The ng-model-options directive can be used to hold the data-binding of the value of an input field until the field loses focus. So providing immediate feedback on date (manually input) validity would not work when using this directive.
Actual Result:
Custom validation on input date string does not work immediately. You have to click outside the input field and click back on the field.
Expected result:
The input field value should be updated immediately to help show the date validation right away.
The ng-model-options directive can be used to hold the data-binding of the value of an input field until the field loses focus. So providing immediate feedback on date (manually input) validity would not work when using this directive.
Actual Result: Custom validation on input date string does not work immediately. You have to click outside the input field and click back on the field.
Expected result: The input field value should be updated immediately to help show the date validation right away.