infinitered / ProMotion-form

Deprecated -- use ProMotion-XLForm
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Multi-select options without bitfield? #20

Closed DiogoAndre closed 8 years ago

DiogoAndre commented 9 years ago

I tried to figure it out myself, but just kept hitting a wall. How can we have e field to be a multi-selectable options list without setting the type as :bitfield

It is possible with FXForms:

             // RegistrationForm.h
             @property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray *interests;

             // RegistrationForm.m
             //this is a multi-select options field - FXForms knows this because the
             //class of the field property is a collection (in this case, NSArray)

             @{FXFormFieldKey: @"interests",
               FXFormFieldDefaultValue: @[@"Videogames"],
               FXFormFieldOptions: @[@"Videogames", @"Animals", @"Cooking"]},

Maybe not possible at all because of how the form_data is transformed into a struct?


jamonholmgren commented 9 years ago

Hey Diogo! I don't have time to look into this right now but this should definitely be possible. I'll see if one of my devs can help out.

DiogoAndre commented 9 years ago

Hi Jamon! No big deal, I ended up going the bitfield way for now. Many thanks!

jamonholmgren commented 8 years ago

ProMotion-form has been officially deprecated. Thanks everyone!