inejge / pwhash

A collection of password hashing routines in pure Rust
MIT License
60 stars 10 forks source link

scrypt/yescrypt support #20

Open orzechow opened 10 months ago

orzechow commented 10 months ago

Thanks for this nice and easy to use library! Meanwhile, most Linux distros included or even default to yescrypt for hashing user passwords (see also crypt.5 man page).

Any plans to include these into pwhash? :)

inejge commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the heads up, if an algorithm is in glibc it should also be in pwhash. I can't work on it right away, but it will be on my radar, and I'll keep this issue open as a reminder.

orzechow commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the quick response! That would be great!