infinispan / infinispan-operator

Infinispan Operator
Apache License 2.0
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installation without olm via helm or manifests #2150

Open travisghansen opened 2 months ago

travisghansen commented 2 months ago

I have many clusters I would like to roll the operator out to where olm is there not a set of raw manifests or some way to generate a helm chart that would be compatible with installing the operator?


tristantarrant commented 2 months ago

Have you looked at ?

travisghansen commented 2 months ago

Yes, that appears to not be the operator though correct? It’s a single install?

ryanemerson commented 2 months ago

Hi @travisghansen. It's possible to deploy the latest version of the Operator without OLM by logging into your k8s cluster and then calling make deploy. This will also install the cert-manager operator, if it's not already installed, as this is required in order for the Operator's webhooks to work as expected.

travisghansen commented 2 months ago

Awesome! I will look into that as it seems promising. Is it possible to just generate the yaml/manifests (ensuring no deps like cert-manager are included) without applying them? We manage everything via gitops so running that directly against a cluster isn’t really desirable either.

travisghansen commented 2 months ago

Digging into the Makefile to see if I can come up with something useful. I think I generally have a grip on running the kustomize commands to generate some files that could be appears to rbac pieces are configured to handle a single namespace, is it not possible to make the operator function in a cluster-wide fashion? or if I fixup the rbac bit and set WATCH_NAMESPACE to "" in the deployment it should work?

ryanemerson commented 2 months ago

if I fixup the rbac bit and set WATCH_NAMESPACE to "" in the deployment it should work?

That should work :+1:

You can use a kustomize patch for setting the WATCH_NAMESPACE and rbac should just be a case of converting the role and rolebinding to clusterrole and clusterrolebinding respectively.

Is it possible to just generate the yaml/manifests (ensuring no deps like cert-manager are included) without applying them? We manage everything via gitops so running that directly against a cluster isn’t really desirable either.

You could update the deploy target in the Makefile to remove the kubectl apply -f - part of the configuration and also remove the cert-manager dependency, e.g.:

.PHONY: deploy
deploy: manifests kustomize
    cd config/manager && $(KUSTOMIZE) edit set image operator=$(IMG)
    cd config/default && $(KUSTOMIZE) edit set namespace $(DEPLOYMENT_NAMESPACE)
    $(KUSTOMIZE) build config/default
travisghansen commented 2 months ago

Thank you for the pointers, I will see what I can put together and report back.

travisghansen commented 2 months ago

Is there a canonical way to determine which IMG version should be used given a particular tag/checkout of the repo? It appears there isn't an alignment between app versions and operator versions..

travisghansen commented 2 months ago

It's crude but functional I believe, any feedback about outcomes is appreciated:


# TODO: make cluster-wide optional
# TODO: make certs/issuer optional
# TODO: make `Role` / `ClusterRole` merging more sane with yq or similar

set -x
set -e


# clean up
rm -rf "${TMP}/${CHART}"

# checkout correct version
git clone "${CLONE_URL}" "${TMP}/${CHART}"
cd "${TMP}/${CHART}"
git checkout "${VERSION}"

mkdir -p _chart/crds
mkdir -p _chart/templates

# fixup rbac for cluster-wide
# this takes all the rules from the `Role`  and appends them to the `ClusterRole`
yq -M -e 'select((.kind == "ClusterRole") and ( == "manager-role"))' config/rbac/role.yaml > config/rbac/cluster-wide-role.yaml
yq -M -e 'select((.kind == "Role") and ( == "manager-role")).rules' config/rbac/role.yaml | sed 's/^/  /' >> config/rbac/cluster-wide-role.yaml
# this effectively deletes the `Role`
mv config/rbac/cluster-wide-role.yaml config/rbac/role.yaml

# remove the RoleBinding
yq -i -e 'del(select(.kind == "RoleBinding"))' config/rbac/role_binding.yaml

cd config/manager && kustomize edit set image operator=${IMG}
cd -
cd config/default && kustomize edit set namespace ${DEPLOYMENT_NAMESPACE}
cd -

cat << 'EOF' >> config/manager/kustomization.yaml

  - patch: |-
      apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: Deployment
        name: controller-manager
        namespace: system
            - name: manager
                - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE
                  $patch: delete
  - patch: |-
      apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: Deployment
        name: controller-manager
        namespace: system
            - name: manager
                - name: WATCH_NAMESPACE
                  value: ""

kustomize build config/default > _chart/templates/operator.yaml
# crds are included in the above
# kustomize build config/crd > _chart/crds/crds.yaml

# move into asset dir
cd "${TMP}/${CHART}/_chart"

# remove docs before we create invalid yaml with gotmpl logic below
yq -i -e 'del(select(.kind == "Namespace"))' templates/operator.yaml

# undesirable given we have leader-election and the main app, leader-election
# does not need cluster-wide access so blanket rewrite is less than ideal
#sed -i 's/kind: Role/kind: ClusterRole/g' templates/operator.yaml
#sed -i 's/kind: RoleBinding/kind: ClusterRoleBinding/g' templates/operator.yaml

#sed -i "s/namespace: ${DEPLOYMENT_NAMESPACE}/namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}/g" templates/operator.yaml
sed -i "s/${DEPLOYMENT_NAMESPACE}/{{ .Release.Namespace }}/g" templates/operator.yaml

# prepare Chart.yaml
cat << EOF > Chart.yaml
apiVersion: v2
name: ${CHART}
description: A Helm chart for ${NAME}
type: application
version: ${VERSION%%.Final}
appVersion: "${VERSION%%.Final}"

cd "${SCRIPT_DIR}"
helm package "${TMP}/${CHART}/_chart"
ryanemerson commented 2 months ago

Is there a canonical way to determine which IMG version should be used given a particular tag/checkout of the repo? It appears there isn't an alignment between app versions and operator versions..

Each operator version supports a range of Infinispan server versions, which is why there's no direct alignment between the two. The operator image always has the format<tag>, so to replicate a particular Operator release you could do something like:

  1. TAG=2.4.3.Final
  2. git checkout $TAG

You can view all release operator images at

travisghansen commented 2 months ago

Thanks, I found those images later and have the exact logic you have suggested in the script.

The main hacky / tricky thing in the script is I can’t actually simply rename Role to ClusterRole etc as the names collide with the existing Cluster* assets that already exist. So I had to do a sort of crude merging for now which could certainly be improved if I knew yq better..but so far so good. Will test some deployments today but logs are currently clean so I expect that to go well.

travisghansen commented 2 months ago

Testing has gone well, and at a minimum basic functionality works. I haven’t tested all the different resources but an infinispan and cache resource both seem to work.