When I try to run the build on Windows, the build fails with errors similar to:
> src/components/MobileBarAboveMap.module.css:1:7 | error: Could not resolve "C:codeprojectcommon\buildwebpackstatic.esbuild_plugin_css_modules\"d416cc8e29af981e2f3f553ed3e7fdc08246953871b97af8d02b6f3a1ee38fsrccomponentsMobileBarAboveMap.modules_built.css" (mark it as external to exclude it from the bundle)
1 | import "C:\code\project\common\build\webpack\static\.esbuild_plugin_css_modules\42d416cc8e29af981e2f3f553ed3e7fdc08246953871b97af8d02b6f3a1ee38f\src\components\MobileBarAboveMap.modules_built.css";
If I apply the following patch to the plugin I can get it to work, but would appreciate feedback:
Our team is using esbuild in with mixed Mac/Windows/Linux environments. Our config is
When I try to run the build on Windows, the build fails with errors similar to:
If I apply the following patch to the plugin I can get it to work, but would appreciate feedback: