Open taki-tiler[bot] opened 7 months ago
Follow the steps below in order to clone (download) this repository:
$ git clone repository_link
When you're done, the git will clone (download) the entire project into the folder you're running the terminal.
Before continuing, it's important to be familiar with our branch model and a some git tricks.
When working in teams, it's crucial to coordinate the parallel work of all team members.
In order to improve our workflow, a few years ago, we've adopted the Vincent Driessen's branch model described here. So let's use this same branch model during our onboard.
git-flow is a tool that helps to follow Vincent Driessen's branch model. You can use it though it's not necessary.
There are a few conventions we use here and it's important for you to be aware of them:
Branches that introduce new features are:
i.e. feature/login-screenBranches that fix a bug are:
i.e. bugfix/login-screen-animationFinish
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Taqtile - Onboard
Welcome to the Taqtile onboard. The main goals of this onboard are:
Step 1/3 - Warming up - Mastering the Basics
Ok! Your very first tasks are to clone this repository into your own account and create the file.
But before moving on, let's be sure you know all the basics we use daily here.
First, we use git... a lot. If you don't feel confident in your skills using git, here are some recommendations:
If you don't have it already, we recommend you to install the GitLens VSCode extension. It's going to help you a lot with git by adding an extra view on activity bar (the icons on the left side).
It will help you to check the modified files, as well as the changes on each of them.
Even though this extension has some tools to perform git commands, we highly encourage you to use the terminal, and use the extension as a visual guide to your changes.
At the end of every task of this onboard, comment the word
on the issue to receive your next task (you can try reloading the page if it's taking too long). You can also comment the wordnext
, in case you had to skip the current task.If you face any problem with the onboard, you can ask your tutor for help.