomeKit Bridge Server CCTV' HomeKit Bridge HomeKit Bridge is running the latest version, no update needed HomeKit Bridge HomeKit Bridge is loaded and ready to use

mlooss commented 4 years ago

Today I had to move my Indigo server to another machine, and now HomeKit Bridge will not run, it keeps saying Starting but never finishes. I already correct the pathname to reflect the 7.4 installation, it had been pointing to 7.2 but I had no issue on the old server, with this incorrect path. Short of nuking the whole plug-in and spending considerable time setting it up again, is there anything else I can check and correct?

Thanks in advance.