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Add MemoryObjectHolder to docs #652

Closed alexfikl closed 1 year ago

alexfikl commented 1 year ago

This was used in enqueue_fill but wouldn't link. sphinx would throw a warning when ran with

make html SPHINXOPTS="-W --keep-going -n -Dautodoc_typehints=both"

enqueue_fill doesn't pick up the arguments from the function because it's defined as

.. autofunction:: enqueue_fill(queue, dest, src, **kwargs)

so not quite sure if this is wanted?

inducer commented 1 year ago

Thanks! MemoryObjectHolder is an internal interface that shouldn't have "leaked" into the signature. I've picked up the first commit in #653 and fixed the signature there, too. That should supersede this PR, closing here. Reopen if it seems I missed something.