Open taurusduan opened 5 months ago
To migrate ES data is not easy. I'm afraid you need google migrate data of ES from docker volumes.
You need to migrate all the following data :
esdata01 mysql_data minio_data redis_data
You need to migrate all the following data :
esdata01 mysql_data minio_data redis_data
你好,非常感谢。但是我这边遇到了问题。 es01: container_name: ragflow-es-01 image:${STACK_VERSION} volumes:
Describe your problem
services: es01: container_name: ragflow-es-01 image:${STACK_VERSION} volumes:
ragflow restart: always
mysql: image: mysql:5.7.18 container_name: ragflow-mysql environment:
ragflow healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "mysqladmin" ,"ping", "-uroot", "-p${MYSQL_PASSWORD}"] interval: 10s timeout: 10s retries: 3 restart: always
minio: image: container_name: ragflow-minio command: server --console-address ":9001" /data ports:
ragflow restart: always
redis: image: redis:7.2.4 container_name: ragflow-redis command: redis-server --requirepass ${REDIS_PASSWORD} --maxmemory 128mb --maxmemory-policy allkeys-lru volumes:
volumes: esdata01: driver: local mysql_data: driver: local minio_data: driver: local redis_data: driver: local
networks: ragflow: driver: bridge
我把目录都映射到当前,但是 - ./esdata01:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data 创建的时候会出现错误。不知道是不是还要修改什么地方。