While debugging some issues with my own scripts I have found that a script runtime error is thrown if a followed player disconnects before the bot can chat they stopped following them.
******* script runtime error *******
pair 'well that was fun following ' and 'undefined' has unmatching types 'string' and 'undefined'
at function "bot_chat_follow_watch" in file "maps/mp/bots/_bot_chat.gsc"
at function "start_chat_watch" in file "maps/mp/bots/_bot_chat.gsc"
******* script runtime error *******
pair 'undefined' and ' for ' has unmatching types 'undefined' and 'string'
at function "bot_chat_follow_watch" in file "maps/mp/bots/_bot_chat.gsc"
at function "start_chat_watch" in file "maps/mp/bots/_bot_chat.gsc"
******* script runtime error *******
pair 'undefined' and '14' has unmatching types 'undefined' and 'integer'
at function "bot_chat_follow_watch" in file "maps/mp/bots/_bot_chat.gsc"
at function "start_chat_watch" in file "maps/mp/bots/_bot_chat.gsc"
******* script runtime error *******
pair 'undefined' and ' seconds' has unmatching types 'undefined' and 'string'
at function "bot_chat_follow_watch" in file "maps/mp/bots/_bot_chat.gsc"
at function "start_chat_watch" in file "maps/mp/bots/_bot_chat.gsc"
While debugging some issues with my own scripts I have found that a script runtime error is thrown if a followed player disconnects before the bot can chat they stopped following them.