inet-framework / inet

INET Framework for the OMNeT++ discrete event simulator
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Run simulation with visualizer in Cmdenv #341

Open andyrochette opened 6 years ago

andyrochette commented 6 years ago


I was trying to simulate my network in Cmdenv, not only launch from it, but also run without GUI. As my network contains visualizer(s) and because visualizers are not used in Cmdenv, an error occurs :

<!> Error: Count not find map node in the scene -- in module (inet::OsgGeographicCoordinateSystem) EarthVisualizationExample.coordinateSystem (id=3), during network initialization

By specifying the configuration, you can reproduce the error with :

/c/omnetpp-5.3/samples/inet/showcases/visualizer/earth$ ../../../../../bin/opp_run.exe -u Cmdenv -m -n ../../../src:../../../examples:../../../tutorials:../..:../../../showcases/:../../../src/inet --image-path=../../../images -l ../../../src/INET omnetpp.ini -c DefaultSettings

The goal would be to run using or not the Cmdenv with the same code (.ini, .ned, .cc)


levy commented 5 years ago

This bug should be fixed by moving the osgEarth map from the visualizer into a standalone module where both the visualizer and the coordinate system module can access it.

ArtemiisFowl commented 5 months ago

I also face this issue with omnet 6.0. Are there any plans for fixing this? I would really appreciate it (and report testing)

levy commented 5 months ago

I changed this to be fixed in 4.6