inducer / pyopencl

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Add and fix some more ruff rules #772

Closed alexfikl closed 2 days ago

alexfikl commented 2 days ago

Was playing around with more rules to see what's in there.

This adds flake8-logging-format, pyupgrade and the builtin ruff rules to the mix. The RUF rules were the most annoying to fix, but most of them seemed reasonable. A lot of

[1.0] + my_list -> [1.0, *my_list]
alexfikl commented 2 days ago

This should be good now. The failure in cibuildwheel seems to be because some server is down:

Could not retrieve mirrorlist

EDIT: Seems like that needs a bump in the action:

EDIT: Well, that fixed that issue, but now it's complaining about something else :(

alexfikl commented 2 days ago

@inducer That seems to have fixed it! Thanks for the help :grin:

inducer commented 2 days ago
