indigodomo / HomeKit-Bridge

Enabled HomeKit integration via Homebridge for Indigo Home Automation
The Unlicense
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Wishlist: to have every Indigo device type supported by every HomeKit type possible #30

Open Colorado4Wheeler opened 6 years ago

Colorado4Wheeler commented 6 years ago

This is a tall order and it's been part of the roadmap for this plugin from day 1 and that is that I want the users to have the ability to make any Indigo device any HomeKit device. Of course it doesn't make sense why you would use an Indigo thermostat as a HomeKit switch, but who is to say someone doesn't want to control their fan that way? The point of it is so that no matter what a user concocts that it'll work in some capacity and avoid the "hey can you set the plugin up to use my garage door opener as a smoke alarm" kind of thing.

FlyingDiver commented 6 years ago

Are you sure you want to go down that road? There are solutions outside of HBK for doing this.

Colorado4Wheeler commented 6 years ago

It's more of a wishlist item. It's actually quite easy for me to do, I only have to say that the device maps to X state or Y attribute and done. In a way it expands the plugin for other legit uses. I'm not talking about becoming the perfect thing for every application but if someone wants it it'll be there. It's just on the roadmap and not something I'm tackling right away.

To give you an example, I started doing this for the first 8 or so devices but got too tied up with other things to continue since then. But, for example, a Multi I/O device can be a switch or a dimmer or a sensor because who knows what someone is using the MIO for.

But, you are right, there are other plugins like Device Extensions or Masquerade that can handle the oddball things that folks want and I'm never going to try to incorporate THAT level of integration.

Colorado4Wheeler commented 6 years ago

In fact it's also been the #1 philosophy that I would not do what I did with HBB and water down the plugin with other crap. It'll never be a wrapper and it'll never be anything more than a server to HomeKit, period. And it's tens of thousands of lines of code for just that purpose and it works. It's not perfect, but it works pretty well for a month old plugin with a sh*tty UI :D