inexorgame-obsolete / deprecated-cube-engine-inexor

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Grenade mania #100

Open Fransje opened 9 years ago

Fransje commented 9 years ago

Just a cool idea, I don't know if this is practical/doable/keeps-the-gameplay-balanced: If a grenade rolls onto a jumppad, push it up, just like a player. Maybe a little bit higher, to obey to the weight difference between a player and a grenade. Have grenades explode when they are being hit by a hitscan weapon. Maybe also if another grenade or a rocket explodes (very) close to it.

koraa commented 9 years ago


aschaeffer commented 9 years ago


Croydon commented 9 years ago

Even very small changes of the gameplay can have an enormous impact. It would make the whole thing more logically, but the weapon balance should be very good tested.

aschaeffer commented 9 years ago

weapons and projectiles based on the new entity system #78

a-teammate commented 9 years ago

To the projectile jumpad part: Nice idea, maybe we could test that. However (regarding the following), the pros (an improvement over the current effic) would need to overweight the cons (performance costs? ).

To the projectile hits projectile part: I already made such an implementation. It turned out it is not really noticeable (and even less exploitable/purposely doable). In usual effic duels with around 90-110 frags there were on average 2-5 such hits. If they exploded somehow, it was almost always on accident and therefore somehow surprising that the grenade exploded in the thin air (if it was even noticeable that it hasnt just exploded because its time was up) and in almost no cases (at least with the current speeds rockets/bombdelay for grenades) it was somehow giving effic another feature. I also promised myself more of that.

On the downside it would encourage cheaters to just aimbot on incoming rockets/grenades to avoid getting hit.