inertiaui / modal

With Inertia Modal, you can easily open any route in a Modal or Slideover without having to change anything about your existing routes or controllers.
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`setPageLayout` does not have a matching export #59

Open Baspa opened 6 days ago

Baspa commented 6 days ago

I tried using the Custom App Mounting and imported initFromPageProps like in the docs:

import { ModalStackProvider, initFromPageProps } from '@inertiaui/modal-react'

    setup({ el, App, props }) {
        const root = createRoot(el);

                <App {...props} />

This results in the following error:

No matching export in "vendor/inertiaui/modal/react/dist/inertiaui-modal.js" for import "setPageLayout"

I also re-installed the package(s) following the installation page in the docs.

Please let me know if I can help in any way.