infinitered / solidarity

Solidarity is an environment checker for project dependencies across multiple machines.
MIT License
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build.gradle not found #234

Open kevinvangelder opened 5 years ago

kevinvangelder commented 5 years ago

Solidarity & solidarity-react-native are installed globally. solidarity snapshot worked fine, but solidarity returns:

✖ ./android/app/build.gradle not found
    throw up;

TypeError: Cannot read property 'getAndroidSDKInfo' of undefined
    at module.exports (/Users/kvg/code/apps/project/node_modules/solidarity-react-native/extensions/helpers/getAndroidEnvData.js:16:37)
tabrindle commented 5 years ago

I think this should fix it.

This was my bad. Upgraded envinfo in solidarity but not its usage in this plugin. 🤦‍♂️

Pushplaybang commented 5 years ago

@tabrindle @kevinvangelder I'm still experiencing this issue with the following deps:

   "solidarity": "^2.3.1",
   "solidarity-react-native": "^2.1.2"
is343 commented 5 years ago

I'm also still getting this.

   "solidarity": "^2.3.1",
   "solidarity-react-native": "^2.1.2"

I've got my android sdk path setup in ./android/

the Android section of my snapshot is reading as:

    "Android": [
        "rule": "env",
        "variable": "ANDROID_HOME",
        "error": "The ANDROID_HOME environment variable must be set to your local SDK.  Refer to getting started docs for help."
        "rule": "custom",
        "plugin": "React Native",
        "name": "androidVersion"

Solidarity is spitting out this error:

✖ The ANDROID_HOME environment variable must be set to your local SDK.  Refer to getting started docs for help.
✖ ./android/app/build.gradle not found

Solidarity checks failed.
error Command failed with exit code 1.

If I remove the Android section from the snapshot, everything passes, but that's obviously a less than ideal solution.

GantMan commented 5 years ago

Sorry for the delay on this. I'll be trying to take a look at this whenever I can.

I don't think that the current code actually adheres to, but it wouldn't be hard to add it if not. Would you be interested in adding that code? I'd be happy to assist you. If not, I'll keep it on my TODO, and update when I can take care of it.

is343 commented 5 years ago

@GantMan sure, I can do that. Would you mind helping me get started by pointing to where the logic is, or a general idea on what needs to be done?

GantMan commented 5 years ago


So in solidarity-react-native located here:

All the code for checking is here:

I hope this helps. Feel free to ask questions as you get started.

kaushal9678 commented 5 years ago

As @tabrindle mentioned above you can change following lines of code in directory

1st file to modify


add await before getAndroidEnvData

check: async (rule, context) => {
          const {
          } = await  getAndroidEnvData(context); 

2nd place to add in same file

report: async (rule, context, report) => {
          const { print } = context;
          const { colors } = print;
          const {
          } = await getAndroidEnvData(context);

2nd File to Modify

node_module/solidarity-react-native/helpers/getAndroidEnvData.js changes these lines

availableApiVersions: androidData["API Levels"],
availableBuildToolsVersions: androidData["Build Tools"],

like following

availableApiVersions: androidData[1]["API Levels"],
availableBuildToolsVersions: androidData[1]["Build Tools"],
loiclouvet commented 5 years ago

Thanks @kaushal9678. Should we merge this ?

FrederickEngelhardt commented 4 years ago

Will this be fixed?

GantMan commented 4 years ago

Would you like to send the PR? As long as it passes the tests, we can merge.

anfriis commented 4 years ago

Thanks, this fix works for me as well 👍🏼