infinitered / ProMotion-form

Deprecated -- use ProMotion-XLForm
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Issue with spaces #18

Closed andersennl closed 10 years ago

andersennl commented 10 years ago

I've just encountered an issue with spaces in a form. It happened in the simulator a cell which has a type :text attribute (seems to happen with other types as well). I haven't tested it on a real device yet. The issue is as follows: when I type a space, the cursor doesn't move, showing the space, until I write something else. When I type something else after the space, the space is shown at the correct place along with the other thing I typed. It's like the text field isn't reacting on the space being typed and therefore not showing it.

How can I help to fix this? Maybe a gist with my code?

jamonholmgren commented 10 years ago

I can't think of any way that PM-form would be causing this issue -- it's probably something upstream. You might want to try it with vanilla FXForms to start with, and if it's a problem with their system then submit an issue there.

It's a bit annoying to have to do this, I realize, but PM-form is essentially a thin wrapper that provides a ProMotion-like API to FXForms, so bugs of this nature almost certainly originate upstream.

jamonholmgren commented 10 years ago

I'll close for now -- if you see issues with PM-form specifically, I'll re-open it. Thanks for using the gem!

andersennl commented 10 years ago

I've deleted everything regarding cocoapods und did a clean rake pod:install. This actually fixed another problem I had regarding the datepicker. It showed, after changing the date, the whole timestamp in the cell's label, not just the date. Maybe this helps someone else having this issue.

I think I found the reason for the "space bug". It seems to be a UITextField issue.

Thanks a lot for creating this nice gem by the way!

jamonholmgren commented 10 years ago

Ah, okay, sounds good! You're very welcome @andersennl, thanks for using it!