ineesalmeida / almeida-cv

Theme to build a customizeable printable CV with minor web responsiveness.
MIT License
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Some customization issues #7

Closed ygjose closed 3 years ago

ygjose commented 3 years ago

Hi Inês,

Thank you for the amazing CV template. Really like it. I'm doing some changes based on your template. But had some customization issues. Here is my semi-finished cv. And if it's necessary, you can find my git here.

When it's convenient, should you be so kind to help me out.🙏

To be clear, I have no prior knowledge about HTML and CSS... The only experience I have is the academic website I built on the top of another Hugo template. So bear with me if my questions does not make too much sense.

❓1: How to add side section title for Contacts? (something like the pic below) CleanShot 2021-01-25 at Safari浏览器CV | Gang Yao00 17 09

💡What I tried to do:

  1. Made contact info independent from the BasicInfo section
    FirstName: Gang
    LastName: Yao
    Photo: img/avatar.jpg


  1. Copied the code from Skills partials, pasted into Contacts partials, and made some relevant changes
    {{ if .Site.Data.content.Contacts }}
    <div class="sideSection">
    <div class="sideSection__heading">
        <h2 class="sideSection__title">{{ i18n "contact" }}</h2>
    <div class="sideSection__content">
        <ul class="contact">
            {{ range .Site.Data.content.Contacts }}
            <li class="contact__item">
                <i class="{{ .Icon }}"></i><span>{{ .Info | safeHTML }}</span>
            {{ end }}
    {{ end }}

    ❌ Results: fail to render the title

2 How to change the title of Education section? (Something like the pic below) CleanShot 2021-01-25 at Safari浏览器CV | Gang Yao00 36 03

💡What I tried to do: I planed to build a customized section called "Publications", but I think it is difficult for me to do it, so I decided to make some changes on the top of the Education section in the original template:

  1. Simply changed the {{ i18n "education" }} to {{ i18n "publications" }} did not work;
  2. I then used search and replace function to replace all education strings (including content.ymal, partials, and scss) with publications. Didn't work either.

Results: my attempt failed again

3 How to space out two items in Education (or my customized Publications) section? 💡What I tried to do: I would like to see there is some space between two items in Eduction section because the original one is quite compact (see the last screenshot).

  1. I followed the __experience Component and add display: block to the __education Component (to the best of my knowledge...)
    .education {
    &__item {
        display: block;
        @include avoid-break;

    Results: my attempt failed again

4 How to change uppercase and font size in Experience section? 💡What I tried to do: I wanted to change the uppercased job title to normal characters.

  1. Find the CSS of job title in __experience Component
    &__position {
        text-transform: uppercase;
        font-size: 1.3rem;
        color: $color-grey-dark;
  2. Change text-transform: uppercase; to text-align: left;
    &__position {
        text-align: left;
        font-size: 1.3rem;
        color: $color-grey-dark;

    Results: my attempt failed again

Very sorry for the long post.

ineesalmeida commented 3 years ago

Hi! Sorry for taking so long to reply, I hope this is still helpful!

1. I just gave that a try and it seems to work, so it might be something unrelated to the changes you made in the content file. Can you tell me what the error is?

2. You can create a translation file in the i18n folder (use the en.toml as an example), and then reference it in the defaultContentLanguage in the config file

3. Not sure what you want in specific, but you can add a margin-bottom for example

.education {
    &__item {
        margin-bottom: 0.5rem; // or some other value, you can play around!
        @include avoid-break;

4. That should work, I just gave it a try. I'm not sure what the issue might be. Is the title just still uppercase?

ygjose commented 3 years ago


No worries! I just tried again, and it didn't work. I guess the entire code is broken after my inexpert changes... I think I just leave it for the moment. I might pick it up in the future when I have more knowledge about css and html.

Many thanks anyway!