inexorgame / vulkan-renderer

A new 3D game engine for Linux and Windows using C++20 and Vulkan API 1.3, in very early but ongoing development
MIT License
756 stars 33 forks source link

Migrate to Conan 2.0 #522

Closed IceflowRE closed 1 year ago

IceflowRE commented 1 year ago

Follow up of

IceflowRE commented 1 year ago

Needs to be resolved first.

IceflowRE commented 1 year ago

Conan will/is removed as dependency manager. It did break the building from time to time, without changes from our side. This should not happen to a build/ dependency manager. In addition to other trouble we had with Conan and some lacking documentation, the consensus was to remove it and replace with CMake FetchAndDeclare. This requires us to manually update the versions and make sure they will work together, but is a lot easier to do from our side.