indutny / elliptic

Fast Elliptic Curve Cryptography in plain javascript
1.66k stars 359 forks source link

BitcoinJs Fork #129

Open mrprobz opened 7 years ago

mrprobz commented 7 years ago

Hi Fedor, How can i get in contact with you about a BitcoinJs fork to support Nexus and sect571r1? kr

indutny commented 7 years ago

Just open an issue here, it should be possible to use sect571r1 with this library without much work.

mrprobz commented 7 years ago

Allright thx, do you need more info? Our nexus github is What do you require to make this happen?

indutny commented 7 years ago

Oh wait, just realized that it is sect curve, not secp. We do not support curves over F_2^n here, unfortunately. I'm sorry!

I'm not open for any contract work at the moment, sorry again.

mrprobz commented 7 years ago

damn, you gave me some good hope there.. :"( who can help us ?

mrprobz commented 7 years ago

Fedor, If you could point me in the direction of anybody who could get this done it would be of great help!