inferno-collection / Weapons

Adds fire modes to the weapons of your choice, as well as more realistic reloads, and more.
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Client Side - Limp Issue #4

Closed Gregorsaur closed 4 years ago

Gregorsaur commented 4 years ago

When a person is injured, the limp animation will disappear after a very short amount of time (1/2 of a second)

However on another persons screen the limp will remain for a realistic amount of time until they are back at a decent health level.

cm8263 commented 4 years ago

Unable to reproduce. Could you provide some video of this occurring, as well as provide some server specs (including resources you're running) please?

cm8263 commented 4 years ago

Still unable to repo in testing, can you provide any further details?

cm8263 commented 4 years ago

Cannot repo and no further information provided.