inducer / pudb

Full-screen console debugger for Python
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How to not quit pudb when executing to the end? #374

Closed c02y closed 4 years ago

c02y commented 4 years ago

When I'm debugging a python program, and I executed a lot commands in the Command line window, and after using c to executing to the end of the program, pudb will exit, I have to start pudb again, but the Command line window becomes empty, I have to type all the commands I have typed instead using C-n/p.

How to not quit pudb when executing the program to the end, I mean just start over the process from the beginning?

inducer commented 4 years ago

This issue tracker is for bugs, not technical support. Please send a message to the mailing list for tech support. One reason for this request is that I am typically the only one who sees issue email, and I am unable to handle the tech support load on my own.

You see a screen that looks like this:

Bildschirmfoto von 2019-12-27 12-14-16

and you press restart. (I provide this advice as a courtesy. If you need to follow up, please use the mailing list.)

c02y commented 4 years ago

I didn't enable "Prompt before quitting", now I get it, thanks.

benjamin-kirkbride commented 1 year ago

I didn't enable "Prompt before quitting", now I get it, thanks.

How does one enable this? and more importantly, how does one disable it?

inducer commented 1 year ago

In the settings, press Ctrl-P.