Closed markrickert closed 9 years ago
Bacon::Error: not #<UIImage:0x1117c6550>.==(#<UIImage:0x1117cd040>) failed
spec.rb:769:in `satisfy:': RubyMotionQuery styler: UIImageView - should set a remote image URL string
spec.rb:783:in `method_missing:'
spec.rb:459:in `execute_block'
spec.rb:421:in `run_postponed_block:'
Bacon::Error: not #<UIImage:0x1117fb990>.==(#<UIImage:0x1117d99a0>) failed
spec.rb:769:in `satisfy:': RubyMotionQuery styler: UIImageView - should set a remote image with a NSURL instance
spec.rb:783:in `method_missing:'
spec.rb:459:in `execute_block'
spec.rb:421:in `run_postponed_block:'
Bacon::Error: not nil.==(nil) failed
spec.rb:769:in `satisfy:': RubyMotionQuery styler: UIImageView - should set a remote image and no placeholder
spec.rb:783:in `method_missing:'
spec.rb:459:in `execute_block'
spec.rb:421:in `run_postponed_block:'
Bacon::Error: #<UIImage:0x113201830>.==(#<UIImage:0x113201c70>) failed
spec.rb:769:in `satisfy:': RubyMotionQuery styler: UIImageView - should fetch the image from memory
spec.rb:783:in `method_missing:'
spec.rb:316:in `block in run_spec_block'
spec.rb:459:in `execute_block'
spec.rb:316:in `run_spec_block'
spec.rb:331:in `run'
118 tests, 154 assertions, 4 failures, 0 errors
OK, this should be ready to go. I even added a new test :)
bundle exec rake spec files='spec/ruby_motion_query/stylers/ui_image_view_spec.rb'
RubyMotionQuery styler: UIImageView
- should set a placeholder image
- should set a remote image URL string
- should set a remote image with a NSURL instance
- should keep the placeholder image when the remote image fails
- should set a remote image and no placeholder
- should fetch the image from memory
6 specifications (13 requirements), 0 failures, 0 errors
Nice. :shipit:
that remote image test i have seen fail on travis quite a bit actually...
Yeah, it fails all the time. And usually we can just restart it and it'll pass, but not this time. I've restarted it like 4 times. :cry:
It passes locally.
@twerth Can we release a new version with this fix in it?
Please release it, my search is broken :/
gem 'redpotion', github: 'infinitered/redpotion'
should do it for you till we get the next release out. Sorry for the delay!
We will be releasing a new version of ProMotion shortly, too.
Ok, thanks for the gem hint.
No problem. that basically uses the most recent version of the gem from github instead of the version released on rubygems. You can also specify branches if you want, but if you reference github and don't supply a branch parameter, it'll use master
I was actually going to ask just that in this moment but then saw that you already answered the question :smile: Thanks!
I had the same issue, thanks for fix it. Another thing is that "Cancel" button is not showing "Cancel" label, it is actually showing "...". :(
Also add search text to the example table screen in the app so that there are results when searching.
This should be merged asap and a minor version released since
searching is broken inv1.4.0
Closes #134