infinitered / ProMotion-form

Deprecated -- use ProMotion-XLForm
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use FXForms method to tweak props w/o subclassing #22

Closed shreeve closed 10 years ago

shreeve commented 10 years ago

Allows one to "tweak some properties of the field cells, without subclassing them" as described at

jamonholmgren commented 10 years ago

I think this is a good idea. Could you add some tests?

shreeve commented 10 years ago

Not a very detailed test, but shows how to use it and verifies that it works.

ios 8 1 12b411 2014-11-12 01-51-09

jamonholmgren commented 10 years ago

Could you update the README in another PR? Forgot to ask you to do so beforehand. I'll push a new version with this when that's merged.

GantMan commented 10 years ago

@shreeve I'll take care of the readme.