indrajithi / tiny-web-crawler

A simple and easy to use web crawler for Python
MIT License
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Housekeeping: Refactor the code base to a more Modular and Extensible Architecture #17

Closed indrajithi closed 1 week ago

indrajithi commented 1 week ago
  1. Separation of Concerns:

    • Separate the core crawling logic from the utilities and configurations.
    • Define interfaces or abstract classes for components that may need to be extended or swapped out.
  2. Use of Dependency Injection:

    • Allow different components to be injected into the main crawler class, making it easy to extend or replace specific parts of the crawler.
  3. Organize Code into Modules:

    • Organize the code into different files or modules based on their functionality.
  4. Configure git hook to ensure all the test passes before push #20

  5. Update how we import the package and update the readme usage doc

    • Make imports like from tiny_web_crawler import Spider Moved to #26