inducer / pudb

Full-screen console debugger for Python
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Increase the code coverage and PEPs standards #242

Open discort opened 7 years ago

discort commented 7 years ago

Problem There are no tests, so developers can't make pull requests without breaking the code. The issue probably related with #40 Also, need to standardize the code as much as possible. At the moment these PEPs are ignored: E126,E127,E128,E123,E226,E241,E242,E265,W503,E402


  1. Increase the code coverage as much as possible.
  2. Integrate with CI, (i.e. CircleCI, TravisCI). Add a test runner for the each pull request.
  3. Step by step make a code refactoring and standardize simultaneously, later add a linter for PRs.
  4. Add/Clarify a documentation how to contribute.
asmeurer commented 7 years ago

I'm not too concerned with PEP 8 things. Most of the rules you cited are things I don't completely agree with, and definitely don't think should be enforced with tests. Many are so controversial that they aren't even enabled by default in pycodestyle (previously called pep8).

I do agree that we need tests (it's mostly an issue of figuring out how, see Running pyflakes could be helpful too (unlike pycodestyle, pyflakes only flags logical errors, not style errors). It would need to be configured to ignore Python 3 compatibility stuff and some other false positives.

discort commented 7 years ago

The main issue is testing not PEP8 things (PEP 8 just helps different people to follow the similar code style).

I do agree that we need tests (it's mostly an issue of figuring out how, see #40).

Start from a testing of single functions and increase the code coverage, then do more complicated stuff