indutny / elliptic

Fast Elliptic Curve Cryptography in plain javascript
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curve25519 incompatible with #174

Open mattlockyer opened 5 years ago

mattlockyer commented 5 years ago

Tried so many different combinations on the golang side and finally concluded it was this library.

ec = new EC('curve25519')
  const receiver = ec.keyFromPublic(publicKey, 'hex')
  const ephemeral = ec.keyFromPrivate(createAccount().privateKey)
  const encryptionKey = ephemeral.derive(receiver.getPublic())
  const receiver = ec.keyFromPrivate(privateKey)
  const ephemeral = ec.keyFromPublic(, 'hex')
  const encryptionKey = receiver.derive(ephemeral.getPublic())

I cannot get golang to produce the same result for encryptionKey using the standard library.

Keys are the same on both sides.

My only assumption is that your curve implementation is off or is a different variant.

I switched to and used the keyPair + scalarMult with zero issues.

Maybe someone could illuminate me to the pitfalls of different implementations? If that is a thing? I'm new to the cryptography side of things but have been programming for some time.

Thank you!

fanatid commented 5 years ago

.getPublic() return encoded public key, maybe will be correct:

const encryptionKey = ephemeral.derive(


mattlockyer commented 5 years ago

Maybe it's a misnomer but encryptionKey is a BN, it's already a point / public key

fanatid commented 5 years ago

Yes, .derive return X part of point as BN instance, but in same time .derive expect point on input as instance, not encoded.

mattlockyer commented 5 years ago

So you're saying the derive method expects a Point object X value and not the public address?

Thank you for trying to help... This would be interesting to try but it doesn't seem like the example ECDH given here:

Mischala commented 5 years ago

I'm also having issues with X25519.derive() getting different results than our Python implementation, using PyNaCl.

bronze1man commented 5 years ago

Is there any code example that can compatible with or

Ps: I have checked that the test in is compatible with

zhangliang-xiaohe-hanxin commented 5 years ago

I got the same problems. is there any solution yet?

bronze1man commented 5 years ago

I got the same problems. is there any solution yet?

Switch to other curve25519 project like