Open PFCWilliamLHudson opened 1 year ago
There are some known bugs in the game engine in the way it handles multiple transports/units on the same tile. Sometimes units can get randomly shifted to another transport or get unloaded. However in this savegame I am not able to replicate this issue. From the first save game, the believer transport moves to the sea base on the next turn and units from both factions stay on the base tile. On the turn after that, believers move the transport away while it carries only their units, not moving any of the units owned by cyborgs.
Curious behavior is repeatedly spotted: my land units spontaneously leave my seabase at the start of my turn going to nearby shore when an ally moves a transport in the base. Probably, ally issues an unload or move order to wrong units. Attached are autosaves before and after one such event. The seabase is Empirical Algorithms.