infer-actively / pymdp

A Python implementation of active inference for Markov Decision Processes
MIT License
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Is it possible to do model fitting using this package? #76

Closed yaowang1111 closed 2 years ago

yaowang1111 commented 2 years ago


I want to know if this package can fit model to behavior datas collected by my experiment? Or will there be future plans to implement this functionality?


conorheins commented 2 years ago

Hi @yaowang1111 , Thanks for your question -- unfortunately we can't do model-fitting yet, but this is high on the priority list. We are actively working on a new backend for pymdp that would allow us to fit the parameters of active inference POMDP agents using inference techniques from Numpyro, and to take advantage of GPU acceleration as well. I can't give you a timeline on this project at the moment, but I'll leave this issue open and update you with more information, once this functionality becomes available.

yaowang1111 commented 2 years ago

Actually I'm woking on an active inference simulation project using pyro. I think Active inference shouldn't be confined to discrete matrix situations. Generalising it to any general probablistic models would benefit the theory. And pyro seems to be a suitable tool. I have some very basic understanding of pyro now. Can i somehow participate in this new version, despite of my limited coding skills?

conorheins commented 2 years ago

Hi @yaowang1111, sorry for the late reply on this! That sounds really cool, namely doing active inference in pyro.

It would be great to discuss more the involvement in the numpyro version of the package. At the moment this is a side-project for both myself and the other person (@dimarkov) working on this project, so we haven't had a chance to work on it in a while. Once we've fired that branch back up I'll get back and touch and we can catch you up on what we've done so far

conorheins commented 2 years ago

I'm going to move this to a discussion since it's more relevant there.