ineesalmeida / almeida-cv

Theme to build a customizeable printable CV with minor web responsiveness.
MIT License
183 stars 99 forks source link

Sidebar on left side creates gap between border and column #27

Open delize opened 4 months ago

delize commented 4 months ago
Screenshot 2024-04-30 at 9 37 39 PM

When using the theme as a git submodule, and the following in the hugo.toml/config.toml:

languageCode = "en-us"
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
enableRobotsTXT = false
enableEmoji = true
disableKinds = ["page", "section", "taxonomy", "term", "RSS", "sitemap"]

baseURL = ""
title = "Example - CV"
#googleAnalytics = ""

enableMetaTags = true
colorLight = "#fff"
colorDark = "#666"
colorPageBackground = "#ddd"
colorPrimary = "#e3bfb8"
colorSecondary = "#aaa"
colorIconPrimary = "#fff"
colorIconBackground = "#e3bfb8"
colorRightColumnBackground = "#eceef1"
colorRightColumnHeadingText = "#f68d2e"
colorRightColumnBodyText = "#58595b"
colorRightColumnIconPrimary = "#fff"
colorRightColumnIconBackground = "#eceef1"
pages = 1
# Set this param to 'true' to swap the bar positions
swapColumns = true

        path = ""
        disable = false

The following appears on the side bar.

I can also see this on other pages that use your theme as a template. For example:

ineesalmeida commented 4 months ago

That gap is by design. Maybe that could be configurable, but right now it isn't. It has the same gap when the column is on the right as well.

I'm not planning on updating this soon, but I'll leave it open to eventually make it configurable in the future.