infctr / eslint-plugin-typescript-sort-keys

A linter plugin to require sorting interface and string enum keys
ISC License
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Consider sorting other types of enums? #72

Open zachbryant opened 6 months ago

zachbryant commented 6 months ago

I'm finalizing my branch before PR for #26 and I noticed the linter works just fine on other kinds of enums. For example, the test case enum U {c=1<<1, b, a} has no special work required to sort. Is there a specific reason to only sort string enums? If not, I'd propose changing the rule to just enum instead of string-enum.

I figured something such as changing rule names should be part of a major version change, might as well lump it in with the same PR

infctr commented 6 months ago

Hey, @zachbryant Thank you for your time and effort working on the issue! Let's add a new rule for that matter to make it backwards compatible, WDYT?

zachbryant commented 6 months ago

Sounds good to me